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Bryan Pregon

Bill C-309 | - 18 views

    OK so it is not being proposed in the USA, but this bill recently introduced in Canada is pretty interesting. Think about the people in our country who protest, but don't want their identity to be shown. Would you support this bill or not?
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    link seems broken... try this
    I think its a good law, people should be able to know who you are. If you really wanna protest, you shouldn't care.
    I believe that if you truly believe in the cause, then you should have to face the consequences, even if that means losing your job or your reputation and status.
    This bill makes sense. Public safety is at the forefront of this bill, if a protest gets violent or other harmful/unlawful acts occur the persons the are held responsible will be able to be identified. But looking at it from the other side, people might want to conceal their identity at protests, or the masks are part of their protest(example Anonymous). If this bill passes people will be made, if it doesn't pass other people will be mad. Who is the Canadian government ok will making mad?
    This bill should be passed because if you're risking yourself by already being there, you should have to show your face. Also, if the situation ever turned violent, that person wouldn't get away with it because their face wasn't exposed so they could be identified.
    I think that this bill should be passed because the police should have the right to identify anyone who is protesting. If you want to protest, protecting your identity shouldn't be a major concern because you would want people to know who you are, and what you are speaking out against.
    I think if you are going to protest, you are there for a reason, that you strongly believe in, so you should not want to hide who you really are
    It should be considered that this is a trade for security by means of liberty. Sacrificing freedom for a small degree of protection. If this bill passes, it could easily snowball to other things (this may be a bit of a reach) such as controlling what you can wear altogether just so that you can be identified at all times just in case you might be possibly considering intending to commit a crime.
    As said in earlier comments, I think that if you want to protest IN PUBLIC then the public has the right to know who you are. If you want you can protest in your house and no one needs to know who you are. But out side of you cant hide from the public if your are going to stand outside with a big sign and yell out things in front of people.
    I think this should be a bill that becomes a law.
    I see it as your there or your protesting for a reason so why hide it. If your protesting you believe something is ether wrong or right so why hide your believes. If you don't want to be seen or noticed here's an easy answer don't go!
    I think that you should be able to wear a mask, because if you're protesting something that you believe in, or don't believe in, than it is a personal matter and you should be able to conceal your identity from the public.
    I think it might be better if you have to register to be part of a protest but to have the list sealed unless things get violent
    I think that they should show there faces. Its there choice to go, so then show yourself, dont hide.
Josh Seyboth

Protestors call on Obama to reject Keystone XL pipeline - 0 views

    Less than two weeks after Barack Obama won his re-election campaign, protesters gathered Sunday to call on the president and his administration to reject the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, and to act on climate change.
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    I believe that it is totally okay for these people to protest. They are protesting based upon their beliefs and feelings, so they have a right to protest. They feel that expansion in the fossil fuel is going to impact our climate. This is a perfect example of where people are lobbying the Obama Administration through peaceful protest to effect a desired result and outcome of government action.
    as long as the pipe doesn't contaminate any water supplies I don't see a problem with it
    I find that there are two different sides to this story and for the most part both is good but one is better. The global temperature will be constantly going up no matter how green and organic America will be. There are other countries that are not able to contribute to going green. I find that the Keystone pipeline would be a good mission to strive for because of the state of America. We are not going to be the top of the line forever and maybe just maybe this project will keep us on the top longer.

