Silverpeas Project Web Site - Introduction - 0 views
Pablo Lalloni on 18 Apr 15"Silverpeas is an Open-Source Collaborative and Social Web Portal mainly used by our users to build an Intranet or an Extranet. The key words of Silverpeas are collaboration and social network. Atop of a collaborative bus and a social network engine, about 30 ready to use applications are freely available to share documents (EDM Electronic Document Management), to streamline project management, to manage content (CMS), and to optimize the management of knowledge and skills. Among the ready to use applications, you can find: EDM, Pictures Gallery, directories, calendars, workflow, forms, blog, wiki, forums, project management, and so on. It offers also a non-technical mechanism of delegation of rights and a powerful transverse taxonomy mechanism, that is coupled with the search engine, enable users to find rapidly the information they are looking for."