AIRTIGHT - AutoViewer Download - 0 views
AutoViewer is a free Flash image viewer. AutoViewer is designed to display a linear sequence of images and captions. AutoViewer is easy to use with your images (see instructions below). Demo: AutoViewer Demo Download: Download AutoViewer (zip file - 54k) Features: Auto-Play allows you to view a gallery hands free. Displays image captions and gallery title as a text overlay. Intuitive image navigation via mouse.Keyboard navigation (Spacebar, cursor keys, 'Home', 'End' keys) Interface rescales to fit any aspect ratio images and monitors.Lightweight (34k). Image pre-loading to prevent waiting for each image to load. Cross platform - Windows/Macintosh (requires Flash 8 or higher).Flash 8 detection. Users without Flash 8 are redirected to an upgrade page. Free!