google against SOPA - 0 views

    google has its logo "censered" today does anyone else know of any other sites?
    google news about SOPA protest Why is Wikipedia staging a blackout and what is SOPA?, from the National Post Wikipedia joins blackout protest at US anti-piracy moves, from the British Broadcasting Corporation Wikipedia blackout over US anti-piracy bills and FEATURE: Websites blackout over 'SOPA censorship', from Al Jazeera Wikipedia, Craigslist, other sites go black in SOPA protest, from the Los Angeles Times Google Rallies Opposition to Murdoch-Backed Anti-Piracy Bill, from BusinessWeek SOPA protest: The Net strikes back, from Politico Wikipedia blackout a 'gimmick', MPAA boss claims, from the Guardian Wikipedia 24-hour blackout: a reader and Why we're taking Wikipedia down for a day, from the New Statesman Internet-wide protests against SOPA/PIPA are kicking up a storm, by the Hindustan Times SOPA, PIPA: What you need to know, from CBS News Protest on Web Uses Shutdown to Take On Two Piracy Bills, from the New York Times Protesting SOPA: how to make your voice heard, from Ars Technica Why We've Censored, from Wired

Shia LaBeouf Arrested After Allegedly Attacking 25-Year-Old During Anti-Trump Protest - 33 views

    Shia LaBeouf was arrested in New York early Thursday during a protest against President Donald Trump after he allegedly attacked a 25-year-old man - and video of the entire incident was posted online. The 30-year-old actor was taken into custody around 12:30 a.m.
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    Not only did Shia have the courage to do this, but he kept going which was his mistake, and all outside the museum with his art in it. This could lead to multiple up riots, maybe even more violence. But Shia got off about scott free.
    If you don't know the background of Shia, you wouldn't understand why he went off like that. First off, the man he was yelling at was a neo nazi. He had said 1488 which is a reference to Hitler and the holocaust. Shia is Jewish, his name literally means praise god in Hebrew. Shia may have gone too far if it were just a common mistake, but when your ancestors have been killed in WW2, you're not going to be happy. He shouldn't have been arrested, the white supremacist should've for representing hate.
    I agree with Deven the man was just picking a fight and he got exactly what he wanted, nothing against Shia.
    I think it was wrong for that person to say that to Shia LaBeouf, that guy just want to see how mad he would get, most did it on purpose.
    I think that the guy got what he deserved. Maybe Shia shouldn't be so aggressive towards opposing sides of politics, like supporters, protesters, ect, but you can't fix or control somebody else's behavior and beliefs. So, since the man was pushing Shia's rage on and on, Shia snapped, and I believe the man got what he deserved.
    Everyone has there opinions and beliefs obviously and everyone is not going to get along, when you act out and hurt people for expressing there opinions you cant expect to not get punished. Especially when your around lots of people, you can't expect to not do or say anything.
    Shia could've used less violence but in a way I don't blame him because the man was saying things that were really bad and offended shia.
    I agree with Deven and Sydney. The man was representing hate and picking a fight. Shia wasn't all innocent but I don't blame him for his actions
    This is an example of growing tension between groups. nation seems divided by pro and anti trump people. the fact that people are speaking their mind is a positive, the fact that our president is causing so much negative uproar so early into his term is a negative.
    him using violence only builds support towards the opposite cause.
    The young man was representing hate and picking a fight. Shia wasn't innocent but I don't blame him for what he did.
    I agree with Jake, this fight shows the nation being further separated between pro-trump people and anti-trump people.
    I agree with Lauren that the man was picking a fight and I also don't blame Shia for his actions either.
    I don't think it was right for Shia to do what he did but I don't blame him and I see why he did what he did.
    I think this is kind of stupid, Shia should have had the self control not to get into that type of interaction especially because he's a well known person it kind of puts a shadow over him in some ways
    Shia should of had some self control, but I see why he did it and don't blame him as well.
    I agree with Deven. The Neo Nazi was just trying to pick a fight because he knew Shia's background. I understand why Shia did what he did but maybe he does deserve some type of consequence for his actions. Even though the man was trying to pick a fight Shia could've easily just been the bigger person and should've had the self control to walk away.
    The man he attacked shouldn't have said what he said so I think Shia was justified to do what he did. The man was asking for it.
    I don't blame Shia for fighting this man. Shia could have taken care of it in a different manner but it was out of reaction and the man was pushing his limits. Shia should have not been taken into custody for this.
    I think he did nothing wrong, he was defending what he stood for and the Neo Nazi was saying unfair things.
    I think maybe hitting him was going far but he was telling this man to knock it off by what he did to him which is because ti disrupts the social environment. That wasn't the place for someone to talk about hitler and i think it was fine that he taught that man a lesson.
    I don't think Shia is wrong for fighting the man, but she could of did something different then fighting him.
    I agree with most of the comments above, The man that Shia attacked should have not said anything to him because the guy just wanted a reaction from him. Also Shia was in the wrong for attacking the man, he could have just walked away and not put his hands on the man.
    I believe that the comments of the man who claimed victim were wrong. However, everything comes down to perspective. The whole debate is whether or not Shia being arrested for assault was right or wrong. Both sides are at fault. Shia should have had more control especially due to his celebrity standing. Everything a celebrity does is under close inspection and is able to be blown way out of proportion. The man was obviously saying the things he was to get under Shia's skin. However, assaulting someone with physical scrathches being documented is immature. Be the bigger person and walk away.
    Shia LaBeouf attacked a 25-year old man for saying "Hitler did nothing wrong" outsid eo ghis museum. I believe he could have handled the situation better than the way he did, i understand he was sticking up for what he believes in but he could have approached the guy a different way.
    With all due respect, I don't believe that most people saying that he should react differently would handle the situation peacefully. You'd be outraged if there was a genocide of Christians that had happened not even a century ago, and a random stranger (knowing you are of that religion) said something similar to "Hitler did nothing wrong", you'd be livid. It is essentially implying "they deserved it." Yes, he has a right to share his opinion. But opinions are more along the lines of "I prefer coffee over tea", not "I think that Jews are less than human, therefore Hitler did nothing wrong because they deserve to die." But it's not simply that, it goes beyond the Holocaust. Jews were the world's scapegoat for CENTURIES before the Holocaust. They've been targeted for centuries, and if I were religious and devoted to my religion and somebody said that to me. I'd more than likely react the same way. Yes, Shia deserved to be punished, he assaulted the dude. But the other guy had it coming for egging him on at what was supposed to be a peaceful protest.
    I think the man was trying to pull a publicity stunt on the actor because he's aware of some of his past actions and he purposely tried to get a rise out of him. Was it legal? Yes. Was it Right? No
    I agree with Reed, the person did this to get a rise out of the actor.
    The protester was clearly trying to upset Shia enough for him to attack him. Because once that happened, he was arrested and it was put all over the news, making him look like he attacked an innocent person for absolutely no reason.
Jeremy Vogel

