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Bryan Pregon

Remembering the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - CBS News - 4 views

    RBG death sets the stage for even more 2020 political drama. If you read other stories about the battle to fill her vacancy, pay attention and post to Diigo; we will certainly be discussing this in class.
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    RBG is someone to definitely look up to, I admire her perseverance to reach her goals for society. She deserves to be remembered as she wanted to be. Hopefully, as a society, we can all preach together what she fought so passionately for.
    RBG was a key aspect of women earning some very basic rights in this country and should be looked at as nothing less than a catalyst of equality. This vacancy does pose some concerns as to who will be appointed and whether or not Trump even holds the right to place someone on the court at this moment in time
    RGB was someone who fought for equal rights for women and the LGBT community and it seems scary for the future since she was one of the only ones stopping their rights being revoked. :( Her legacy and goals should be remembered and we should keep fighting for what she was working so hard for.
    RBG fought tooth and nail for equal rights for women and LGBT+. Her legacy is tremendous and she is for sure a very respected political figure. I think a lot of people are now scared about what is going to happen with her death and what it means as to who will fill her position. I know there are some people who are are saying that someone needs to be appointed right away, but her final wish was that her spot not be filled until after the election.
Michael Keller

Did Ice Cube Help Trump Create Plan for Black Americans? | AllSides - 1 views

    Idk, I think it's funny how most of Hollywood said they'd never support Trump but some of them ended up liking him.

Why young people who protested for George Floyd question the power of voting | AllSides - 2 views

    Many could be questioning if they should vote or not because they're not sure if they'll receive justice if they vote or not. Plus, they don't want these issues to keep happening.
    I listened to a podcast that also mentioned many "black" voters will not be voting until they can receive something tangible like they were promised in the past. If this is true the Democrats or Joe Biden will not win the election.

Biden gains on Trump, leads most swing states in this week's polls - 0 views

    I wouldn't know who to vote for, to be honest, I hear bad things from both of them.
Michael Keller

Cumo Under Consideration - 0 views

    I dunno, I kinda don't agree with those who have been in power helping out their friends who have also been in power. Like Biden should pick some new people as opposed to people who haven't done anything with their political power for the past 20+ years
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