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Ian Yang

AIRTIGHT - AutoViewer Download - 0 views

    AutoViewer is a free Flash image viewer. AutoViewer is designed to display a linear sequence of images and captions. AutoViewer is easy to use with your images (see instructions below). Demo: AutoViewer Demo Download: Download AutoViewer (zip file - 54k) Features: Auto-Play allows you to view a gallery hands free. Displays image captions and gallery title as a text overlay. Intuitive image navigation via mouse.Keyboard navigation (Spacebar, cursor keys, 'Home', 'End' keys) Interface rescales to fit any aspect ratio images and monitors.Lightweight (34k). Image pre-loading to prevent waiting for each image to load. Cross platform - Windows/Macintosh (requires Flash 8 or higher).Flash 8 detection. Users without Flash 8 are redirected to an upgrade page. Free!
Ian Yang

Lightbox 2 - 0 views

    Overview Lightbox is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers. What's New in Version 2 Image Sets: group related images and navigate through them with ease Visual Effects: fancy pants transitions Backwards Compatibility: yes!
Ian Yang

COLOURlovers Coup.0 :: Color Trends & Palettes - 0 views

    Dig in the the trend of colors before it's all too late!
Ian Yang

Big Cartel » Bringing the Art to the Cart - 0 views

    Big Cartel helps you create a shop to sell your goods online with as little fuss as possible.
Jungle Jar

JungleJar | 11 Free Desktop Graphic Editors of Quality - 0 views

    This article features some of the more useful and free desktop graphics editors I've come across whether you're creating/editing an icon, a vector file or otherwise. I hope that everyone finds this article useful, and I also hope that it's read before you shell out $300 for a commercial graphic editor elsewhere. What you will not find in this article are the more well known image editing applications such as The Gimp
    Looks like it's about time for me to learn some new tricks! ;)
c newsom

FontStruct | Build, Share, Download Fonts - 0 views

    Create and share fonts online.
Ian Yang

ArtLex Art Dictionary - 2 views

    Dicitionary for artists, collectors, students and educators
    in art production, criticism, history, aesthetics, and education
Ian Yang

lines and colors :: a blog about drawing, painting, illustration, comics, webcomics, ca... - 1 views

    If you are a heavy reader or want to be one, this blog is perfect for you.
    a blog about drawing, sketching, painting, comics, cartoons, webcomics, illustration, digital art, concept art, gallery art, artist tools and techniques, motion graphics, animation, sci-fi and fantasy illustration, paleo art, storyboards, matte painting, 3d graphics

Buy Facebook 5 Star Reviews - 100% Non-Drop,Safe,Real 5 Star Reviews - 0 views

    Facebook is a great marketing tool for businesses. You can use it as a way to increase your visibility and get more customers. You can also use this platform to advertise your business and promote products, services or events that you offer. However, if you don't have any reviews on your page then it will be hard for people to find out about these things because they won't know much about your brand or what makes you different from other companies in the area

Buy Pinterest Accounts - 100% Aged Accounts For Sale - 0 views

    Pinterest account is a visual bookmarking tool that allows you to "pin" images, videos and other content that you find on the web. Your pins can be arranged into boards, which you can share with others. Using Pinterest, you may share your interests with others and find new material.

Buy Facebook Ads Accounts - 100% Cheap Verified BM For sale - 0 views

    Facebook is a social networking website with over 2.2 billion active users. It has become one of the most popular platforms to host and share content, communicate with people and build businesses. In order to use Facebook, you need to have an account. If you don't have one yet then follow this guide on how can you get started -
  • ...2 more comments...
    Can you buy a facebook ads account ? Yes, you can buy a facebook ads account. If you are looking for a reliable and affordable platform to promote your business on Facebook, then we are here to help you with that. We have been providing our customers with the best services since 2010 and have helped them reach out to millions of people across the globe. Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Our team of experts has developed an excellent reputation over time due to their exceptional skills in handling complex projects related to social media marketing. They have also gained enough knowledge about how this platform works which enables them make informed decisions regarding buying advertising space on it or not.
    Facebook ads are the most effective way to reach your audience. You can create and manage them for free, but they are not free from cost. If you want to use ads as a promotional tool or growth strategy, then having an ad account will help you in this matter.
    Facebook is a social networking website with over 2.2 billion active users. It has become one of the most popular platforms to host and share content, communicate with people and build businesses. In order to use Facebook, you need to have an account. If you don't have one yet then follow this guide on how can you get started -
    Facebook is a social networking website with over 2.2 billion active users. It has become one of the most popular platforms to host and share content communicate with people and build businesses. In order to use Facebook you need to have an account. If you don't have one yet then follow this guide on how can you get started - art
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