Westboro Baptist Church Says It Will Picket Vigil For Connecticut School Shooting Victims - 1 views

    The Westboro Baptist Church, the controversial group known for protesting outside funerals of slain U.S. service members, announced that it will picket a vigil for the victims of Friday's Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the second-deadliest school shooting in American history.
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    KC news is reporting on petitions to have the Westboro Church classified as a hate group and remove their tax exempt status as a "church"
    I don't condone the activities of this group but they have freedom of speech and the right to do whatever they want with it no matter how hateful it is and people could have private funerals
    They should leave people be, to bad they most likely never will, Because the parents can't even stop them without likely being sued by Westboro.
    I do not agree with their way of think about homosexuals. I think that the church should mind their own business in their own sate. The parents and everyone should just ignore the Westboro Church.
    i think we should ignore the group otherwise we are giving them the attention they want.
    It is sad that this church will stoop this low to get their (totally invalid) point across. They are a bunch of idiots if you ask me.
    I think that they have the right to be there, but they should understand that this is not a good time to do this. They should understand how hard it must be for their parents, and would feel the same way if one of their children died. I also do not agree with the fact they blame homosexuality for all the problems and say God hates America. In reality God does not hate anyone because we are all his children.
    I can truly see the side of the Westboro Baptist Church but it does not mean that I agree with it. I find that America itself has quite a few strange beliefs itself defended by these rights. I don't have any means to go against these rights.
    I think that they have the ability to not allow the Church to protest.
    I'm all for free speech. But I think there should definitely be a line drawn as where freedom of speech ends.
    I hope they lose their tax-exempt status. Here's an article with more information on their 501(c)3 status and how they could lose it. Personally, I think their protests are clearly staged with the intent to influence politics. (They want gay marriage outlawed)
    well if the parents know they are gonna protest have the funeral be private so they can't protest

