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The0d0re Shatagin

Infographic: +/- Evaluating Educators on Student Test Scores | Edchat - 0 views

    A graphic to show the limitations of using student test scores to evaluate teachers
Sister Mary Jude Repinski

Google Forms: how to create a quiz or a test that automatically grades itself in Google... - 5 views

    making tests on google
    Thank you Sister. I can't wait to try this. I'll look at the Home site as well. Looks like there might be other useful tools.
    Thanks Sister! I hope you will stay on this even though you will be away from us physically. Travel Mercies to you and all tomorrow. I am looking forward to really delving into the books we were given at the conference. Take care.
Charles Belzner

Test Taking Tips - 1 views

    Great site to access strategies for enhancing test taking skills.
Ellen Mikula

Brainteaser: Ancient Egypt -- National Geographic Kids - 1 views

    How much do you know about ancient Egypt? Test your knowledge with National Geographic's Brainteaser quiz.
Ellen Mikula

Test Your Geography Knowledge - 1 views

    Clickable Map Quizzes - just click on the map to answer the questions. Great georgraphy practice for students in elementary school, middle school, high school, colleges and universities.
    I like this - especially projected with the class doing them all together - review, informal assessment, etc.
Trish Ziff

Bright Hub Home Page - 4 views

    Links to articles and educational resources
    Shakespeare we visited frequently in college with classroom analysis and with dramatic renderings onstage. The characters and lines, for me, do not lose their ring or relevance over time. Does anybody--either in jest (Wierd Al Jankovicz) or seriousness--try to put music to any of Shakespeare's work?
Trish Ziff

SAT prep - 0 views

    SAT Practice Tests
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