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Moeishia King

Why Smart People Are Stupid : The New Yorker - 0 views

  • intelligence seems to make things worse. The scientists gave the students four measures of “cognitive sophistication.” As they report in the paper, all four of the measures showed positive correlations, “indicating that more cognitively sophisticated participants showed larger bias blind spots.”
    • Moeishia King
      Could potentially be a great base for my research.
  • smarter people (at least as measured by S.A.T. scores) and those more likely to engage in deliberation were slightly more vulnerable to common mental mistakes.
  • Education also isn’t a savior; as Kahneman and Shane Frederick first noted many years ago, more than fifty per cent of students at Harvard, Princeton, and M.I.T. gave the incorrect answer to the bat-and-ball question
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The problem with this introspective approach is that the driving forces behind biases—the root causes of our irrationality—are largely unconscious, which means they remain invisible to self-analysis and impermeable to intelligence
    • Moeishia King
      Make sure to look more into because seems to be a start for an explanation.
  • Kahneman, who admits in “Thinking, Fast and Slow”
  • A bat and ball cost a dollar and ten cents. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
Katie Raborn

Babies Learn To Talk By Reading Lips, New Research Suggests - 0 views

  • developmental psychologist David Lewkowicz of Florida Atlantic University
    • Katie Raborn
  • Babies don't learn to talk just from hearing sounds. New research suggests they're lip-readers too.
  • 6 months, babies begin shifting from the intent eye gaze of early infancy to studying mouths when people talk to them.
    • Katie Raborn
      Babies study mouths at around 6 months
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • absorb the movements that match basic sounds
  • first birthdays, babies start shifting back to look you in the eye again
    • Katie Raborn
      by their first birthdays infants start looking in your eyes again.
  • University of Iowa psychology professor Bob McMurray, who also studies speech development.
    • Katie Raborn
  • quality face-time with your tot is very important for speech development – more than, say, turning on the latest baby DVD.
  • Other studies have shown that babies who are best at distinguishing between vowel sounds like "ah" and "ee" shortly before their first birthday wind up with better vocabularies and pre-reading skills by kindergarten.
  • babies also look to speakers' faces for important social cues about what they're hearing
  • So he and doctoral student Amy Hansen-Tift tested nearly 180 babies, groups of them at ages 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months. How? They showed videos of a woman speaking in English or Spanish to babies of English speakers. A gadget mounted on a soft headband tracked where each baby was focusing his or her gaze and for how long.
    • Katie Raborn
      Lewkowicz and Hansen tested how babies learn
  • They found a dramatic shift in attention: When the speaker used English, the 4-month-olds gazed mostly into her eyes. The 6-month-olds spent equal amounts of time looking at the eyes and the mouth. The 8- and 10-month-olds studied mostly the mouth.
    • Katie Raborn
      Different age groups studied the speaker differently.
  • At 12 months, attention started shifting back toward the speaker's eyes.
  • at 6 months, babies begin observing lip movement, Lewkowicz says, because that's about the time babies' brains gain the ability to control their attention rather than automatically look toward noise.
    • Katie Raborn
      At age 6 months babies brains gain the ability to control their attention.
  • Duke University cognitive neuroscientist Greg Appelbaum
    • Katie Raborn
Alexis Ramsey

Understanding General Canine Genetics - 0 views

  • In the dog, there are 78 chromosomes existing of 39 matched pairs which make up the dog’s “genotype”. On the other hand, the dog’s “phenotype” is what the animal actually looks like and this can be influenced by both environmental and developmental factors. For example, a dog’s adult size is partially determined by his genotype but is also influenced by such factors as health and nutrition as a puppy.
    • Alexis Ramsey
      Dog size depends on the dog's "phenotype". This is influenced by both environmental and developments factors. Such as the heath and the way the dog grew up.
  • Dr. John Hill 5658 E. 22nd Street Tucson, AZ 85711 (520) 748-1415
  • Each gene provides the genetic instruction to make one protein or control one function. For example, the genes tell the cell to produce a certain chemical or to produce a specific characteristic like blue eyes.
Zaphron Richardson

