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Nathan W. Shock Lecture - 0 views

  • It was Dr. Shock's insistence on answering what he considered the discipline's two critical questions that made an impact on the field of gerontology: "What are the underlying biological factors that produce what we perceive as aging?" and, "What are the mechanisms that produce impaired performance with age?" For aging, he insisted, was not a disease.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Основатель NIA сказал, что старение - это НЕ заболевание. Он даже настаивал.
  • Nathan Wetherell Shock, Ph.D. began his gerontology career in 1941 as the chief of the newly formed Unit on Gerontology of the Division of Physiology of the five-year-old National Institute of Health. He took this two-man aging unit and built it into the internationally respected Gerontology Research Center of the National Institute on Aging, NIH. Dr. Shock was the catalyst for the emergence of aging research in the United States and overseas for nearly half a century.
    • Danila Medvedev
      в историю

What Global Aging Means for the Workforce | Stanford Center on Longevity - 0 views

  • Workforce growth will slow almost everywhere and, in some places, will shrink.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Старение работающего населения по миру.

Replaceable You | Stanford Center on Longevity - 0 views

  • According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the number of first-time total knee replacements is predicted to increase by 673 percent to 3.48 million procedures by 2030, while primary total hip replacements will jump 174 percent. What’s more, the number of knee revisions will leap 522 percent and hip revisions another 237 percent as patients who receive the joints earlier and live longer experience artificial joint failure. Joint replacement surgeries can cost $30,000
    • Danila Medvedev
      В схему современное понимание старение нужно поместить остеоартрит (?) и искусственный орган (суставы) как решение.

Who wants to live forever? Three arguments against extending the human lifespan -- Pijn... - 0 views

  • Who wants to live forever? Three arguments against extending the human lifespan
    • Danila Medvedev
      В этику - три аргумента против продления жизни.

Extending the human life span: social policy and social ethics - 0 views

  • Extending the human life span: social policy and social ethics
    • Danila Medvedev
      Отчет 1977-1978 года про социальные и этические аспекты продления жизни человека. Революционная работа.
    вроде как могут прислать по e-mail. Заказал 15 февраля, жду

Alliance for Aging Research: Publications: 2007 Task Force Report on Aging Research Fun... - 1 views

  • 2007 Task Force Report on Aging Research Funding
  • Download - Adobe Acrobat (PDF), 1.37 MB
  • The 2007 Task Force on Aging Research Funding--more than 85 non-partisan disease groups, patient advocates, and foundations--urges Congress and the President to chart a better course for medical research on behalf of America's aging population. This year's report of the Task Force calls for a 6.7% increase in funding for the National Institutes of Health in FY 2008. It also presents data on the burden of 27 diseases and conditions that predominately affect older Americans, highlights some of the exciting work the NIH is doing to decrease these burdens, and serves as a resource for policymakers working to establish the funding levels necessary to advance healthy aging.
    Оч. релевантный документ. Надо изучить. Касается Соединённых Штатов.

Alliance for Aging Research: Publications: Seven Deadly Myths: Uncovering the Facts Abo... - 0 views

  • Seven Deadly Myths: Uncovering the Facts About the High Cost of the Last Year of Life
  • Download - Adobe Acrobat (PDF), 7.57 MB
  • This report tests some of the most common myths surrounding the financial and medical impact of end-of-life care, separating fact from fiction to show what really happens for most people during their last years of life.
    "Семь смертельных мифов" о высокой стоимости мед. обслуживания в последний год жизни.
    Особенно интересны мифы 6 и 7. В документе утверждается, что рост расходов на здравоохранение лишь в небольшой степени вызван старением населения, а также, что дальнейшее увеличение среднего возраста и доли пожилого населения не обязательно приведёт к катастрофическому росту расходов на сферу здравоохранения.

ABC News: Nissan Suit Simulates Older Drivers' Difficulties - 0 views

  • Nissan Suit Simulates Older Drivers' Difficulties Nissan Designers Use Awkward Suit to Simulate Age Effects, Cater to Increase in Older Drivers
    Костюм, имитирующий эффект старения. Нам бы такую штуку для пиара...

National Institutes of Health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • National Institute on AgingNIAUndertakes research on the biomedical, social, and behavioral aspects of the aging process, prevention of age-related diseases and disabilities, promotion of better quality of life for all older Americans.1974
    Главный финансист биомед. исследований. Бюджет 29 млрд. долл. в год

National Institute on Aging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The National Institute on Aging (NIA) is a division of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), located in Bethesda, Maryland. The NIA leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. In 1974, Congress granted authority to form NIA to provide leadership in aging research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to aging and older people. Subsequent amendments to this legislation designated the NIA as the primary Federal agency on Alzheimer's disease research.

National Institute on Aging, Intramural Research Program - 0 views

  • The central focus of our research is understanding age-related changes in physiology and the ability to adapt to environmental stress. This understanding is then applied to developing insight about the pathophysiology of age-related diseases. The program seeks to understand the changes associated with healthy aging and to define the criteria for evaluating when a change becomes pathologic.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Изучают "здоровое старение".
    Основные направления собственных исследований NIA

Population Aging is Accelerating | Stanford Center on Longevity - 0 views

  • Population Aging is Accelerating Age mix varies by region. In the more developed countries of the world, the number of old people will steadily increase, and the number of children will decline (Exhibit 4). By 2015, old people will outnumber children; this has already occurred in several countries, including Japan and Germany. By 2010, the working-age population will begin shrinking; by 2035, total population will begin shrinking.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Базовые цифры, графики и тренды по старению населения.