Deadline arrives, protesters remain at Occupy Los Angeles - - Kansas ... - 0 views

    LOS ANGELES (AP) - More than two hours after a deadline to vacate their encampment, Wall Street protesters in Los Angeles are showing no signs of retreating. And despite the midnight deadline for the hundreds of protesters to leave the camp at a park by City Hall, police have yet to take action.
Bryan Pregon

George Floyd killing: Minneapolis on edge again as historic trial set to begin | George... - 4 views

    "One of the most significant police trials in US history begins on Monday and as the former officer who killed George Floyd stands before a judge, a jury and the world, many in Black communities in Minneapolis are braced against the dread of justice not being served."
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    I think that if the officers don't get sentenced the correct amount of time they deserve, more protests could break out and many people will be upset.
    I think no matter what happens there will always be a protest or riot no matter what the decision is. The topic is so controversial that people will do anything to try and make their opinion right.
    No matter what people are going to be upset. Protests and riots will take place all over the country. There are so many different opinions and there will be so many clashes of opinions. I'll be interested to keep an eye on the news and what's going on, especially in bigger cities where the protests got kind of wild.
    I think that no matter what happens people will be upset and will want to protest and riot. There will be no decision that can please everyone therefore there won't be an end to this any time soon.
Melissa Christensen

Why Wal-Mart workers are striking on Black Friday - 0 views

    "Jeff Landry, an employee in Sapulpa, Okla., plans to join the protest. He works from 4 to 9 p.m. after attending school all day. When he was scheduled for a shift during class, Landry complained. He says his managers responded by cutting his hours from 40 to below 30 a week. This meant that Landry was no longer eligible for health care, since Wal-Mart requires workers to work an average of 30 hours per week to get benefits. "They tried all these tactics to get rid of me," he said."
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    Wow this is crazy! I would quit!
    Yeah it sounds crazy!
    protesting is a legal rght given to any united states citizen as long as they do it legally
    I agree partially with what the workers are striking for because Walmart is a crazy place every single day, especially around the holiday season. However, I do not think they need to demand better pay or more stable hours. Their average pay is 5 whole dollars above federal minimum wage, and there are plenty of people out there who work a different job with a lot more hours at irregular times for minimum wage and no benefits. Why should Walmart be any different? I feel as if they are striking for something they will not get.
    protesting is legal only if its non-violent so I think the had a right to go on strike.
    Civil Disobedience!

In D.C., Group Of Protesters Breaks Windows; Police Use Pepper Spray - 0 views

    An inauguration protest in Washington, D.C., turned confrontational on Friday, as several hundred black-clad protesters broke windows and police responded with pepper spray and a concussive device. The violence broke out in Northwest D.C., not directly along the parade route.
Danielle Peabody

Occupy protesters celebrate Thanksgiving - - 0 views

    updated 9:40 PM EST, Thu November 24, 2011 New York (CNN) -- Occupy protesters across the country celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday, bringing all the trimmings of a traditional meal to the unlikely location of a demonstration. In New York's Zuccotti Park, organizers said they distributed some 3,000 individually wrapped plates for what they described as an "open feast."
    At lease they had the chance to do something for the holiday and the gov didnt try to take that right from them to.

