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Susie Highley

Assessment and Rubrics - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 1 views

    Rubrics for just about everything, including social media projects
Susie Highley

New York's School LIbrarian Evaluation Rubric - 0 views

    This rubric from New York is also based on Danielson's work.
Susie Highley

ILF 2022 - AISLE Rubric Workshop - Google Slides - 0 views

    The Rubric Presentation from ILF22
Susie Highley

School Librarian-PSEL Competencies: Building our Expertise - Todaro ALA Initiative SCHO... - 0 views

    Part of the Libraries Transform Initiative; bridge to new standards. Contains many rubrics and connections.
Susie Highley

SchLibMediaProgram_Rubric.pdf - Google Drive - 0 views

    North Dakota's rubric to evaluate librarians, modeled on New York's
Susie Highley

Librarian Evaluation Rubric Evidence Master - Google Slides - 0 views

    From the great presentation at ILF22. You can use this to track your evidence of fulfilling the domains.
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