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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ellen L

Ellen L

Social Isolation May Have A Negative Effect On Intellectual Abilities - 0 views

  • Spending just 10 minutes talking to another person can help improve your memory and your performance on tests
  • The higher the level of participants' social interaction, researchers found, the better their cognitive functioning. This relationship was reliable for all age groups, from the youngest through the oldest.
  • The findings also suggest that social isolation may have a negative effect on intellectual abilities as well as emotional well-being. And for a society characterized by increasing levels of social isolation---a trend sociologist Robert Putnam calls "Bowling Alone"---the effects could be far-reaching.
    This article discusses how social isolation hinders one's ability to cognitively function on a normal level. Studies have been done showing that those who interact socially for 10 minutes before a test out-perform those who do mental exercises such as crosswords. By isolating himself, Victor faced the psychological effects described in this article.
Ellen L

Invisible Man and African American radicalism in World War II | African American Review... - 0 views

  • Invisible Man's continuing relation to the African American radicalism of its time helps explain the oft-noted ambivalence of its conclusion on such matters as artistic and political action and individual as opposed to group freedom.
    This article talks about the Invisible Man in a more historic and political context, examining different political atmospheres in Harlem and the brotherhood.
Ellen L - 0 views

    "Stereotype threat is a complex psychological phenomenon that occurs only when several related factors coincide. Research evidence shows that for people to be affected by it, they must be high performers-people who care about doing well, rather than people who have dissociated themselves from striving for high achievement" "They found that, after adjusting for initial differences in SAT scores, black students at Stanford University who took a challenging verbal test answered approximately 10 percent fewer questions correctly than whites did-but only if they believed that the test was a measure of their ability. If they were told that the test measured "psychological factors involved in solving verbal problems," the black-white test score difference was eliminated." This article discusses the negative effects stereotyping has on the sub-conscience and different triggers of invisibility.
Ellen L

Police Brutality: The Use of Excessive Force" - 0 views

  • In New York City in February 1999 Amaduo Diallo was shot 19 times and killed by four white officers who fired 41 shots at him. He had no criminal record and carried only a beeper and a wallet. The officers were looking for a rape suspect. Diallo did not even fit the profile except for the fact that he was a black man
    This article discusses police brutality cases, a reoccurring event in IM and Malcolm X. Often this brutality is a result of discrimination based on race, age sex, etc. 
Ellen L

Bellow's review of Ellison - 0 views

  • It is commonly felt that there is no strength to match the strength of those powers which attack and cripple modern mankind.
  • In all other parts of the country people live in a kind of vastly standardized cultural prairie, a sort of infinite Middle West, and that means that they don't really live and they don't really do anything. Most Americans thus are Invisible.
    This literary review of IM praises the plot line, and discusses its relevancy to not only Harlem, but everywhere in the world where a social norm has developed. 
Ellen L

Philosophy of Education -- Chapter 1: Pedagogy of the Oppressed - 0 views

  • oncern for humanization leads at once to the recognition of dehumanization, not only as an ontological possibility but as an historical reality. And as an individual perceives the extent of dehumanization, he or she may ask if humanization is a viable possibility. Within history, in concrete, objective contexts, both humanization and dehumanization are possibilities for a person as an uncompleted being conscious of their incompletion.
  • The oppressors who oppress, exploit and rape by virtue of their power, cannot find in this power the strength to liberate either the oppressed or themselves. Only power that springs from the weakness of the oppressed will be sufficiently strong to free both.
  • But almost always, during the initial stage of the struggle, the oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors, or "sub-oppressors." The very structure of their thought has been conditioned by the contradictions of the concrete, existential situation by which they were shaped. Their ideal is to be men; but for them, to be men is to be oppressors.
    this discusses the archetypal oppression situation. As one group is oppressed, before trying to liberate themselves, they try to conform to the way of their oppressors because they sub-consciously redefine what it is to be a human. We see examples of this in both Malcolm x and Invisible man.
Ellen L

The Oppression of Black People, The Crimes of This System and the Revolution We Need - 1 views