Protesters sue Trump after encounter with security - - 5 views

    Five men who describe themselves in a complaint as "human rights activists of Mexican origin" filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the Republican presidential candidate, his campaign, his company and Keith Schiller, Trump's chief of security. The plaintiffs allege that Trump security officials, namely Schiller, assaulted them as they protested outside of a campaign event.
    I feel like the activists were well within their rights and forcing the protectors to move the banner as well as striking one of them is very illegal and wrong. I agree with them that Trump would make this country racist, and he should be protested against as much as humanly possible.

Klu Klux Klan Protests Westboro Church's Protest - 2 views

    "When the KKK steps in as the voice of reason, you know you are dealing with the bottom-of-the-barrel crazy." -Very true. I don't usually approve of Anonymous, but it will be interesting to see what they do.
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    the KKK is just a racist, red neck group that hates all races besides Caucasians.
    It's a scary thing the KKK going up against Westboro there both prejudice against one thing or the other, In the end this could either make things MUCH worse or make them better.
    I find it interesting that the KKK is against what they're doing. Like the quote that Mallory posted said, you're clearly wrong and crazy if the KKK is against what you're doing.
    To funny, Anonymous is going after them! This is hilarious! Mallory, thank you for showing me this!
Bryan Pregon

Virginia Students Suspended After Protesting Confederate Flag Ban - NBC News - 22 views

    "More than 20 students at a southwestern Virginia high school were suspended Thursday after wearing clothing bearing the Confederate flag in protest of school policy."
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    I think that most of these students have as little or no knowledge of the flags origin and are just doing it to get attention and publicity.
    I agree with zayne
    I agree with zayne when he says they don't have that much knowledge about the flag because they said it wasn't about hate
    I think they are trying to just get attention from the school and social media they don't really know what the flag means or stands for.
    I think this whole situation is kind of blown out of proportion, Instead of expelling these students I think they should have dealt with the situation a little differently.
    I don't believe that it would disrupt their school. I also don't believe that the reason that they are wearing, flying, or painting the flag is racist. Like in Hannah's case she is using the flag to support her brother who served. When it is wrongly used I believe it can be racist but in this case it's not.
    I think that the school did the right thing banning the flag
    This is a touchy subject, however, i think it's unjust that they were suspended for showing their opinion. I disagree with the symbolism of the confederate flag because it is a racist symbol that encourages a war to keep slavery. But the first amendment protects our opinions and the ability to share and express them in speech, clothing, or whatever else. So according to the first amendment they are allowed and cannot be punished for showing this flag no matter how much others disagree with the meaning and symbolism.
    I agree with Zayne because they probably don't know much about it
    In the article I wanted to hear an actual explanation of what the flag means to them if they are just ignoring the history and origin of the flag, but there was none. They just said, "Welp I say it's not racist so..." and that was it. If they want people to respect them and want to be able to wear the flag they have to at least try to explain or persuade people that it's not racist and causing a problem.
    These people were not defending their right to free expression, as it was causing danger (the fights leading to the ban) so they shouldn't break the rules as they are constitutional. I agree w/ zayned
    I think that if they want to wear this flag on their clothes or whatever that's fine but they should also respect their school rules.
    i think anyone should be able to have the flag, wear the flag on clothing, etc, if its used for a good/right reason then i think it should not be banned.
    I think this is ridiculous and they should be able to wear it or display it if they want to. They shouldn't be stopped from expressing themselves just because some people interpret it the wrong way. Being from deep Missouri I've seen plenty of them and heard a fair amount of reasoning from it (most of it coming from heritage) and whether I disagree with it or not, they should be able to do what they want with it.
    They have the right to do wear what they want. school does not need to get involved with it. Its there right that is why we got the bill of rights so the GOVERNMENT or in this case the SCHOOL does not mess up with those peoples rights or anyone's right. The people who dont like it boo hoo they will have to deal with it. Its a right get over it period.
    This whole incident has some students result to threats and other violent ways, I think the school had a right to ban the flag because the student's behavior got out of hand and it is a matter of others safety.
    They shouldn't have banned their freedom of speech, because this sort of tells us that we don't have the right to have our own opinion.
    I think that many of the students should know the real meaning but they do those things to attract the attention of others and that way they publicize what they do. But they can also be badly informed and that way they do it without any idea of what it is really.
    I think that they had the right to have that flag on there shirts and cars because they are not using it for anything wrong, they are wearing it to show their family and to support people.
    I do not agree with the school banning the flag.
    I feel like if the kids have a legit reason to have the flag they should be able to have it. But if its just for hate they shouldn't.
    Though it would be nice why they would explain why its racist, but they never did, but overall I believe these people are making this a bigger deal just for attention.
    The students who are representing the flag may represent it for their own reason but if it offends other people because it's known widely for the racism coming from it in history.
    The flag was created to show the support for slavery, it was the face of the southern states, the reason they flew it high and proudly was to fight FOR slavery, not just to show pride. It was offensive then, it's offensive now.