Human Vision Inadequate For Research On Bird Vision - 0 views

  • Through evolution, our colour vision has developed from a more primitive version.
    • Zaphron Richardson
      This is what made me look up about sight evolution in the first place. I wondered what colors that we cant see in the electromagnetic spectrum would look like, and perhaps humans used to be able to see more or different colors than we do now in earlier stages of our evolution. I then asked myself, what if the colors we see are the ones we need to survive? Maybe it is possible that those with a mutation that widened or altered the "visible" spectrum were not fit for survival long ago, and what we see now is the result of evolution of our species.
Zaphron Richardson

Birds evolved ultraviolet vision several times - 0 views

  • Ultraviolet vision evolved at least eight times in birds
    • Zaphron Richardson
      That would be pretty amazing to see in ultraviolet!
  • All of these are due to single nucleotide changes in the DNA.
    • Zaphron Richardson
      Could we alter dna for humans to see ultraviolet?
  • Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
    • Zaphron Richardson
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • nucleotide
    • Zaphron Richardson
      What is a nucleotide?
Zaphron Richardson

New study sheds light on how and when vision evolved - 0 views

  • phylogenetic relationships
    • Zaphron Richardson
      What are phylogenetic relationships?
  • opsin ancestor common to all groups
    • Zaphron Richardson
      What was the ancestor called?
  • National University of Ireland Maynooth
    • Zaphron Richardson
Katie Stevenson

Delivery By By C-Section Increases Risk Of Allergies In Childhood - 0 views

  • a Henry Ford Hospital study suggests that C-section babies are susceptible to developing allergies by age two.
  • was presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology annual meeting in San Antonio.
  • says Christine Cole Johnson, Ph.D., MPH, chair of Henry Ford Department of Health Sciences
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • C-section babies have a pattern of "at risk" microorganisms in their gastrointestinal tract that may make them more susceptible to developing the antibody Immunoglobulin E, or IgE, when exposed to allergens
  • Article Date: 26 Feb 2013 - 1:00 PST
    Could a C-Section increase the risk of allergies in children?
paul m

Engineers pave the way towards 3-D printing of personal electronics - 0 views

  • University of Warwick
    • paul m
      in the United Kingdom
  • A major advantage of using 3D printing is that sockets for connection to equipment such as interface electronics can be printed out instead of connected using conductive glues or paints.
paul m

Robots with lift: Researchers use combustible gases to power leaping machines - 0 views

  • 3-D printer.
    • paul m
      Maybe I could write an article on 3D printing. There's not much about that on Scijourner.
Brandon Moseley

Mars Curiosity rover explores 'Yellowknife Bay' - 0 views

  • Using Curiosity's percussive drill to collect a sample from the interior of a rock, a feat never before attempted on Mars, is the mission's priority for early 2013.
    • Brandon Moseley
      The new experiments that are taking place on Mars will hopefully lead to newly discovered usefulness of this one useless, barren planet.
Brandon Moseley

Melt water on Mars could sustain life, new research suggests - 0 views

  • Areas of the planet's northern and southern hemispheres have alternately thawed and frozen in recent geologic history
    • Brandon Moseley
      One of the biggest reasons living on Mars seems so impossible is the inexistence of water. With this new discovery, it could not just be possible, but probable, that solving the other issue of breathing could mean we could live on Mars.
  • suggests that water has played a more extensive role than previously envisioned, and that environments capable of sustaining life could exist, according to new research from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • One important common feature is the presence of permafrost and frozen subsurface water.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • hundreds of gullies on Mars and compared these with Svalbard, the researchers found evidence that the gullies on Mars were likely formed by melting snow and water erosio
Brandon Moseley

New NASA Mars rover to launch in 2020 - 0 views

  • "With this next mission, we're ensuring America remains the world leader in the exploration of the Red Planet, while taking another significant step toward sending humans there in the 2030s."
    • Brandon Moseley
      Currently Mars seems to be the most important aspect of space exploration. We are truly hoping that one day there can be humans on Mars. As of now however, a way to get a human back from Mars to Earth is not possible.
Moeishia King

The Dangers Every Woman Needs to Know About the Birth Control Pill / All Body Ecology A... - 0 views