  • Conventional wisdom says that while some disparities remain, things have generally advanced for Black people in America and today they are advancing still. People like Obama and Oprah are held up as proof of this.
  • Take employment: Black people remain crowded into the lowest rungs of the ladder...that is, if they can find work at all. While many of the basic industries that once employed Black people have closed down, study after study shows employers to be more likely to hire a white person with a criminal record than a Black person without one, and 50% more likely to follow up on a resume with a “white-sounding” name than an identical resume with a “Black-sounding”2 name. In New York City, the rate of unemployment for Black men is fully 48%
  • Black infants face mortality rates comparable to those in the Third World country of Malaysia, and African-Americans generally are infected by HIV at rates that rival those in sub-Saharan Africa. Overall the disparities in healthcare are so great that one former U.S. Surgeon General recently wrote, “If we had eliminated disparities in health in the last century, there would have been 85,000 fewer black deaths overall in 2000.”5
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  • Or education: Today the schools are more segregated than they have been since the 1960s6 with urban, predominantly Black and Latino schools receiving fewer resources and set up to fail. These schools more and more resemble prisons with metal detectors and kids getting stopped and frisked on their way to class by uniformed police who patrol their halls. Often these schools spend around half as much per pupil as those in the well-to-do suburbs
  • People rebelled in hundreds of American cities,25 and the revolutionary stance of leaders like Malcolm X and forces like the Black Panther Party resonated with millions in the streets and campuses of the U.S. Many things fed into this—including, again, the international situation which, as pointed out earlier, was marked by a great upsurge in national liberation struggles and the influence of a socialist China under the leadership of Mao.
  • ome African-Americans were given opportunities to enter college and professional careers, and social programs like welfare, community clinics, and early education programs were expanded. Government spending for training and jobs that would employ Black people increased. Some discrimination was lifted in credit for housing and small businesses. Most of this was in the form of small concessions—not only did this not begin to touch the real scars of hundreds of years of terrible oppression, but discrimination continued in all of these arenas. Nonetheless, these advances were hardly insignificant.
  • To put it another way, the ’60s showed that when masses rose up in rebellion against the powers-that-be, and when that was coupled with a political stance that called out the system as the problem, and when a growing section of that movement linked itself to and learned from the revolutionary movement worldwide…well, when all that happened, you could radically change the political polarization in society
    The most relevant parts of this article are the introduction and the 60's section. These discuss the struggle of the black population and the impact of leaders like Malcolm X on society. 
Ellen L

Being Honest About Ignorance - The American Magazine - 0 views

  • ruth be told, we human beings are very good at refusing to accept facts or scientific evidence we do not want to hear. There is a long history of our doing so. It is a history that continues to this day.
  • In the nineteenth century, the predominant theory of ignorance was grounded in the notion of information access. People were ignorant, went the belief, because they did not have access to information. They could not know what they needed to know. From that follows the natural supposition that simply by finding a way of providing access to information, ignorance will depart, and knowledge will emerge.
    This approaches blindness from a bit of a different angle. the author brings up many of the publicly denied theories of scientists that, in their denial, caused severe damage. Similar to in these two books, it was not until people were awakened that improvement occurred. 
Ellen L

The Role of Education in Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right - Dhillon - 2010 - Educa... - 0 views

  • Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
  • Taking rights and obligations to be intimately tied within a full human rights educational regime, I argue for the role of education in establishing and realizing freedom from poverty as a human right.
    This discusses the importance of education in strengthening one's rights and realizing freedom from poverty. This connects to how Malcolm X and IM are increasingly able to exercise rights and control, as they become more educated. 
Ellen L

Booker T. Washington, Advocate for Education and First Principal of the Tuskegee Institute - 0 views

  • Washington had a controversial approach to education, but one that enabled him to raise funds and support from whites. Because education for African Americans was illegal during the years of slavery, many whites in the south were still opposed to the idea of education for all, and often institutions of education for African Americans were the target of hate crimes and vandalism.
  • Washington provided an industrial and agricultural education for his students, much like the education he received at the Hampton Institute, as a way of limiting the backlash against his school from whites.
  • He claimed that African Americans could advance their social status through hard work, without ending segregation.
    This discusses Washington's approach to the betterment of his race. Like many of the other approaches, education is a key point; however, unlike many others, Washington's approach lacks the action necessary for great change.
Ellen L

Frederick Douglass (July 10, 199) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin - 0 views

  • Although Douglass worked within a particular framework -- his own people's liberation -- he saw himself as part of the working out of the American experience. ... His enduring legacy forces us to think anew about the centrality of this historic tension between identities of race and nation
  • "Douglass pointedly rejected the concept of the United States as a white or racially exclusive nation. He envisioned a broadly inclusive America which transcended narrow and divisive boundaries like race.
    This sums up Douglass's ideology and is useful in explaining his impact on IM, and how his ideology changes as Douglass becomes his new hero.
Ellen L

