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Bill Tracer

Spirals of Spirals of Variation 3 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    As per usual, I created the base image from which this work of art was derived, using the KPT filter and fractal generator, "FraxPlorer". Additional layers were also designed using the KPT filter "Texture Explorer", as well as the "Gradient Designer". Like so many of my works of art, I created this short series of 4 color variations by combining these and more filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Out of these procedures, which have lately taken on a rather Zen like character, Abstract Image 1306 emerged. I later gave it the more specific name, "Spirals of Spirals of Variation 3". It is the Second of this 4 color variation series, Spirals of Spirals of. This piece of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art, Spirals of Spirals of Variation 3, is now presented here at Bubblews in this square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spirals of Spirals of Variation 4 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    And lastly, I created the base image from which this work of art was derived, using the KPT filter and fractal generator, "FraxPlorer". Additional layers were also designed using the KPT filter "Texture Explorer", as well as the "Gradient Designer". Like so many of my works of art, I created this short series of 4 color variations by combining these and more filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Out of these procedures, which have lately taken on a rather Zen like character, Abstract Image 1307 emerged. I later gave it the more specific name, "Spirals of Spirals of Variation 4". It is the Second of this 4 color variation series, Spirals of Spirals of. This piece of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art, Spirals of Spirals of Variation 4, is now presented here at Bubblews in this square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spirals of Spirals of Variation 2 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using the KPT filter and fractal generator, "FraxPlorer", I created the base image from which this work of art was derived. Additional layers were also designed using the KPT filter "Texture Explorer", as well as the "Gradient Designer". Like so many of my works of art, I created this short series of 4 color variations by combining these and more filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Out of these procedures, which have lately taken on a rather Zen like character, Abstract Image 1305 emerged. I later gave it the more specific name, "Spirals of Spirals of Variation 2". It is the Second of this 4 color variation series, Spirals of Spirals of. This piece of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art, Spirals of Spirals of Variation 2, is now presented here at Bubblews in this square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spirals of Spirals of Variation 1 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using the KPT filter and fractal generator, "FraxPlorer", I created the base image from which this work of art was derived. Additional layers were also designed using the KPT filter "Texture Explorer", as well as the "Gradient Designer". Like so many of my works of art, I created this short series of 4 color variations by combining these and more filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Out of these procedures, which have lately taken on a rather Zen like character, Abstract Image 1304 emerged. I later gave it the more specific name, "Spirals of Spirals of Variation 1". It is the first of this 4 color variation series, Spirals of Spirals of. This piece of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art, Spirals of Spirals of Variation 1, is now presented here at Bubblews in this square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spirals Within Spirals - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    As has been the pattern of my last few posts, this postmodern contemporary abstract fractal art piece is another example of an older work of mine that I am now bringing forward and publishing for my Bubblews audience. In "Spirals Within Spirals" the same or at least similar patterns have a tendency to repeat, as is often found within fractal images. In this image we see spiral patterns within spiral patterns in an echoing display of fractal manifestation. I created this image with a combination of the programs XenoDream and Photoshop. The post work included creating the digital frame, and some filtering and layering effects, as well as adding my digital Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Pool of the Spiral King Variation 3 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using several KPT filters, most notably FraxPlorer, as well as other layering, filtering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop, I created this image in my Abstract Image series. First named Abstract Image 1069, I later renamed it "Pool of the Spiral King Variation 3". This is the variation 3 of a 5 piece series. I originally considered giving this series the title "Reflecting in the Pool of the Spiral King", but decided that was just too long. "Pool of the Spiral King" covers it just fine with a greater economy of words. This piece of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is now presented here in this square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Pool of the Spiral King Variation 2 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using several KPT filters, most notably FraxPlorer, as well as other layering and filtering effects in Photoshop, I created this image in my Abstract Image series. First named Abstract Image 1068, I later renamed it "Pool of the Spiral King Variation 2". This is the variation 2 of a 5 piece series. I originally considered giving this series the title "Reflecting in the Pool of the Spiral King", but decided that was just too long. "Pool of the Spiral King" covers it just fine with a greater economy of words. This piece of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is now presented here at Bubblews in this square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Pool of the Spiral King Variation 1 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using several KPT filters, most notably FraxPlorer, as well as other layering and filtering effects in Photoshop, I created this image in my Abstract Image series. First named Abstract Image 1067, I later renamed it "Pool of the Spiral King Variation 1". This is the variation 1 of a 5 piece series. I originally considered giving this series the title "Reflecting in the Pool of the Spiral King", but decided that was just too long. "Pool of the Spiral King" covers it just fine with a greater economy of words. This piece of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is now presented here in this square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Pool of the Spiral King Variation 4 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using several KPT filters, most notably FraxPlorer, as well as other layering and filtering effects in Photoshop, I created this image in my Abstract Image series. First named Abstract Image 1070, I later renamed it "Pool of the Spiral King Variation 4". This is the variation 4 of a 5 piece series. I originally