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Paul Kellermann

Andrew Mundi Principles of Graphic Design - 3 views

    Awesome Flash piece: a graphic design resource.
The0d0re Shatagin

Create iOS and Flash Games with Stencyl - 0 views

    Looks worth exploring - perhaps a Game Club or After-School activity to begin with. 
Sister Mary Jude Repinski

Google Forms: how to create a quiz or a test that automatically grades itself in Google... - 5 views

    making tests on google
    Thank you Sister. I can't wait to try this. I'll look at the Home site as well. Looks like there might be other useful tools.
    Thanks Sister! I hope you will stay on this even though you will be away from us physically. Travel Mercies to you and all tomorrow. I am looking forward to really delving into the books we were given at the conference. Take care.
The0d0re Shatagin

Blogger Templates - 0 views

    If you're going to be using Blogger as you blog, you might want to take a look at these templates.
The0d0re Shatagin

Teaching Tools: Using Online Simulations and Games | Edutopia - 1 views

    Edutopia article on Online simulations and games with links
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