Crib Guide from Consumers Perspective | The Baby Furniture Blog - 0 views
How to Baby-Proof Your Nursery | The Baby Furniture Blog - 0 views
Are You Aware of Uterine Polyps? - 0 views
The uterine polyp or endometrial polyp is an outgrowth of the endometrium, the lining that lines the inside of the uterus. This tumor is harmless and its size, number, shape, and composition are variable. A polyp can fill the entire uterine cavity, be it single or multiple or be it pedunculated (attaching to the uterus with one foot) or sessile (with a large implant base) in nature. It can remain contained in the uterine cavity, located in the cervix, or be externalized by the cervix into the vagina. When located near the end of the fallopian tubes, it can also interfere with fertility. Polyp should not be confused with uterine fibroids, which develops at the expense of muscle cells in the uterus. Both are different from having different natures. Click the link to read a complete blog on Uterine Polyps.
Uterine Fibroids: What Are They? - 0 views
fibroids are noncancerous tumors that develop along or inside the dividers of the uterus. They are comprised of smooth muscle cells, alongside modest quantities of different tissues. They extend drastically in size. Most ladies with fibroids (otherwise called leiomyomas) experience no side effects. Uterine Fibroids Symptoms may include stomach pressure, which can feel like totality in the pelvic locale or swelling in the pelvis or stomach. Huge leiomyomas can extend the lower stomach region, now and again giving the deception of pregnancy. You can visit Indira IVF for better treatment.
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