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Danila Medvedev

ОБРАБОТАТЬ AFAR: About Us - 0 views

  • American Federation for Aging Research
    • Danila Medvedev
Danila Medvedev

ОБРАБОТАТЬ! What the LifeStar Project is Presently Up To - 0 views

  • LifeStar Project initiative of the Millard Foundation
    • Danila Medvedev
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Danila Medvedev

A Few Thoughts on the Funding of Aging Research - 0 views

  • This might as well be language lifted from a mythical government release on the Full Employment Act for Gerontologists. It's all so grey and tired - rescue the scientists, pay the scientists, help the scientists. Note the utter absence of any sort of discussion of goals or results. What are these scientists actually doing? What is the value of it? Where are they going? When will they get there? What does it mean to me?
    • Danila Medvedev
      Критический комментарий об отсутствии целей в геронтологии.
  • Another thought: the languishing of aging science - in comparison to, say, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering or cancer research - makes $2.8 million a big deal. $10 million from the Glenn Foundation to establish the Paul F. Glenn Laboratories for the Biological Mechanisms of Aging was a big splash in the pond. With those numbers for comparison, note that the Methuselah Foundation has $4.8 million pledged to Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) research.
    • Danila Medvedev
      несколько цифр по финансированию
Danila Medvedev

The Problem, Illustrated - 0 views

  • 'Curing aging is not an endpoint the federal drug agency would recognize,' Dr. Westphal says dryly. Instead, both men say, they are working to ameliorate the diseases of aging." For so long as unelected government employees can declare, with no accountability and full force of law, what medicine is permitted and what is not, there will be no direct venture funded efforts to cure aging - or even to take the first steps by aiming to repair specific, identified age-related damage in order to intervene in the aging process. There is no lack of companies, research groups and billions of dollars ready to be directed to that end, as any brief survey of the biotechnology marketplace will show you - but the ignorant few who write policy continue to bury all that potential.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Пока FDA не рассматривает старение как болезнь, для которой можно разрабатывать и утверждать лекарства (а не утверждённые доктора не смогут прописывать, они вообще запрещены), бизнес не будет финансировать разработку средств лечения старения.
Danila Medvedev

The Damage Done by the FDA, Symptom of the Deeper Problems - 0 views

  • FDA is a scientific bureaucracy with police powers. Patients and physicians are free to choose only those drugs and medical devices that it has approved. When FDA approves a therapy that later turns out to be unexpectedly risky, the agency is the subject of front-page headlines and congressional hearings. On the other hand, when FDA delays a badly needed new therapy, patients will suffer but hardly anyone will blame FDA.
  • Consider, for example, FDA's 10-year delay, in 1967-76, in approving beta-blockers to prevent death following heart attacks, because of the agency's fear that the drugs might be carcinogenic. During those years, the drugs saved lives in Europe and elsewhere, while an estimated 10,000 heart attack victims unnecessarily died in this country each year. When beta blockers were finally approved in the US, to wide acclaim, hardly anyone raised the lethal effects of FDA's slowness.
  • As it turns out, however, that extra agency caution doesn't actually improve drug safety. Studies conducted by FDA itself show that the rate of drug withdrawals has remained essentially unchanged over the last 25 years, despite rising and falling approval times during that period.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • But FDA is only criticized for approving risky medicines - never for keeping beneficial ones off the market.
  • Neither the Congress nor FDA (nor the IOM) is willing to admit that the agency's most significant problems are mismanagement and excessive risk-aversion.
  • The motivation for most of these recent attacks on the FDA? That would be coming from the other squirming pigs wrestling in the pen, such as the large pharmaceutical and medical development companies, trying to make the most money they can from the suppression of competition and progress. They might be working on progress, but they're working just as hard at pushing new and better ideas below the waterline - so long as there's the threat that someone else will make money or threaten the bottom line for an aspect of their business model.
    • Danila Medvedev
      При этом фармацевтические компании во многом не лучше FDA!
  • In the worst cases, such as Germany and France, you see entire countries that contribute next to nothing to the advance of medical science. This is not for lack of will or desire, but their research and medical industries are hamstrung by decades of destructive government intervention.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Франция и Германия
    О негативной роли FDA
Danila Medvedev

Research Programs (Extramural) - 0 views

  • Division of Aging Biology (DAB)Supports research and training to enhance and extend the human health span through a better understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying the aging process.  
  • Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology (DGCG)Supports research on health and disease in the aged and research on aging over the human lifespan, including its relationships to health outcomes.
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Danila Medvedev

National Institute on Aging - Normal Human Aging: The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of A... - 0 views