considered giving this series the title "Reflecting in the Pool of the Spiral King", but decided that was just too long. "Pool of the Spiral King" covers it just fine with a greater economy of words. This piece of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is now presented here at Bubblews in this square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Pool of the Spiral King Variation 5 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using several KPT filters, most notably FraxPlorer, as well as other layering and filtering effects in Photoshop, I created this image in my Abstract Image series. First named Abstract Image 1071, I later renamed it "Pool of the Spiral King Variation 5". This is the last variation 5 of a 5 piece series. I originally considered giving this series the title "Reflecting in the Pool of the Spiral King", but decided that was just too long. "Pool of the Spiral King" covers it just fine with a greater economy of words. This piece of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is now presented here at Bubblews in this square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Cellular Spiral - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    As is often the case, I started with the KPT filter, "FraxPlorer". With that and other tools, like the KPT "Texture Explorer", I created this image using a variety of filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects, all in Photoshop. The end result was this postmodern contemporary fractal abstract work of art, which I first saved among my Abstract Images as Abstract Image 1252. When trying to figure out what I should give it as a final specific name, I noted that it reminded me of a spiral galaxy in its overall shape. Also the little globular forms brought living cells to mind. All of that led me to come up with the final name for this piece simply as, "Cellular Spiral". Cellular Spiral is now presented here a Bubblews in this square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spiraling Ascensions Variation 7 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Lastly, like all the rest of this series, I started off using the KPT fractal generator filter "FraxPlorer". With it, I created the base image from which this work of art was derived. I then followed up by putting that base image through a combination of additional filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Spiraling Ascensions Variation 7 was the result. This work of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is the final of a seven piece series of image variations that follow along the same general theme. At last, here we have Variation 7 of this series, presented at Bubblews in the square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spiraling Ascensions Variation 6 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Once more, just like all the rest of this series, I started off using the KPT fractal generator filter "FraxPlorer". With it, I created the base image from which this work of art was derived. I then followed up by putting that base image through a combination of additional filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Spiraling Ascensions Variation 6 was the result. This work of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is one of a seven piece series of image variations that follow along the same general theme. Here we have Variation 6 of this series, presented at Bubblews in the square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spiraling Ascensions Variation 5 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Just like all the rest of this series, I started off using the KPT fractal generator filter "FraxPlorer". With it, I created the base image from which this work of art was derived. I then followed up by putting that base image through a combination of additional filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Spiraling Ascensions Variation 5 was the result. This work of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is one of a seven piece series of image variations that follow along the same general theme. Now this is Variation 5 of this series, presented here at Bubblews in the square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spiraling Ascensions Variation 3 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using the KPT fractal generator filter "FraxPlorer", I created the base image from which this work of art was derived. I then followed up by putting that base image through a combination of additional filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Spiraling Ascensions Variation 3 was the result. This work of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is one of a seven piece series of image variations that follow along the same general theme. This is Variation 3 of this series that I am now presenting here at Bubblews in the square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spiraling Ascensions Variation 4 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using the KPT fractal generator filter "FraxPlorer", I created the base image from which this work of art was derived. I then followed up by putting that base image through a combination of additional filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Spiraling Ascensions Variation 4 was the result. This work of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is one of a seven piece series of image variations that follow along the same general theme. Here we now have Variation 4 of this series, presented at Bubblews in the square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spiraling Ascensions Variation 2 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using the KPT fractal generator filter "FraxPlorer", I created the base image from which this work of art was derived. I then followed up by putting that base image through a combination of additional filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Spiraling Ascensions Variation 2 was the result. This work of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is one of a seven piece series of image variations that follow along the same general theme. Variation 2 of this series is now presented here at Bubblews in the square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.
Bill Tracer

Spiraling Ascensions Variation 1 - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    Using the KPT fractal generator filter "FraxPlorer", I created the base image from which this work of art was derived. I then followed up by putting that base image through a combination of additional filtering, layering, and color enhancement effects in Photoshop. Spiraling Ascensions Variation 1 was the result. This work of postmodern contemporary fractal abstract art is one of a seven piece series of image variations that follow along the same general theme. Variation 1 of this series is now presented here at Bubblews in the square aspect ratio, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity.

Comprehensive Analysis: What Happens Next After Doc Dan's Departure - 1 views

In the world of Jinx Manga, the relationship between Joo Jaekyung and Kim Dan has always been complex, filled with tension and emotional depth. Following the dramatic departure of Doc Dan, fans are...

manga art jinxmanga

started by bradkensays on 14 Oct 24 no follow-up yet
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