Is Asia Prepared for an Aging Population? - 0 views

  • Many Asian countries (such as China, Singapore, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and the Philippines) will experience a significant aging of their populations during the next several decades. This paper explores how these aging Asian countries are addressing and anticipating the challenges of an aging society. It suggests that Asia's preparedness for an aging population is decidedly mixed. While growth policies have been successful, much work is still needed in many countries to establish an adequate and farsighted policy framework in the areas of pensions, health insurance, and labor market policies.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Рассматриваются азиатские страны (кроме Японии). Описываются (см. раздел Final Considerations) основные проблемы и прогнозы. Из перечисленных стран наибольшее внимание к проблемам старения уделяется в Сингапуре (в не включённой в данный обзор Японии тоже большое внимание).

Gauging the Cost of Aging - Finance & Development, September 2006 - 0 views

  • New Zealand's demographic outlook—a likely doubling in the proportion of elderly people by 2050—is similar to that of many countries. Moreover, health care studies in other countries have reached similar conclusions about past and future expenditure growth (Newhouse, 1993; Cutler and Sheiner, 1998; Jacobzone, Cambois, and Robine, 2000). Internationally, aging is likely to exert the same consistent, but manageable, pressure on health expenditure. Thus, if health expenditures reach unsustainable levels in coming decades, it will not be because of population aging.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Исследование 2006 года (Новая Зеландия), говорящее, что рост издержек в здравоохранении будет происходить не из-за постарения населения. Утверждается, что исследования в других странах демонстрировали похожие выводы. Т.е. это контраргумент к известному утверждению о необходимости бороться со старением, чтобы избежать коллапса системы здравоохранения.

Coping with Spain's Aging: Retirement Rules and Incentives - 0 views

  • Without reforms, the simulations suggest that aging-related spending as a share of output will increase 16 percentage points by 2050, which are twice as much as in European Commission (2006) projections due to general equilibrium effects.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Расходы, связанные со старением вырастут на 16% к 2050 году (от ВВП), что вдвое выше, чем прогнозируется сейчас ЕС.

Policy Challenges of Population Aging in Ireland - 0 views

  • The projected rise in age-related government spending as a share of GDP in Ireland over the next forty years is among the highest in the euro area. In the absence of reforms, public debt will increase to unsustainable levels. This paper uses the IMF's Global Fiscal Model to compare the macroeconomic effects of different fiscal strategies to accommodate the rise in age-related spending. The simulations suggest that adopting a package of measures, including an increase in the retirement age, broadening the tax base, and raising indirect taxes, would be a more growth-friendly strategy than relying exclusively on raising the social security contribution rate.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Ирландия. Экономика старения.

Department of Health and Ageing - Australian Government's response to population ageing - 0 views

  • In responding to population ageing, the Australian Government takes a whole-of-government perspective across superannuation and retirement income support, workforce, housing, social inclusion and life long education, as well as medical, health and aged care services
    • Danila Medvedev
      Но, как это типично для всех правительств, ничего не делается для борьбы со старением.
    Нам нужен не только раздел "Политика", но и "Policy"! Особенно, в контексте планируемого раздела по лоббированию. Можно сказать, что нужны три раздела - описывающий проблему (демография, этика и т. п.), описывающий политику (игроки, отношение общества и т. п.), а также описывающий существующие и возможные решения, т. е. policy.

Macroeconomic Effects and Policy Challenges of Population Aging - 0 views

  • Simulations show that population aging is likely to slow economic growth and improvements in living standards. Although reforms to raise labor force participation and productivity growth can mitigate these adverse effects, they are unlikely to eliminate the need for fiscal reforms. The budget will come under pressure from rising age-related expenditures, and consolidation will be needed to preserve debt sustainability.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Экономические последствия старения населения для Чехии.

Macroeconomic Effects of Pension Reform in Russia - 0 views

  • Putting the pension system on a sustainable footing arguably remains the biggest challenge in Russia's economic policies. The debate about the policy options was hitherto constrained by the absence of general equilibrium analysis. This paper fills this gap by simulating their macroeconomic effects in a DSGE model calibrated to Russia's economy-the first of its kind to the best of our knowledge. The results suggest that a minimum benefit level in the public system should optimally be financed through lower government consumption, while higher taxation of labor and capital should be avoided. Reducing public investment spending is superior to increasing consumption taxes unless investment generates high rates of return.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Экономический анализ возможностей решения проблем пенсионной системы в России (general equilibrium анализ).

Alliance for Aging Research: Events: Going for the Longevity Dividend - 0 views

  • A Capitol Hill Symposium & Luncheon September 12, 2006 Hart Senate Office Building, #902 At this international gathering organized by the Alliance for Aging Research, prominent scientists called for governments and health care organizations worldwide to invest in the extension of healthy human life in order to produce a "Longevity Dividend" for nations with aging populations.
  • Read the statement released by the group of more than 90 scientists.
  • III. International Perspectives Alex Kalache, Director, Ageing and Health Program, World Health Organization (WHO) - SLIDES James Goodwin, PhD, Head of Research, Help the Aged, London, England - SLIDES
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • IV. View to the Future Dr. Alan Leshner, CEO, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • I. How Soon Before Science Can Slow Aging and at What Cost? Opening Remarks from: Senator Larry Craig (R-ID), S. Jay Olshansky, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago - SLIDES Leonard Guarante, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - SLIDES
    В 1970-е годы (когда основывали Национальный институт старения) осознали (в Конгрессе): многие болезни, изучение которых тогда щедро финансировали (рак, сердечно-сосудистые), связаны со старением населения. Поэтому, если лучше изучить старение, возможно, будет легче справиться и с этими болезнями (2:38 в видео).
    4:10 - Veteran's Affairs Committee во многом стоял за развитием (и финансированием) гериатрии в США.
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