An Appeal to the Conscience of the Black Race to See Itself by Marcus Garvey - 0 views

  • It is said to be a hard and difficult task to organize and keep together large numbers of the Negro race for the common good. Many have tried to congregate us, but have failed, the reason being that our characteristics are such as to keep us more apart than together. The evil of internal division is wrecking our existence as a people, and if we do not seriously and quickly move in the direction of a readjustment it simply means that our doom becomes imminently conclusive.
  • The Negro must be up and doing if he will break down the prejudice of the rest of the world. Prayer alone is not going to improve our condition, nor the policy of watchful waiting. We must strike out for ourselves in the course of material achievement, and by our own effort and energy present to the world those forces by which the progress of man is judged.
  • The Negro needs a nation and a country of his own, where he can best show evidence of his own ability in the art of human progress. Scattered as an unmixed and unrecognized part of alien nations and civilizations is but to demonstrate his imbecility, and point him out as an unworthy derelict, fit neither for the society of Greek, Jew nor Gentile.
    This highlights some of the ideals of Marcus Garvey. These strongly influenced Malcolm X's views on what his race should do.
Ellen L

The Future of Children - - 0 views

  • Goldthorpe posits three requirements for moving toward a less class-based society. First, the link between individuals' social origins and their schooling must increasingly reflect only their ability. Second, the link between their schooling and their eventual employment must be strengthened by qualifications acquired through education. And third, the link between schooling and employment must become constant for individuals of differing social origins.
  • But it seems clear that higher education does not promote social equality as effectively as it often claims to do and as it is popularly perceived to do.
    This article discusses how while education is important in achieving social mobility and success; however, economic status and ethnicity prevent it from allowing one to completely overcome these obstacles. This relates to how although Malcolm X was a great student, it was highly unlikely he could enter the position of a lawyer.  
Ellen L

Black Community/Black America - 0 views

  • It is not easy for the Black America to empower itself when all the odds appear to be against the community. Many members of Black America find themselves being afraid to participate openly in the political and economic processes that might empower the Black Community. This fear has led many in Black America to believe that they must exhibit a racelessness persona in order to achieve vertical mobility in America.
  • Education is a tool that Black America must use for social change, to educate its youths, and to correct the mis-education of and about the Black Community.
  • lack educators and writers must commit themselves to helping Black America define itself. The capacity to untangle the complex racial, social and cultural human experiences in the United States of America, that helped to define Black Americans, seems to elude the Black Community. Educators are needed to help untangle the meaning of racial stratification and its impact on the Black identity (politically, socially, culturally, and economically). Thus the identity of the Black Community suffers.
    This article discusses the course of action the author believes will most successfully mobilize the black community further.  Henry discusses the importance of education and identity in achieving social mobility.
Ellen L

Economic View: Does money buy happiness? - Business - International Herald Tribune - Th... - 0 views

  • hen inequality is high and growing rapidly, luxury purchases are sometimes as hard to ignore as a seven- foot sixth grader.
  • When "The Great Gatsby" was first published in 1925, income and wealth disparities were at record levels. It is thus no mystery that F. Scott Fitzgerald's saga of wealthy Americans during the Jazz Age became an instant best-seller.
  • But since then, it has again been rising sharply. Disparities today are once more at record levels, which may help explain the resurgence of interest in Gatsby.
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  • Researchers have identified other factors that affect happiness levels far more than income does. For example, happiness levels rise substantially with the number of close friends someone has. One of the most striking scenes in the novel is of Gatsby's funeral, which almost no one bothered to attend. In his single-minded pursuit of material success, he appears to have developed no real friendships at all.
    This article discusses The Great Gatsby's revived popularity as an effect of the increasing economic inequality between the wealthy and the poor as well as reasons contributing to his unhappiness, such as his lack of real friends. 
Ellen L