  • And even scarier than the “mild” side effects are the serious health risks that accompany birth control pills. These include: , Increased risk of cervical and breast cancers Increased risk of heart attack and stroke Migraines Higher blood pressure Gall bladder disease Infertility Benign liver tumors Decreased bone density Yeast overgrowth and infection Increased risk of blood clotting
    • Moeishia King
      Thinking about doing Sci Journ on risks of birth control since so many women use it. Just getting an idea of where to start.
  • Some physical and emotional changes take place that are permanent while you stay on the pill. Many of these changes occur as your body’s response to synthetic estrogen. These changes include: Larger breasts Weight gain or loss Reduced or increased acne Slight nausea Emotional sensitivity right before your period Mood swings throughout your cycle Irregular bleeding or spotting Breast tenderness Decreased libido
    • Moeishia King
      Physical risks of using birth control.
Katy Wilson

Second-hand smoke linked to children's behavior problems - 0 views

    even second hand smoke effects pregnant people?
Katy Wilson

Frog-in-bucket-of-milk folklore leads to potential new antibiotics - 0 views

    From skin in the medicine? I wonder if people are willing to use it.
Katy Wilson

Not all gamers are low scorers on friendships, relationships - 0 views

    A lot of my friends are gamers and we still talk.
Katy Wilson

Lower drinking ages lead to more binge drinking, study of U.S. states finds - 0 views

    I'm glad that legal drinking age is 21 here.
Ronnice Moore

Video games help patients and health care providers - 0 views

  • n the Perspectives article, the team describes therapeutic video games, including their own Patient Empowerment Exercise Video Game (PE Game), an activity-promoting game specifically designed to improve resilience, empowerment, and a "fighting spirit" for pediatric oncology patients. The researchers also looked at other games that have been shown to help patients with several chronic diseases.
    • Ronnice Moore
      The team has their own therpudic video games for their patients as well as other games that are specifically designed to help patiences with chronical diseases.
  • A new publication by researchers from the University of Utah, appearing in the Sept 19 issue of the journal Science Translational Medicine, indicates video games can be therapeutic and are already beginning to show health-related benefits.
    • Ronnice Moore
      Recently Spetember 2012, reasearchers from University of utan idicates that video games can be therapudic and it already begins to show health related benefits.
Ronnice Moore

Texas A&M International University - Laredo, Texas - 0 views

  • Young adults—male and female—who play violent video games long-term handle stress better than non-playing adults and become less depressed and less hostile following a stressful task, according to a study by Texas A&M International University associate professor, Dr. Christopher J. Ferguson.
    • Ronnice Moore
      If this is factual then I will be excited that it is but has it been proven that it is factual?
  • “In this study, 103 young adults were given a frustration task and then randomized to play no game, a non-violent game, a violent game with good versus evil theme, or a violent game in which they played ‘the bad guy.’ The results suggest that violent games reduce depression and hostile feelings in players through mood management,” Dr. Ferguson explained.
    • Ronnice Moore
      If the id evidence that backs up the reason why video games help relieve stress, depression, etc then do they have statistics for it?
  • Ferguson said that the results of this study may help provide others with ways to come up with a mood-management activity that provides individuals with ways to tolerate or reduce stress.
    • Ronnice Moore
      Personally, when I play video games it distacts me form everything else. When Im mad one of the things that calms me down is playing video games. I've been doing that since I was 11 years old. If it's been working for me this long then I'm sure that my personal expierience with video gaming can back up this article.
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  • However, he suggested that video games could increasingly be used in therapy with young adults and teens.
    • Ronnice Moore
      The "news" is that video games are being used in therapy to help young adults and teens. But they're not just violent video games, they're also health related video games. They have certain workout games like dance dance revolution, the micheal jackson video game, just dance, (etc.) all kinds of games that help with therapy which has been proven to be sucessful.
Moeishia King

The Drugging of Our Daughters | Wellness Times - 0 views

  • Birth control pills are effective in preventing pregnancy 98 to 99 percent of the time, but at what cost? According to Planned Parenthood, their potential short-term side effects include bleeding between periods, nausea, vomiting and breast tenderness, and many women report weight gain and low sex drive. Serious side effects include strokes, hypertension, liver tumors and blood clots in the legs, lungs, heart and brain. It’s also common for long-term pill users to develop gallstones.
    • Moeishia King
      More risks of birth control....source seems reliable but will do more research to back it up.
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