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stvalentine stvalentine

Awesome Collection of Graffiti Light Art by Lichtfaktor - 2 views

    Light graffiti, also known as light painting are alwasy very interesting for everyone, they are looking awesome and pretty sweet. Here we have gathered some of most beautiful Lifht graffiti art from Lichtfaktor a Cologne, Germany based group. We hope that you will like their work, find out more about the group and their work on: LICHTFAKTOR - LICHTFAKTOR on Behance - LICHTFAKTOR on Flickr The members of LICHTFAKTOR use light to give expression to their creativity. They take advantage of a variety of light sources to produce photos and videos in cities by night. The Cologne artists' collective, consisting of VJ $ehvermögen (photographer and VJ since 1997 with many years of experience in the event field) and JIAR (communications designer and graffiti artist), experiments with the possibilities yielded by bulb (long-term) exposure and painting. Their aim is to explore all aspects of "lightwriting" and to develop it further. The LICHTFAKTOR crew intentionally uses the entire space in which a particular work is produced and integrates it into their photos and animated films in such a way that it's not just a backdrop but a part of the work itself.
graphix luv

20 Awesome April Wallpapers to rock your Desktops! | Graphic Design Blog - 0 views

    To welcome the month of April, I have compiled 20 awesome calendar wallpapers which will rock your desktop. Enjoy these wallpapers and enjoy the festivities of Easter.
Ian Yang

Photojojo » 11 Super Awesome Photoshop Movie Effects - 0 views

  • Pirates of the Caribbean You hardly ever get to pillage, your roomates hate it when you sing sea chanties and you don’t know where to find one of those awesome hats with the big feathers in ‘em. To top it all off, you think you might be coming down with scurvy. That’s 3 points for the pirates and 1 big healthy point for you. Arrrr! Go have another orange, then sail the high seas in your very own Pirates poster, matey. Make your own Pirates of the Caribbean Poster
    • Ian Yang
      I use no photoshop, but I'm sure this article would be amazingly helpful for those who always get excited about learning something new and fancy. As the topics suggested, there are 11 effects that you have probably seen but never tried yourself. Go make one charming poster, and after you got everything done, don't forget to show off a bit and make your classmates/colleagues jealous
Benjamin Hansen

John Powers, artist: Terminal: Detail #1 - 0 views

    Yeah I am just flooding you guys with my bookmarked artist I've been sitting on a lot of stuff. They are all good. Here we have some crazy awesome sculpture.
    talking about the beauty of enormous scale... ;)
Benjamin Hansen

Feric - 0 views

    This guy is awesome play around in here. His line quality is perfect.
stvalentine stvalentine

Amazing 3D Paper Design! - 2 views

    Make this awesome 3D design from a single sheet of paper. Super simple! Click the link below for the template.http//

5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness | - 0 views

    Off topic. Interesting read about the power of your brian
Ian Yang

Photoshop Creative Challenge - 0 views

    The challenge: create a high-res, jaw-dropping piece of digital art, based on the theme "Infinite Future Chaos". We're giving away a stunning 30-inch Apple Cinema Display.
    It's bloody huge, and has beautiful color reproduction. Photoshop never looked so good. Check out the specs: dimensions:sit back a bit.. it just barely fits on your deskrefresh rate:4000 times per picosecondlovely:yesmax. resolution:64 gazilla-pixelsawesome factor:10 "But.. WTF is Infinite Future Chaos?", we hear you ask. Fair question. To be honest, we don't really know what it means. It's possibly something to do with jetpacks... or perhaps trees taking over the city... or trees wearing jetpacks taking over the city with lasoos. Only time will tell. The winners of the 30" Apple Cinema Display and the RedBubble voucher, plus four runners-up, will have their work published in the November issue of Photoshop Creative. How To Enter: Sign up Upload your creations Tag your work with "photoshopcreative07" The Rules Go anywhere you want with the theme. There are some
Ian Yang

15 Places to Make Money Creating Your Own Products - 0 views

    This is an awesome bit of information, thanks Ian Yang ;)
    You are welcome, Alex. Just remember: they all have some cons and pros, so make sure you understand the policy or rules of each website. :)
yc c

Feudal Japanese Star Wars Art - 5 views

    Artist Steve Bialik represents legendary Star Wars characters as samurai from traditional Japanese art. Darth Vader and Jabba The Hutt are a lot less scary when they are illustrated as a bald dude in a mask and a giant bullfrog.
Ian Yang

Multicolr Search Lab - Idée Inc. - 2 views

    Awesome tool for searching creative commons images on Flickr based on colours. :D
simple tutors

Exclusive Collection of Sand Sculptures Art - 1 views

    awesome collection of sand sculptures. Hope you all will like it.
Ian Yang - the encyclopedia of painting - 6 views

    Bookmark this link right away so you can have a museum at your fingertips. How awesome it is to see all artworks of your favorite artist in chronological order!!
Benjamin Hansen

Your favorite web sites - StumbleUpon - 1 views

    Here is my stumble upon account it almost all design resources. I don't want you to join I am just trying to help you guys out if you want resources. I would rather be educated than see brush links.
    You got some really awesome links at StumbleUpon, Ben, I definitely will go back for more and steal some for my group! :P
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