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Pablo Lalloni

InfoQ: Grails Best Practices - 0 views

  • Prefer dynamic scaffolding to static scaffolding until the former no longer satisfies your requirements. For example, if only “save” action needs to be modified, you can override just that “save” action and generate scaffolded code dynamically at runtime.
  • To install any plugin in your application, it's better to declare it in BuildConfig.groovy rather than using the install-plugin command. Read this thread for a detailed explanation.
  • Always ensure that you include an externalized config file (even if it's an empty file), so that any configuration that needs to be overridden on production can be done without even generating a new war file.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Keep personal settings (such as local database username or passwords, etc) in a <Local>Config.groovy file and add to version control ignore list, so that each team member can override configuration as per their specific needs.
  • In Grails 2.0 “grails.hibernate.cache.queries = true" by default, which caches queries automatically without a need to add cache:true. Set it to false, and cache only when it genuinely helps performance.
    This article is a basic list of best practices that our Grails projects follow, gathered from mailing lists, Stack Overflow, blogs, podcasts and internal discussions at IntelliGrape.
Pablo Lalloni

[#AS7-3719] Grails app load with Jboss 7 - JBoss Issue Tracker - 0 views

    • Pablo Lalloni
      Aparentemente en los comments de mas abajo hay una solución propuesta por Graeme Rocher para deployar correctamente aplicaciones Grails en JB7+
    • Pablo Lalloni
      Marqué el comentario relevante con amarillo.
  • Hide Permalink Graeme Rocher added a comment - 19/Mar/12 12:52 PM Building the Grails war with: grails -Dgrails.project.war.osgi.headers=false war Will remove the OSGi headers from the WAR file which is what is confusing JBoss 7. The above can also be configured in BuildConfig.groovy
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