Informe s/ BigData en el gobierno de UK - 1 views
Pablo Lalloni on 09 Jan 15"1. The Government has already made a commitment to Big Data by classifying it as one of the 'Eight Great Technologies' which will propel the UK to future growth and help it stay ahead in the global race. The 'Information Economy Strategy' reports on the increase in data being generated and the importance of new types of computing power in order to reap the economic value of the data. 2. This paper sets out to cover the following areas: a) Defining Big Data b) High-level trends in Big Data c) Opportunities for Big Data applications 3. In developing this paper, a 'community of interest' has been established comprising policy leads and analysts from across government with an interest in Big Data. This paper draws on their insights, insights from the private sector, academics, and the extensive open source literature on the Big Data topic."