North Dakota Pipeline: Protesters vow to stand ground - 0 views

    Since late summer, protesters have stood beside members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota who believe the $3.7 billion pipeline project, which would move 470,000 barrels of crude oil a day across four states, would affect its drinking water supply and place downstream communities at risk of contamination from potential oil spills.
    I think this is ridiculous. The pipeline is off of their grounds, and is on property purchased by Energy Transfer Partners. This is out of their control and they deserve to be arrested for trespassing (which they are) and the government should be able to use force to remove them from the site (Which they are also doing).
Bryan Pregon

Trump travel ban: Here's what you need to know - - 8 views

    "Trump travel ban: Here's what you need to know"
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    I don't think trump should've did the ban because people are trying to escape out of where they live. I like how Canada was saying how they'll take them in so they know that they are welcomed.
    I thought America was supposed to help other countries and work with other countries, not ban travel and trade to those countries.
    His executive order is causing mass confusion all over. First the Homeland Security officials weren't given guidance about how the order would be effect everyone, then Trump apparently never ran the order by officials at the Justice Department. then people who were in the air flying weren't allowed to enter because they came form one of the seven countries even when they had a valid green card and visa! I think that trump needed to have a better plan in place rather than just jumping in on something he didn't think enough about.
    Trump said he was going to do these things in his campaign, but now that it's really happened people feel they need to protest everything. I think these next few years we'll have the most protest ever.
    I agree with kenzie because people are taking it so far with the protesting when then knew this was going to happen when Trump became president.
Bryan Pregon

DC preps for 'Day Without an Immigrant,' but Hill takes little notice - - 2 views

    "Immigrants and supporters are planning to strike Thursday in a protest loosely organized by social media and word of mouth. The goal is to demonstrate the importance of immigrants to society, as the Trump administration continues to pursue hard-line enforcement policies that advocates fear will disrupt communities and the economy."
    I think is was a very cool way of being able to show just how important immigrants are to this country. This is the types of protests that really make a different in a very peaceful way I don't see why anyone would be mad about this-- other than them not getting tacos.
Bryan Pregon

Occupy protesters sue New York City over pepper spray incident | Reuters - 2 views

    i hope the protesters win
Bryan Pregon

Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter considering "nuclear option" to protest SOPA | Ex... - 12 views

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    i think that this would be an extremely effective option and would pose a giant problem if these websites shut down, even for a day especially if it was google.
    hahahahahahahahahaha! i wonder how the government will react to this protest. Are they going to start arresting all of the employees of these componies. this will be interesting.
    Companies** And i think this is great.
    hey dustin! keep your fancy spelling to yourself sir!
Bryan Pregon

President Obama Signs the Honoring America's Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Famil... - 1 views

    Second, the law prohibits protests at military funerals in the two hours immediately prior to and following a military funeral -- a measure, the President said, that will ensure that our servicemembers get laid to rest with "the utmost honor and respect."
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