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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Benjamin Young


Childhood Obesity - 0 views

    "Childhood Obesity." Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS. Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Yvonne Jackson, in the article Childhood Obesity, explains that obesity is one of the easiest medical conditions to diagnose, but one of the hardest to cure and or treat. Jackson supports her claim by explaining that to treat obesity one must be patient because there are no "overnight" cures. Throughout the article the author discusses that the only way to beat obesity is to be patient. Without patience one cannot hope to overcome obesity, this fact is made clear throughout the article. Jackson's purpose is to educate people about the cold hard facts of obesity. The article wasn't necessarily what we wanted to read, but it was what we needed. Yvonne Jackson discusses the hard facts about obesity and overcoming them. It is made clear very early in the piece that beating obesity is not easy, and will not happen overnight. It takes dedication and extremely hard work. Jackson also makes it clear that once the weight is lost it is very important to keep it off. I see myself using this source to show that it is essential that American children stay healthy because the road from obesity is not an easy one.

Obesity 'The UK's Leading Independent Health Website' - 0 views

    "Obesity." - The UK's Leading Independent Health Website. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. . Roger Henderson, in the article 'What is Obesity' explains that the body mass index (BMI) is used to determine if your weight is considered "healthy". Roger Henderson supports his claims by explaining that you are morbidly obese if your BMI is 40 or higher. The author's goal is to educate the public on obesity, as well as showing the public what a healthy BMI looks like. Henderson writes for anyone who is concerned about weight issues, and the guidelines, which one should stick to for a healthy life. This source's credibility is shown through the correct use of statistics (verified with another source), and because it was published on a well-known medical research website. Roger Henderson is the holder of a valid medical license. I see myself using this source because it is nothing like any of my other sources, it brings a new kind of information to the table. This article is a great article because it is so different.

'Obesity' Surgery - 0 views

    "Diseases & Conditions - The Mount Sinai Hospital." Home - The Mount Sinai Hospital. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. . Tish Davidson, in the Health and Wellness Resource Center, explains that obesity surgery is an operation that either reduces the size of the stomach or bypasses a part of the digestive system so that severely overweight people obtain fewer calories and can achieve significant weight loss. Davidson supports his claim by going into a deep description of the weight loss surgery and it's lasting effects. He explains the pros and cons of the procedure, however believes that if a patient is severely overweight the surgery may be the best option to reduce risk of obesity drawn illnesses. Davidson 's purpose is to let the public know that there is a solution to help victims of obesity loose weight and begin on a route to a healthier life. This source, published on a hospital website, is very credible. Davidson, a doctor who performs the specific procedure, wrote the article to not only inform people suffering from obesity of a potential cure, but also to inform them of the potential risks as well. The procedure as a whole is generally looked at as a positive thing, and is seen that way throughout the article. Tish Davidson uses his knowledge of the procedure to inform the audience of the effects it can have on his patients.

Weight Loss - 0 views

    "Obesity" (Weight Loss) Complete Medical Information on This All Too Common Disease on" Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Jerry R. Balentine, in the article 'Obesity' Weight Loss, explains that obesity is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount of body fat. Balentine supports his claim by explaining that obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. 1 in 3 Americans is obese. The author's goal is to let the public know how high the obesity rates have grown in the United States. Balentine writes to make it clear that America has an issue with obesity, and that if we do not do something about it, obesity will consume us as a nation. He makes it clear that stopping obesity starts with keeping our children healthy. This is an excellent source that I will surely use to show that obesity has reached epidemic proportions and must be stopped. Balentine qualifies his claim by using statistics that were found on a medical statement. Balentine has passion for the topic, which can be seen throughout the article. He states that not only is obesity a rising issue, but an epidemic. The author feels that if the problem at hand is not addressed soon it will continue to spiral out of control and take over us. This source differs from my other sources because this is the first source in which the author shows strong emotions within the piece. I can envision myself using this peace to show the emotions attached with obesity.

Obesity Among Children - - 0 views

    "Obesity Among Children -" Family Life, Child Development, Nutrition, Teen Health & School Safety - Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Alvin Poussaint. In the article Obesity Among Children (2007), explains that we need to prevent our children from becoming obese to stop the ever rising percentages. Alvin Poussaint supports his argument by explaining that the percentage of obesity has risen 30% in the last thirty years. Poussaint's purpose is to educate the public on a rising issue and prevent it from rising further. Poussaint writes to educate the parents of America and shed light on an ever growing issue. This is a reviewed medical statement, published on a well-know medical website. The author, Alvin Poussaint, used not only his own research but also that of others to support his claims. Poussaint is very passionate throughout the entire article. His purpose is to raise awareness of the risks and dangers obese children face everyday. This particular source differed from my others because it's soul purpose was to make clear the dangers of obesity among children. The article was written for parents of obese children.

Obesity In Children And Teens - 0 views

    "Obesity In Children And Teens." American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Web. 23 Nov. 2010. . Kyla Boyse, in the article, Obesity and Overweight, claims that obesity means having too much body fat. Boyse supports her claim by explaining that a child is obese if their weight is more than 20% higher than the ideal weight for a child of their age. Boyse's purpose is to explain the cut off weight for childhood obesity. She makes it clear that all it takes for a child to be considered obese is for them to be 20% heavier than the average cutoff for normal weight. Boyse gets right to the point eliminating any previous doubts on the subject of childhood obesity. The article "Obesity in Children and Teens" is a credible source because Kyla Boyse is a pediatric doctor posting about obesity. Along with the facts published about the cutoff for obesity in children Boyse also covers ways to prevent obesity. This source was published on a University website, therefore making it very useful and credible. I see myself using this site to establish just when a child is considered obese, and by doing so I can hopefully prevent them from ever getting that far.

Obesity & Overweight - 0 views

    "Obesity & Overweight: Your Child." University of Michigan Health System. Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Harper Collins, in the article Obesity in Children and Teens, explains that the problem of childhood obesity in the United States has grown considerably in recent years. Collins supports her claim by explaining that one in three Americans are obese. She qualifies this by showing reviewed data from a recent survey. The author's purpose is to inform the public that childhood is real and is a rising issue and needs to be dealt with. She explains that if obesity is not taken as a serious issue, it will become more and more dangerous. It needs to be stopped. This article is similar to a previous source of mine, and I chose it because the author has very similar views about child obesity as a previous author. This proves that it truly is an issue that must be addressed immediately. Collins' views on childhood obesity are that it must be made known that it is a ever rising issue and that if it is not addressed soon it will be a substantial hit on America's health. Because this source is similar to another I will be using it along with the other to show that this is a very serious problem within America.

Emotional Apsects & When to seek Help - 0 views

    "Obesity Facts, Causes, Emotional Aspects and When to Seek Help." WebMD - Better Information. Better Health. Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Jonathan L Gelfand, in the article What is Obesity, explains that obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories than he or she burns. Jonathan L Gelfand supports his claim by explaining that as you get older your body's ability to metabolize food slows down and you do not require as many calories to complete tasks. Gelfand's purpose is to explain to the public the signs and dangers of obesity. Gelfand takes all of the medical terms and translates them into everyday English; because of this his article is very relatable. The average person can now understand the underlying causes of obesity. The article by Jonathan L Gelfand is a fantastic piece because he talks to the audience in a way that is clear and to the point. Throughout the article there is never a piece of information that a child could not comprehend, which is very important because the subject, after all, is childhood obesity. I will use this piece to make it clear to everyone that childhood obesity is an issue and we need to do something about it.
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