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Erica Modzelewski

Pbl Pers. Unit - 1 views

Tracy Watanabe

The Digital Curriculum Part 2… Nine Amazing Free Digital Curriculum Resources... - 0 views

  • First… lets take a look at the free  (or almost free) resources provided below
  • 1. Khan Academy As the site states… watch, practice… learn almost anything. There are over 3,100 videos in multiple STEM areas
  • You also may wish to look for videos or activities using the Common Core at any level of math by exploring Khan’s Common Core Page.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • 2. MIT Blossoms BLOSSOMS video lessons are enriching students’ learning experiences in high school classrooms for students across the globe. This amazing video library contains over 50 math and science lessons, all freely available to teachers as streaming video and Internet downloads and as DVDs and videotapes
  • The lessons intersperse video instruction with planned exercises that engage students in problem solving and critical thinking, helping students build the kind of gut knowledge that comes from hands-on experience. By guiding students through activities from beginning to end, BLOSSOMS lessons give students a sense of accomplishment and excitement. You can even check these lessons out by standards.
  • 3. Curriki  This is the community of K12 open resources. Currently Curriki has 6.5 million users and contains over 40,000 K12 free learning resources
  • You may also wish to explore Wikijunior, a project  to produce age-appropriate non-fiction books for children from birth to age 12
  • 5. HippoCampus This amazing resource claims to be teaching with the power of media. HippoCampus is a project of the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education (MITE)
  • 6. WikiBooks Welcome to a collection of open-content textbooks collection that anyone can edit. The Wikibooks collection currently contains 2,443 books with 40,980 pages.
  •  Wikibooks is for textbooks, annotated texts, instructional guides, and manuals
  • As a general rule only instructional books are suitable for inclusion
  • 4. NROCK The National Repository of Online Courses (NROC) is a growing library of high-quality online course content for students and faculty in higher education, high school and Advanced Placement
  • Wikijunior books are produced by a worldwide community of writers, teachers, students, and young people all working together
  • 7. CK12 Interactive Book I bring this amazing resource up because it is a a relatively new initiative. The community at CK12 Flexbooks and Wolfram Alpha have combined efforts to bring you this awesome Interactive Algebra Book. 
  • 8. Flexbooks I did include this in the last post but wanted to make sure it was added to the list. So… what is a FlexBook?  They may be best described as customizable, standards-aligned, free digital textbooks for K-12 education. FlexBooks are customizable textbooks that teachers can use online,via  flash drives, CD’s, or as printed books.
Delia Flores

Free Project Based Learning Resources That Will Place Students At The Center Of Learning - 0 views

    Free Project Based Learning Resources That Will Place Students At The Center Of Learning
Delia Flores

Edutopia - Core Strategy: Project-Based Learning - 0 views

    Why Teach with Project-Based Learning?: Providing Students With a Well-Rounded Classroom Experience Project-based learning helps students apply what they learn to real-life experiences and provides an all-around enriching education.
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