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Jackie Le

Literary Reference Center - powered by EBSCOhost: The anatomy of a flashback: Use it sp... - 0 views

    Argument: Flashbacks, if utilized efficiently, can be a revealing part of a story. Claim: Flashbacks have to have a proper transition in and out of the story. They connect with the story and give more exposure however cannot deter from the main story itself so much that events are overshadowed. Make sure flashbacks are motivated Evidence: "By all means use flashbacks, but for good reason: not because you want to use them, but because your story demands them. Ask: Does the flashback deepen our understanding of a character or a relationship? Does it provide needed background? In the end, it comes down to what a story needs."

The Stranger: "Understanding the Author's Purpose" - 0 views

  • If the hero Meursault has a moral message—and the reference to him as a Christ figure would suggest that he has—it is one that plays a constant role in Camus’s thought; there are no absolutes to which one can adhere, only limits, and the vital nuances are played out within those limits. Total indifference and apathy allow others to act without limits. Meursault develops from an acquiescent figure who admits no limits to a combatant who claims the right to be different.
  • When The Stranger was first published in 1942 the aspect that evoked the most interest among critics was the use of the passé composé, the compound past tense, since the traditional tense used in literary narrative is the passé simple. Sartre, in his review of the book, comments that the effect of the passé composé is to isolate each sentence, to avoid giving any impression of cause and effect.
  • Meursault, who places no reliance on language, throws down the gauntlet but fails to justify his action in the eyes of the world.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • During the trial, it becomes clear that Meursault is being tried not for his action, but for his attitudes. The ironic presentation of the prosecutor’s arguments, in which the narrator’s use of free indirect discourse shows up the emptiness of the rhetoric, makes the trial seem farcical. Indeed one could assert that Meursault is innocent with respect to the invalid reasons for guilt attributed by the prosecution: “I accuse this man of burying a mother with a criminal heart.” The implications of “the void in the heart that we find in this man” are enlarged to the scale of “an abyss into which society could sink.” Meursault is accused of two crimes which he has not committed: burying his mother with a criminal heart (although psychoanalytical studies of this text have concluded there is some basis for his feelings of guilt at her death), and killing a father, since the prosecutor affirms in a flourish of rhetoric that he is responsible for the crime that will be tried in court the following day.
  • Metaphysical absurdity is mirrored by the social situation depicted in The Stranger; as Camus remarked, “The Plague has a social meaning and a metaphysical meaning. It’s exactly the same. This ambiguity is also present in The Stranger.” The injustice of that social situation is in turn reflected and complicated by the particular attributes of a colonial society. Meursault learns in the course of writing his life that it is not meaningless, and his desire to relive it is the first positive affirmation he makes.
  • One aspect of Meursault’s statement, which will be a constant in Camus’s ideas on rebellion, is the emphasis on the concrete and the present. The prison chaplain embodies exactly what Meursault rejects: a nonphysical relationship with the world and with human beings, a passive submission to the injustices of God and society, and a dogmatic faith in a better life in the future. Meursault is solidly involved in the here and now
    Argument In this article, author Susan Tarrow, contrary to the common belief that Meursault maintains the same passive attitude throughout the book, argues that he is instead a dynamic character who evolves through the course of the novel. She explains that Camus's clever use of language establishes a tone that forces many readers to be frustrated with Meursault. Claim Tarrow explains that Meursault is introduced as passive character whose attitude allows him to act with total disregard for others. By the end of the second part, he develops into a  staunch defender of his individuality; he maintains his right to not admit to believing in concepts that do not seem logical to him. Camus's use of passe compose, or compound past tense, maintains a passive tone and establishes the theme of absurdism. Meurasult does not make emotional connections to events which frustrates many people. His lack of language, or rationale for his action, seems insane but he simply does not feel the need for it. Evidence "If the hero Meursault has a moral message-and the reference to him as a Christ figure would suggest that he has-it is one that plays a constant role in Camus's thought; there are no absolutes to which one can adhere, only limits, and the vital nuances are played out within those limits. Total indifference and apathy allow others to act without limits. Meursault develops from an acquiescent figure who admits no limits to a combatant who claims the right to be different" (Tarrow). "When The Stranger was first published in 1942 the aspect that evoked the most interest among critics was the use of the passé composé, the compound past tense, since the traditional tense used in literary narrative is the passé simple. Sartre, in his review of the book, comments that the effect of the passé composé is to isolate each sentence, to avoid giving any impression of cause and effect" (Tarrow). "Meursault, who places no reliance on language, throws down
fassica tesfaye

"The Protagonist's Response to Power and Language in the Dystopian Nove" by Susan Eliza... - 0 views

    Argument: Novels can be classifies as dystopian if it contains certain factors that reveal language and discourse as a fundamental device of power. Claim: The society portrayed in Fahrenheit 451, shows that ignorance is shared amongst all the people in order to make sure that happiness is attainable for all. The use of language and power and discourse portrays the society's flaws and the need for change. In addition, the difference of power and language between each character displays the need to rebel against society Evidence: "The government of this society has perverted the meaning of happiness into basic hedonism so that happiness is attainable for anyone who is willing to buy into the array of commercial products" (valentine). "...discourse on commercial happiness feeds into the narcissism of people by depriving them of emotions and awareness beyond their own needs"(Valentine).
Luis Suarez

