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Danila Medvedev

Научные мегапроекты (Китай) - 0 views

    Информация о китайских мегапроектах (2004 г.)
Danila Medvedev

Bent Flyvbjerg - 0 views

    Эксперт по крупным проектам, автор нескольких книг и множества статей. BT Professor and Chair of Major Programme Management
Danila Medvedev

Pharmaceuticals and Aging - Interview with Dr. Larry Miller (SAGE CROSSROADS ) - 0 views

  • Dr. Miller formerly led business operations for the global Drug Discovery Division at pharmaceutical company Glaxo Smith Kline.
  • Well one thing that I think is going to be critical is that in the past, pharmaceutical companies had treated diseases of aging as discrete entities, that is to develop something for diabetes, to develop something for osteoporosis…that is to treat each one as a separate silo if you will.
  • in the future we are going to have to look at more central regulatory pathways that are being identified now for aging.
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  • I think this is quite a new concept because not until recently have we begun to understand a little bit more about the aging process and find some biochemical pathways that are at the root of aging processes.
  • Now what do you see as the greatest challenges for developing drugs that deal with aging? Would you say that it’s more regulatory and policy wise, or is this more scientific?
  • I think there is both.
  • When I was heading aging at Glaxo Smith Kline, the issues that I faced were that I was very interested in developing medications for frailty and weakness in muscle for when people get old because when people get weak they usually stop eating and then they fall and break a hip and end up in the hospital and die potentially, but the regulatory apparatus isn’t there yet.
  • Sarcopenia isn’t recognized as an official disease by the FDA, so the pathway to get drugs approved for frailty and to get more people mobile and into society is just not there, and so it’s a really difficult problem, and the pathways for osteoporosis are still very cumbersome, requiring fracture analysis.
  • There isn’t an approved, for example, like Jack Coralnick uses a scale at NIH to test people’s function. I think there is a critical need to have the FDA to recognize some battery of functional tests
  • how a reform would take place
  • Well we have a new FDA now, hopefully, but it’s going to take companies and scientists going to the FDA and to Congress to say “look the patient population is aging and currently we have a bottleneck, we can’t get these medicines through” and try to work out some new policy. Hopefully, the FDA will be a little more progressive about looking at endpoints. They are very, very conservative about what endpoints they will accept
  • You know, there is understandably some concern that people might use these drugs and abuse them for muscle building, but on the other hand, there is a critical unmet need out there in the elderly population
  • Well one thing is that it is quite difficult and expensive to develop drugs for aging per se because even to do pre-clinical models in animals is very expensive. It’s very expensive to get aged animals, and they don’t necessarily act like aged humans. So even in the pre-clinical stage, it’s a difficult area to work in.
  • find pathways to get these drugs approved
  • a lot of these companies are concerned as being seen as trying to produce “fountain of youth” drugs. I made it very clear when I was leading aging at GSK that I was not attempting simply to extend lifespan
  • I think this is a policy challenge and a perceptual challenge and if you will, a public relations challenge.
  • Potentially, I think we need to find more intelligent, creative ways to do clinical trials using biomarkers or other types of measures where we can get the trials through quickly
  • again, it goes back to the FDA policy. The FDA is going to have to be willing to accept some of these things, or we will not be able to get these drugs on the market
    Фармацевтика и старения (лекарства от старости)
Danila Medvedev

Геронтологическое общество при РАН - 0 views

    новый сайт геронтологического общества России

Статьи по долголетию - 0 views

    много популярных статей (новостей) за 2006 год
Danila Medvedev

In Search of Enlightenment: The Parallels Between Apologism and Theism - 0 views

    Отношение к старению - позитивное и негативное.
Danila Medvedev

More Dr. Weil and the Lie Down and Die School of Thought - 0 views

    Ещё отношение в обществе и защитники старения
Danila Medvedev

The Line Between Health Advocacy and Aging Apologism - 0 views

    отношение в обществе. защитники старения
Danila Medvedev

CNews: Суперлазер разорит Америку - 1 views

    Как выбить 6 миллиардов долларов на проект. Пример термоядерных и лазерных проектов в США. Наверняка есть интересная инфрмация о лоббировании и т. п.
Danila Medvedev

Living Healthier and Longer: Making the Case for the Longevity Dividend - 0 views

    Отличная подборка ресурсов по разным темам, связанным со старением и борьбой с ним!!!
Danila Medvedev

People Database overview -- Accelerating Future - 0 views

    Профили кучи разных ценных борцов и других личностей. Отсюда можно многое взять.
Danila Medvedev

Interviews - Future - 0 views

    Несколько полезных человек тут есть, вполне можно извлечь кое-что интересное.
Danila Medvedev

The Cryonics Society: News And Information - 0 views

  • President-elect Barack Obama's reported choice for Surgeon General is a neurosurgeon and CNN medical reporter who's written favorably about radical life extension methods
    • Danila Medvedev
      В политику
Danila Medvedev

Healthy Aging® . The best source for positive aging information. - 0 views

    Портал по здоровому старению
Danila Medvedev

Комитет за гражданские права :: Рекомендации круглых столов :: 01-03-2009 :: ... - 0 views

    Очень круто.
Danila Medvedev

Project Life - 0 views

    Это такой интересный проект, который должен был быть начат 5 лет назад и непонятно, что с этого получилось.
Danila Medvedev

Anti-Aging Las Vegas - 0 views

  • Financing Anti-Aging Research
    • Danila Medvedev
      Пленарное заседание по финансированию исследований против старения. Много интересных презентаций. Надо бы их как-то заполучить, либо через докладчиков, либо через организаторов конференции, либо на сайте (поискать) конференции.
  • Project LIFE: A Comprehensive Global Approach to Anti-Aging Funding & Research
  • Financing Anti-Aging Research with Biotech
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • NIA Support for Anti-Aging Research
  • Panel Discussion: Creating Ways to Fund Anti-Aging Research
    Очень интересная пленарная сессия на конференции по антиэйджингу в 2004 году.
Danila Medvedev

Symposium on Systems Biology of Aging - 0 views

  • Arizona State University, December 6-7, 2008
    Важный симпозиум по системному подходу.
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