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abstract paintings - 0 views

    Searching for the famous Art Gallery in the Capital? Drop round to see selective Abstract paintings collection in Delhi which is quite an affordable art company.

Acrylic Paints Sketching | Sketched Version Part 2 | Mellow Marshmellow - 0 views

    Acrylic Paints Sketching | Sketched Version Part 2 | Mellow Marshmellow
Ian Yang

The Meaning of Art - Chinese Art Introduction by Herbert Read - 1 views

  • The history of Chinese art is more consistent, and even more persistent, than the art of Egypt. It is, however, something more than national. It begins about the thirtieth century B.C. and continues, with periods of darkness and uncertainty, right down to the present century. No other country in the world can display such a wealth of artistic activity, and no other country, all things considered, has anything to equal the highest attainments of this art.
  • Chinese technique is amazingly simple: it involves the knowledge of the use of one brush and one color—but that brush used with such delicacy and that color exploited with such subtlety, that only years of arduous training can produce anything approaching mastery. As is well known, the Chinese normally write with a brush, and a brush is as familiar to them as a pen or pencil is to us. The first fact to realize about Chinese painting is that it is an extension of Chinese handwriting. The whole quality of beauty, for the Chinese, can inhere in a beautifully written character. And if a man can write well, it follows that he can paint well. All Chinese painting of the classical periods is linear, and the lines which constitute its essential form are judged, appreciated and enjoyed, as written lines.
  • Throughout its history, then, Chinese art conceives nature as animated by an immanent force, and the object of the artists is to put themselves in communion with this force, and then to convey its quality to the spectator.
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  • the most distinctive variations are due to religious influences, to Buddhism and Confucianism. No doubt, as always, these religions gave a tremendous impetus to artistic activities of all kinds. But they also did a lot of harm – Buddhism by its insistence on a dogmatic symbolism, always a bad element in art; and Confucianism by its doctrine of ancestor worship, which was interpreted in art as crude traditionalism, requiring the strict imitation of ancestral art. But in spite of these limitations, perhaps in some sense because of them, Chinese art maintains its vitality, reaching its highest development in the Song period, a period which corresponds roughly in time, and even more strikingly in mannerism, with the early Gothic period in Europe.

Historical Art And Painting - Panamericanart - 5 views

    Pan American Art Projects specializes in art of the Americas with the mission to build a bridge between North and South American cultures by presenting and exhibiting artists from both regions. We deal with emerging to established artists, as well as secondary market paintings, sculpture, and works on paper.
yc c

Was Van Gogh Slightly Colour Blind? - 5 views

    Kazunori Asada used visual filters to see how the paintings looked to the colorblind. The experiment produced some interesting results and musings: Was van Gogh partially color vision deficiency (anomalous trichromat)? Perhaps using a strong color vision deficiency (dichromat) simulation was the wrong approach. How about carrying out the simulation by removing the middle portion of normal color vision, maybe then I could see van Gogh's pictures in a better light? The color choices for van Gogh's popular paintings seem less out there with the filters. The greens in the sky of Starry Night, for example turn to yellows.
yc c

DESERTRAIN > Featured Artists - 2 views

    beautiful painting from africa
yc c

Hildur Ásgeirsdóttir Jónsson * Fine Art - 1 views

    The soft transitions, textures and cascades in Hildur Asgeirsdóttir Jónsson's color use add a certain life to otherwise static landscapes. A selection of her paintings can be viewed below. Her other works includes drawings and embroideries. 
    colors are very beautiful
Scheiro Deligne

Shaun Tan drawing and painting - 1 views

    Shaun began drawing and painting images for science fiction and horror stories in small-press magazines as a teenager, and has since become best known for illustrated books that deal with social, political and historical subjects through surreal, dream-like imagery. Books such as The Rabbits, The Red Tree, The Lost Thing and the acclaimed wordless novel The Arrival have been widely translated throughout Europe, Asia and South America, and enjoyed by readers of all ages.
Ian Yang

Peter Doig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Peter Doig (born 1959) is a Scottish painter whose paintings are among Europe's most expensive.
  • Many of Doig's pictures are landscapes, with a number harking back to the snowy scenes of his childhood in Canada. His works are frequently based on found photographs (and sometimes on his own), but are not painted in a photorealist style, Doig instead using the photographs simply for reference. Peter Doig’s work captures moments of tranquillity, which contrast with uneasy oneiric elements. He uses unusual colour combinations and depicts scenes from unexpected angles, all contributing to give his work a magic realist feel.
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Ian Yang

The Athenaeum - Displaying artworks for Franz Marc - 1 views

    Tiger/ Franz Marc - 1912/ Painting - oil on canvas The Enchanted Mill/ Franz Marc - 1913/ Painting - oil on canvas
Benjamin Hansen

Sean's Portfolio - 0 views

    Oil paintings. Lots of brush strokes. Easy one page portfolio
Benjamin Hansen

virtual gallery zademack - 0 views

    The artist was born in Bremen Germany on December 24, 1952. Freelance artist since 1980. Several artshows of his work in and outside his homecountry. Siegfried Zademack's surrealistic visionary paintings make recipients and reviewers wonder. The arrangement of his pictorial thoughts immensely exceeds a realistic reproduction. His pictures allow us to slip in metaphysical dimensions, between humorous irony and the unfathomable deepness of our souls. The semantic sources of this art are equally past and present. The quotation from art history stands alongside the Coca-Cola bottle. His true teachers were the masters of the earl and late Italien Renaissance up to the Mannerists. The syntax of his work is completely determined by that of the ciassical masters. What is astonishing is that, in adoptingit for his own pictorial inventions, he employs such perfect techniquie - though this is indispensable, in view his objectives. His figural inventions are clearly sculptured, but his iconology presumes considerable knowledge of art history and politic. In some of his pictorial quotes, we detect the difference to the Surrealist approach: it is the historical angle, which was yet possible and this is the present-day aspect - in manneristic periods. Descartes had seen this without making an issue of it: mundus est fabula, the world is a grand fable, a never-ending story in which we are forever entangled. lf we live from, stories, there are no sharp borderlihes between periods, for history is then the present, and anything we do now is already the future. This is the link between Boltraffio's Madonna and the American Way of Life, which makes no distinction betweeh the classics and Coca Cola.
Scheiro Deligne

Ritchard Rodriguez Oil Paintings - 0 views

    I see my paintings as living creatures with shapes, problems and solutions that I address within a candid dialogue, stemming from pure spontaneity, entering a space of concentration, rhythm, physical gesturing, and an understanding of where a work wants to go.
Karine Smith

Darren Waterston - 1 views

    Oil and watercolor paintings by San Francisco artist Darren Waterston. One of my favorite artist!
yc c - 2 views

    Holton Rower pours paint over a custom "canvas" of boxes and panels, one color on top of the other. The result is somewhat psychedelic but this kinetic-process created work is anything but one-dimensional.
yc c

YOUrban - Immaterials: Light painting WiFi - 9 views

    made wifi visible
c newsom

The Lost : Searching for Bruno Schulz - 0 views

  • "An event may be small and insignificant in its origin, and yet, when drawn close to one's eye, it may open in its center an infinite and radiant perspective because a higher order or being is trying to express itself in it and irradiates it violently,"
    Article about Bruno Schulz that begins with the mural he painted for the children of an SS officer who was protecting him but expands to include more of his literature and art.


shared by anonymous on 27 May 09 - Cached
    Tinga Tinga Paintings

Acrylic Paint and Thread | Sketched Version Part 1 | Mellow Marshmellow - 0 views

    Acrylic Paint and Thread | Sketched Version Part 1 | Mellow Marshmellow
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