How Orwell mocked the idea of Utopianism - 0 views

    Argument: Marion Dalvai argues that a Utopia--the perfect society--is a fantasy due to the lack of perfection in the world. The idea to satisfy everyone equally in a society seems impossible and is ridiculed by Orwell. Since Winston is not satisfied, the idea of Emanuel Goldstein seems very appealing to Winston as he wishes to dissent from the party as much as possible. Claim: Orwell explains how a Utopian government fails to appease everyone. The narrator, Winston, is tired of long years of working and the lack of adequate care by the government. Due to this dissatisfaction, Winston relates to Emanuel Goldstein and the Brotherhood and their beliefs and wants to join the resistance. In essence, dissatisfaction in the government will eventually lead to the fall of the government, as seen throughout history, and Utopianism accelerates the process. Evidence: "He finds Goldstein to be an intelligent man with insight and vision; capable of analyzing the historical and social factors that led to the creation of the totalitarian state of Oceania" (Dalvai, 391). "Utopias reflect this inherent ambiguity: they are vision of good and possibly attainable social systems as well as fantasies of desirable but inaccessible perfection" (Dalvai, 388)
Gabriela Mako

Literature Resource Center - Document - 0 views

  • many scholars consider the novel to be dystopian (about a miserable society), and compare it favorably to adult classics like Brave New World (1933), Fahrenheit 451 (1953), and 1984 (1940) as well as to children's classics like the White Mountains (1967), and A Wrinkle in Time (1962).
  • capturing the moral imaginations of its readers
  • because it contains adult themes like infanticide (baby killing) and euthanasia (mercy deaths).
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • To the surprise and indignation of many of the novels' enthusiasts, The Giver, according to a report by the People for the American Way, was the second most frequently challenged book in 1996.
  • it is most realistic to respond to would-be censors' concerns by presenting a constructive reading of The Giver, a reading which is consistent with educators' efforts to discuss controversial scenes in sensitive and responsible ways.
  • The irony of censorship attacks on the novel is that The Giver dramatizes the plight of an individual living in a society that censors its peoples' language, emotions, and behaviors. This irony is compounded by the fact that most who would like to see The Giver censored confess that they have never read the novel in its entirety.
  • Would-be censors object to the scene because it is so graphic, and because it transforms Jonas's once beloved father into a cold-blooded murderer.
  • “release” is actually murder, that his people literally have limited vision (they can only see in black and white, so do not notice racial differences, or colors of any kind), and that his people have no way to think for themselves, or to make decisions without the Giver's help. (They have no memories of pain and pleasure, and they are sedated so as not to feel the “stirrings” of their own desire.)
  • Through Jonas, Lowry argues for the preservation of a kind of creative vision, a vision which every community needs if it is to benefit from its citizens' differences and input.
  • Here Lowry is suggesting that the vision of an artistic boy, who is open to ideas that exist outside of current paradigms of thought, is of the utmost importance to a society that has lost the ability to perceive differences.
  • Lowry is arguing for the preservation of a particular way of looking at the world that is essential to the survival of the human(e) race.
  • Had Jonas simply rejected his community (as a “lesser” character might have done), the novel would not have carried the same positive psychological impact. Jonas does initially feel contempt for his community, but he quickly develops the insights he needs to channel his anger into constructive actions
  • Lowry's novel is compelling, terrifying, and above all, hopeful. Through reading about Jonas, a boy who has the courage and vision to help his people to acknowledge their pain and differences, Lowry's readers can experience the joy of pushing “open the gate” [Lowry's metaphor] that separates them from Elsewhere. It would be hard to find a more appropriate message for youth, who are immersed in making important decisions about what kinds of people they will one day become.
    Argument: The Giver is not just a 'controversial' and 'banned' book, but it also has much more depth in it that meets the eye; set within a distopic setting, Lowry uses the setting to construct a way to see into today's morality code as well as the reader's. Claims: *Irony over the censorship of the book *different views on what the book's meaning(s) are Evidence: *Lowry foreshadows this perplexing but hopeful ending when she describes Jonas as Keeper of the "memories of the whole world." Her message, finally, is that one cannot ignore uncomfortable memories; one must embrace a "whole" vision, which contains joy as well as pain, if one (or one's children) is/are ever to feel "at home" in the world. *Through Jonas, Lowry argues for the preservation of a kind of creative vision, a vision which every community needs if it is to benefit from its citizens' differences and input. *The irony of censorship attacks on the novel is that The Giver dramatizes the plight of an individual living in a society that censors its peoples' language, emotions, and behaviors. This irony is compounded by the fact that most who would like to see The Giver censored confess that they have never read the novel in its entirety.
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