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Pablo Lalloni

SubScript: Programming with event driven math & concurrent fun | Event driven math & co... - 0 views

    SubScript, a way to extend common programming languages aimed to ease event handling and concurrency. Typical application areas are GUI controllers, text processing applications and discrete event simulations. SubScript is based on a mathematical concurrency theory named Algebra of Communicating Processes (ACP). ACP is a 30-year-old branch of mathematics, as solid as numeric algebra and as Boolean algebra. In fact, you can regard ACP as an extension to Boolean algebra with 'things that can happen'. These items are glued together with operations such alternative, sequential and parallel compositions. This way ACP combines the essence of grammar specification languages and notions of parallelism.
Pablo Lalloni

non/spire · GitHub - 0 views

    Spire is a numeric library for Scala which is intended to be generic, fast, and precise. Using features such as specialization, macros, type classes, and implicits, Spire works hard to defy conventional wisdom around performance and precision trade-offs. A major goal is to allow developers to write efficient numeric code without having to "bake in" particular numeric representations. In most cases, generic implementations using Spire's specialized type classes perform identically to corresponding direct implementations.
Pablo Lalloni

ScalaNLP - 0 views

    ScalaNLP is a suite of machine learning and numerical computing libraries. ScalaNLP is the umbrella project for Breeze and Epic. Breeze is a set of libraries for machine learning and numerical computing. Epic (coming soon) is a high-performance statistical parser.
Pablo Lalloni

non/spire - 0 views

    "Powerful new number types and numeric abstractions for Scala."
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