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c newsom

NYPL Digital Gallery | Ehon: The Artist and the Book in Japan - 1 views

    An extensive collection of interior illustrations from Japanese books.
c newsom

Giotto (Ambrogio Bondone - 1267-1337) - 0 views

    Good images. Extensive set of frescoes and wooden panels available in detail; small and large sizes.
c newsom

Welcome to the William Blake Archive - 0 views

    Extensive, outstanding and comprehensive resource for William Blake's work. Indexed and highly searchable.
    This is the sort of website that I would love to visit (and study) religiously.
Scheiro Deligne

esther*havens : humanitarian photographer - 1 views

    Esther Havens is a humanitarian documentary photographer who focuses on social-awareness campaigns with non-profits around the globe, capturing stories that transcend a person's circumstance that reveal the strength of an individual regardless of the situation in which they find themselves. Esther has traveled extensively to over 40 countries and seeks to open hearts and minds to see the third world conditions in a way that might challenge them to make a difference. Her photographs have been displayed in various exhibits across the country. She currently resides in Austin, Texas and New York City and continues to travel on assignment.
c newsom

The Mid-Century Modernist - 1 views

    A blog devoted to extensive research into Mid-Century Modern design including architecture, interiors, products, film, TV, fashion, etc. Lots of quality images.
Ian Yang

VirtueMart: Your free e-commerce solution. - Welcome... - 0 views

    Thinking about starting a webshop so you can sell your lovely pictures or magnifient paintings? I guess we are all in the same boat. My first choice would be Shopify (just look at how many ppl have saved it on!), but for a Trial/Free account, very very sadly, you take up to 5 oders, w/o SSL security or domain name, and that pushes me into looking for a perfect plan B. I found VirtueMart, haven't tried it but it looks very promising. Just look at Demos for some real actions; worried 'bout support already, I'm sure that a bunch of know-it-alls on Fourm would love to give you a hand.

    - ian

Yinglai 5.9" Natural Crystal Animals, Ocean Jasper Penguin, Crystal Gifts For Him - 1 views

    Your are looking at Crystal Carving - Ocean Jasper Penguin. This one has its unique pattern and colour combination which easily catches your eyes and makes a stunning home decoration Ocean jasper resonates with the complexity of the extensive oceans, it reminds us to live with an open heart and a peaceful mind, open to the infinite possibilities of life. It encourage a feeling of joy and peaceful spirits,helping us activate the energy of the Law of Attraction in our lives.

Yinglai 5.9" Lifelike Ocean Jasper Penguin, Natural Crystal Animals Decoration, Cr... - 1 views

    Your are looking at Crystal Carving - Ocean Jasper Penguin. This penguin figurine is just simply amazing, its fur is decorated with beautiful and colourful spirals, circles in pink , purple, yellow and green, and looks as if she is thinking of somthing, she is a beauty with mind, and a stunning home decoration Ocean jasper resonates with the complexity of the extensive oceans, it reminds us to live with an open heart and a peaceful mind, open to the infinite possibilities of life. It encourage a feeling of joy and peaceful spirits,helping us activate the energy of the Law of Attraction in our lives.

Yinglai 5.9" Ocean Jasper Penguin, Natural Crystal Animals Decoration, Healing Cry... - 2 views

    Your are looking at Crystal Carving - Ocean Jasper Penguin.This penguin carving has its brown costume and looks sedate which makes a beutiful home decoration or as crystal animal gift. Ocean jasper resonates with the complexity of the extensive oceans, it reminds us to live with an open heart and a peaceful mind, open to the infinite possibilities of life. It encourage a feeling of joy and peaceful spirits,helping us activate the energy of the Law of Attraction in our lives.
Ian Yang

The Meaning of Art - Chinese Art Introduction by Herbert Read - 1 views

  • The history of Chinese art is more consistent, and even more persistent, than the art of Egypt. It is, however, something more than national. It begins about the thirtieth century B.C. and continues, with periods of darkness and uncertainty, right down to the present century. No other country in the world can display such a wealth of artistic activity, and no other country, all things considered, has anything to equal the highest attainments of this art.
  • Chinese technique is amazingly simple: it involves the knowledge of the use of one brush and one color—but that brush used with such delicacy and that color exploited with such subtlety, that only years of arduous training can produce anything approaching mastery. As is well known, the Chinese normally write with a brush, and a brush is as familiar to them as a pen or pencil is to us. The first fact to realize about Chinese painting is that it is an extension of Chinese handwriting. The whole quality of beauty, for the Chinese, can inhere in a beautifully written character. And if a man can write well, it follows that he can paint well. All Chinese painting of the classical periods is linear, and the lines which constitute its essential form are judged, appreciated and enjoyed, as written lines.
  • Throughout its history, then, Chinese art conceives nature as animated by an immanent force, and the object of the artists is to put themselves in communion with this force, and then to convey its quality to the spectator.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • the most distinctive variations are due to religious influences, to Buddhism and Confucianism. No doubt, as always, these religions gave a tremendous impetus to artistic activities of all kinds. But they also did a lot of harm – Buddhism by its insistence on a dogmatic symbolism, always a bad element in art; and Confucianism by its doctrine of ancestor worship, which was interpreted in art as crude traditionalism, requiring the strict imitation of ancestral art. But in spite of these limitations, perhaps in some sense because of them, Chinese art maintains its vitality, reaching its highest development in the Song period, a period which corresponds roughly in time, and even more strikingly in mannerism, with the early Gothic period in Europe.

Buy Verified Stripe Account - 100% Company Doc's Verified, - 0 views

    Can I get an old verified Stripe account? Yes, you are free to open a new Stripe account. But, there are a few compelling arguments in favor of purchasing a confirmed one. A verified Stripe account has a few important advantages, to start. The ability to accept payments from popular credit cards like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express is only one benefit. Additionally, it grants you access to Stripe's extensive toolkit, which contains features like chargeback protection and fraud detection. The legitimacy of your company can be improved by having a verified Stripe account, which is another significant benefit. Customers are reassured that you are a trustworthy company when they notice that you have a verified account. This can significantly increase client confidence and increase revenue.
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