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Fred Delventhal

Map multiple locations by address or coordinates using spreadsheets | BatchGeo - 0 views

    "Have locations you need to map? Well try this free and unique tool to... * Map them using Google Maps * Publish a map on your Web site * Create a store locator * Get coordinates, print maps, and more!"
Fred Delventhal

Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming app - SpiderScribe - 1 views

    SpiderScribe is an online mind mapping and brainstorming tool. It lets you organize your ideas by connecting notes, files, calendar events, etc. in free-form maps. You can collaborate and share those maps online!
Fred Delventhal

Add Virtual Earth maps to your website - 0 views

    On this article we will talk about how to add a Virtual Earth map to your blogs using Windows Live Writer. Get the software from
Fred Delventhal

Exhibit Transforms Your Spreadsheet into an Interactive Web Page | Smarterware - 0 views

    Turn a boring old spreadsheet into an interactive web-based map, timeline, or table with some simple HTML using the free, open source Exhibit project. Exhibit takes data sets up to about 500 rows, plots locations on a Google Map, dates on an interactive timeline, and displays images and links in a tabular or thumbnail view. The viewer can sort, search, and filter data in any Exhibit view without reloading the page. You can make Exhibit do all this with a single HTML file and a spreadsheet-no hardcore programming required.
Fred Delventhal

GmapGIS - A web based GIS application to draw on Google maps: polygons, lines, markers ... - 0 views

Fred Delventhal

Animaps - Create and view beautifully informative animated maps, for free! - 0 views

    "Create and view beautifully informative animated maps, for free!"
Fred Delventhal

XMind - Social Brainstorming and Mind Mapping - 0 views

    Now open source!
    Using XMind/XMind Pro with's sharing service is a revolutionary way to enable both team brainstorming and personal mind mapping. With this major upgrade, we bring Web 2.0 concepts on community sharing into a popular desktop application. Our new Gantt chart view is a must for both junior and senior project managers. You'll find many more pleasant surprises with the new XMind product family.
Fred Delventhal

Certification Map | Where do you want to teach? - 0 views

Fred Delventhal

Slide - Any educator that buys wall maps or globes should be fired - Dangerously Irrele... - 0 views

    ...especially true if the classroom has a Smart Board
Fred Delventhal

Virginia Memory - 2 views

    Virginia Memory is part of the online presence of the Library of Virginia, the state archives and reference library at the seat of government for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Established in 1823, the Library maintains vast and varied collections of print materials, manuscripts, archival records, newspapers, photographs and ephemera, maps and atlases, rare books, and fine art that tell the history of the commonwealth and its people. Since the mid-1990s, the Library has digitized parts of the collections in an effort to make our materials more widely available to our online users.
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