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Planet Runner v1.06 Android Apk Game Download - 0 views

    Planet Runner v1.06 Requirements: Android 2.1+ Overview: Planet Runner, Robot Warrior Planet Runner, a charming fast paced jumping game! Planet Runner, Robot Warrior Planet Runner, a charming fast paced jumping game! How to play: - Tap screen or trackball to let Planet Runner jump. - You must jump over machines fast and carefully. - Long-distance jumping and continuous jumping would be a challenge. - High Score: Collect more plants and flowers, use less number of life. - High Rating: One-time clearance per level. If you finished 9 level easily, try hard difficulty! (easy | normal | hard) In a war-damaged planet, people have been evacuated, all creatures have disappeared. But this planet has not lost the last hope, a brave robot still stay in the ruins, he tried his best to collect the last lives in ruins, hoping to help people rebuild their homes one day. However, the legacy of the war machine is still active on planet, these bloodthirsty machines made endless destruction, little robot warrior must desperately running jump to avoid these terrible mechanical garbage. Robot Warrior is the last hope for this planet, he is Planet Runner!!!
Pooja Runija

Why Mobile Apps Development Is a Big Charm of Today's World? - 0 views

    Latest survey over 700 companies asking them if they have developed any mobile apps to help them with service, supply chain management, purchasing, logistics, maintenance or sales support. In answer, only 6% said "yes," which is very low rate among many smartphones and tablets in use by businesses of all category.
Pooja Runija

Why Windows10 is a Big Charm of 2015? - 0 views

    MICROSOFT this morning drew back the curtain on the operating systems by kicking off Windows 10 with a mob of business-friendly features and also with some surprises.
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