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Fred Delventhal

Google For Educators - 2 views

    " Google Certified TeacherThe Google Teacher Academy is a FREE professional development experience designed to help K-12 educators get the most from innovative technologies. Each Academy is an intensive, one-day event where participants get hands-on experience with Google's free products and other technologies, learn about innovative instructional strategies, receive resources to share with colleagues, and immerse themselves in an innovative corporate environment. Upon completion, Academy participants become Google Certified Teachers who share what they learn with other K-12 educators in their local region. "
    Google Teacher Academy in DC
    Application now open for GTA DC, December 9th, 2009. Apply by midnight on November 9th, 2009.
Fred Delventhal

Explore the Arctic with GoNorth! - Free adventure learning for the K-12 Classroom at Po... - 0 views

    Enter to take part in this LIVE dogsledding adventure for explorers of all ages! For K-12 classrooms to unlock the interactive world of GoNorth!
Fred Delventhal

Google In the Classroom - Download Free Content from Michigan's MI Learning on iTunes - 1 views

    The use of technology in education provides powerful opportunities to engage students in authentic learning. Google has developed a suite of tools that can easily be integrated into K-12 classrooms to encourage collaboration and creativity. This course will provide educators with a basic understanding of various Google products and suggest ways to integrate those products into the classroom.  Hat tip to John Sowash
Fred Delventhal

Thinkfinity In Virginia - 3 views

    Thinkfinity content providers are as follows: * ArtsEdge, a program of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, provides art education resources. * EconEdLink, developed by the Council for Economic Education, offers economic and personal finance lesson materials for K-12 teachers and students. * EdSitement, from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Trust for the Humanities, includes information in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies. * Illuminations, created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), provides resources for teaching mathematics. * Literacy Network, a program of the National Center for Family Literacy and ProLiteracy, offers resources for literacy instruction and lifelong learning for adults and family literacy programs. * ReadWriteThink, from the International Reading Association (IRA) and the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), includes resources for reading and language arts instruction. * Science NetLinks, developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), provides standards-based science resources including downloadable 60-second science updates. * Smithsonian's History Explorer, created by the National Museum of American History, features resources and artifacts from the museum's collections. * Xpeditions, from National Geographic, offers geography resources including printable maps and an interactive atlas. Professional Development Thinkfinity provides a number of professional development opportunities. Many Virginia educators have become Thinkfinity field trainers through online training classes and have become certified trainers. Resources A special Educator section highlights the newest available resources. Correlations between the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) and Thinkfinity resources are available in the following Excel spreadsheets
Fred Delventhal

Public Performance Site Licenses for Schools - Show Copyrighted Movies in your School L... - 0 views

    FYI this is the one that covers our schools.
    Movie Licensing USA provides one-time and annual Public Performance Site Licenses so that K-12 schools can show movies legally for non-teaching activities such as Family Movie Nights, Before- After-School programs, Student Rewards, Holiday Events and more.
Fred Delventhal

Grade Level Chart of 21st Century Literacies Lessons - 0 views

    Lesson Grade Level Chart Which lessons are appropriate for your students? All schools are probably teaching many of the information literacy skills found in this body of lessons. Usually, individual teachers will tackle the process of plugging the gaps in their curriculum when an issue or opportunity arises. A sixth grade teacher may see the need to review note taking, while a high school teacher needs to re-introduce Boolean operators and review Citing Sources. Eventually, schools and districts will attempt to make sure the skills covered in these lessons are integrated into the K-12 curriculum. As a teacher, you can begin by looking at the chart below to see which lessons are appropriate for the age and abilities of the students you teach.
Heather Hurley

TEACH Enginieering - 0 views

    Free Engineering Curriculum for K-12
Fred Delventhal

Google Apps EDU - All of the Above - 0 views

    Building a 21st century school now has an easy answer: Google Apps Education Edition
    Building a 21st century school now has an easy answer: Google Apps Education Edition Google Message Security, powered by Postini, is included free for K-12 schools who sign-up by July 2010. No hardware to maintain, no software to install, no ads, and no cost for schools.
Fred Delventhal

Google Apps K-12 Lesson Plans using Docs, Sites, and Calendar. - 1 views

    via @rmbyrne
Fred Delventhal

Discovery Education - Inspiring Invention PSA Contest and K-12 Classroom Resources - 0 views

    Enter to win the Inspiring Invention Contest. Create a public service announcement that motivates others to get inspired and start inventing. Show us how invention enriches everyday life and your school could win a prize package from Sony Creative Software!
Fred Delventhal

Welcome! | Teachers Connecting - 0 views

    Ben Hazzard's new site
    This website is a virtual convener. It facilitates a 'handshake' between teachers interested in cross collaboration project. The comforts in connectivity, constructivism, and collaboration make this 'handshake' more intelligent. This virtual convener is based on connecting teachers using more than simply the grade level or location of classrooms.
Fred Delventhal

Google Apps Education K-12 webinar featuring Clarkstown Central School District - 4 views

    Join Google and Clarkstown Central School District in this webinar to learn how the district created a collaborative curriculum portal for teachers across all their buildings and campuses using Google Apps Education Edition. Hear what factors helped them decide to "Go Google" and the results they've seen with school staff and students since making the switch.
Fred Delventhal

Cybersafety Games (K-12) (Cybersafety Games) - 2 views

    "Looking for games online that might help students learn important cybersafety concepts? Add this collection from around the world to your digital citizenship training efforts. " via Dean Mantz
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