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Esfand S

Arachnid's bulkupdate at master - GitHub - 0 views

  • The App Engine bulk update library is a library for the App Engine Python runtime, designed to facilitate doing bulk processing of datastore records. It provides a framework for easily performing operations on all the entities matched by any arbitrary datastore query, as well as providing an administrative interface to monitor and control batch update jobs.
Esfand S

brad's life - Perl on App Engine - 0 views

  • we can build the start of an open source App Engine server clone that's suitable for many purposes:  initially just for regression testing & local development (like the "dev_appserver" that comes with the App Engine Python SDK), but perhaps in the future (once Hypertable/Hbase/etc are ready) a full stack to give to ISPs to let them run App Engine apps on their own.
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