Being Someone Else - 0 views

  • The yearning to bridge this gap is most persistently and most romantically evoked in Fitzgerald, of course, in characters like the former Jay Gatz of Nowhere, N.D., staring across Long Island Sound at that distant green light, and all those moony young men standing in the stag line at the country club, hoping to be noticed by the rich girls.
  • Some novels trade on class anxiety to evoke not the dream of betterment but the great American nightmare: the dread of waking up one day and finding yourself at the bottom.
    This article discusses the acknowledgement of the social gap in fiction and the use of fiction to influence people's position on the gap. The Great Gatsby can be seen as an influence to bridge the social gap, as some feel bad for the class struggles preventing Gatsby from being with Daisy.
Ellen L

The Great Gatsby And The American Dream - Discuss Anything - 0 views

  • On the surface of The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald portrays a romantic love between a man and a woman, but inside the real meaning is much deeper. Fitzgerald depicts the 1920’s as a time of decay social and moral values, evidence of this is the greed and the pursuit of pleasure. Jay Gatsby’s constant parties epitomized the corruption of the American Dream as the desire for money and worldly pleasures overshadowed the true values of the American Dream.
  • It’s written in the American Constitution that every individual has the right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. This right it seems has taken a twisted turn in the early 1920’s.
  • . These materialistic values consequently led the decay of the American Dream. The new American Dream described by Fitzgerald portrays a world where greed, the pursuit of money and pleasure are above all else. Fitzgerald portrays a world that has lost its way in the corruption of the American Dream.
    "The pursuit of happiness soon turned into the pursuit of wealth and ultimately to greed" This relates to the capitalist business model seen in FFN, GOW, TJ and NaD in which all the business owners work to gain a profit, despite the situation they place their employees. Material wealth is seen taking over the ideals of society, a concept that the members of the Eggs exhibit through their ostentatious parties and affluence. 
Ellen L

The Demise of the 1920s American Dream in The Great Gatsby - - 0 views

  • the perception of the American Dream was that an individual can achieve success in life regardless of family history or social status if they only work hard enough.
  • Gatsby epitomizes the idea of self-made success; he is successful financially and socially and he essentially created an entirely new persona for himself from his underprivileged past. All of the wealth and status which Gatsby acquired, that while on the surface made his life appear to be the precise definition of the American Dream were actually elements which led to it’s demise.
  • “The culture of consumption on exhibit in The Great Gatsby was made possible by the growth of a leisure class in early-twentieth-century America. As the novel demonstrates, this development subverted the foundations of the Protestant ethic, replacing the values of hard work and thrifty abstinence with a show of luxury and idleness.” (Donaldson, 8)
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  • What Donaldson is implying here, is that the sudden wealth that many Americans began to acquire caused leisure and idleness to replace traditional ethics like hard work as qualities that were admired. None of the characters in The Great Gatsby seemed to care much about hard work once they had achieved their material goals.
  • The show of luxury and idleness that Donaldson talks about is best shown in Fitzgerald’s portrayal of Gatsby’s home and parties that for Gatsby were merely devices he used in a naïve attempt to win Daisy. Although he loves her, he undeniably also sees her as a material commodity, much the way he views his home.
    This site discusses The Great Gatsby as a image of the culture of the 1920s, including the significance of the automobiles and the american dream. Gatsby's objectification of people and need for material gain to reach his goals is connected to the growth of the leisure class during this time period, which is dubbed "a culture of consumption."
Ellen L

Women and Literature - 0 views

  • Because the widespread education of women was not common until the nineteenth century, the arena of British and American literature was once largely male dominated: the role of women was most often to inspire rather than to create. Since then, however, the literary contributions of women have become increasingly important. More and more women have become storytellers, poets and prophets, the authors of dreams and ideas--the voices to whom we listen.
    This site discusses the influence of women authors from the eighteenth and nineteenth century, once they became an educated force that was capabale of writing in a more public sense.
Ellen L

Women tend to be paid less than men. Time Magazine. - 1 views

  • That's because U.S. women still earned only 77 cents on the male dollar in 2008, according to the latest census statistics. (That number drops to 68% for African-American women and 58% for Latinas.)
  • Real or perceived, discrimination in certain sectors could discourage women from seeking employment there. A dearth of role models might, in turn, influence the next generation of girls to gravitate toward lower-paying fields, creating an unfortunate cycle
  • A 2000 study, for instance, famously found that after symphony orchestras introduced blind auditions, requiring musicians to perform behind a screen, women became more likely to get the gig.
    This article discusses discriminatory barriors women continue to face. This includes lower pay, the notion of sex-segregated professions, and the general preference of male workers to female workers in certain sectors of society.
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