  • Normal Human Aging The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
    • Danila Medvedev
      Возможно, исследование, заложившее опасное и вредное представление о существовании "нормального старения" - т.е. старения со снижением функции (и повышением риска патологии), но не обязательно с заболеванием (не у всех и не сразу).
Danila Medvedev

Nathan W. Shock Lecture - 0 views

  • It was Dr. Shock's insistence on answering what he considered the discipline's two critical questions that made an impact on the field of gerontology: "What are the underlying biological factors that produce what we perceive as aging?" and, "What are the mechanisms that produce impaired performance with age?" For aging, he insisted, was not a disease.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Основатель NIA сказал, что старение - это НЕ заболевание. Он даже настаивал.
  • Nathan Wetherell Shock, Ph.D. began his gerontology career in 1941 as the chief of the newly formed Unit on Gerontology of the Division of Physiology of the five-year-old National Institute of Health. He took this two-man aging unit and built it into the internationally respected Gerontology Research Center of the National Institute on Aging, NIH. Dr. Shock was the catalyst for the emergence of aging research in the United States and overseas for nearly half a century.
    • Danila Medvedev
      в историю
Danila Medvedev

National Institute on Aging, Intramural Research Program - 0 views

  • The central focus of our research is understanding age-related changes in physiology and the ability to adapt to environmental stress. This understanding is then applied to developing insight about the pathophysiology of age-related diseases. The program seeks to understand the changes associated with healthy aging and to define the criteria for evaluating when a change becomes pathologic.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Изучают "здоровое старение".
    Основные направления собственных исследований NIA
Danila Medvedev

National Institute on Aging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The National Institute on Aging (NIA) is a division of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), located in Bethesda, Maryland. The NIA leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. In 1974, Congress granted authority to form NIA to provide leadership in aging research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to aging and older people. Subsequent amendments to this legislation designated the NIA as the primary Federal agency on Alzheimer's disease research.
Danila Medvedev

National Institutes of Health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • National Institute on AgingNIAUndertakes research on the biomedical, social, and behavioral aspects of the aging process, prevention of age-related diseases and disabilities, promotion of better quality of life for all older Americans.1974
    Главный финансист биомед. исследований. Бюджет 29 млрд. долл. в год
Danila Medvedev

A Persuasive Structure for Scientific Research Proposals - 0 views

    Структура исследовательских предложений. Полезно. Общая структура, которая может быть приложена и к нашему проекту (программе).
Danila Medvedev

ABC News: Nissan Suit Simulates Older Drivers' Difficulties - 0 views

  • Nissan Suit Simulates Older Drivers' Difficulties Nissan Designers Use Awkward Suit to Simulate Age Effects, Cater to Increase in Older Drivers
    Костюм, имитирующий эффект старения. Нам бы такую штуку для пиара...
Danila Medvedev

Alliance for Aging Research: Publications: Seven Deadly Myths: Uncovering the Facts Abo... - 0 views

  • Seven Deadly Myths: Uncovering the Facts About the High Cost of the Last Year of Life
  • Download - Adobe Acrobat (PDF), 7.57 MB
  • This report tests some of the most common myths surrounding the financial and medical impact of end-of-life care, separating fact from fiction to show what really happens for most people during their last years of life.
    "Семь смертельных мифов" о высокой стоимости мед. обслуживания в последний год жизни.
    Особенно интересны мифы 6 и 7. В документе утверждается, что рост расходов на здравоохранение лишь в небольшой степени вызван старением населения, а также, что дальнейшее увеличение среднего возраста и доли пожилого населения не обязательно приведёт к катастрофическому росту расходов на сферу здравоохранения.
Danila Medvedev

Alliance for Aging Research: Publications: 2007 Task Force Report on Aging Research Fun... - 1 views

  • 2007 Task Force Report on Aging Research Funding
  • Download - Adobe Acrobat (PDF), 1.37 MB
  • The 2007 Task Force on Aging Research Funding--more than 85 non-partisan disease groups, patient advocates, and foundations--urges Congress and the President to chart a better course for medical research on behalf of America's aging population. This year's report of the Task Force calls for a 6.7% increase in funding for the National Institutes of Health in FY 2008. It also presents data on the burden of 27 diseases and conditions that predominately affect older Americans, highlights some of the exciting work the NIH is doing to decrease these burdens, and serves as a resource for policymakers working to establish the funding levels necessary to advance healthy aging.
    Оч. релевантный документ. Надо изучить. Касается Соединённых Штатов.
Danila Medvedev

Extending the human life span: social policy and social ethics - 0 views

  • Extending the human life span: social policy and social ethics
    • Danila Medvedev
      Отчет 1977-1978 года про социальные и этические аспекты продления жизни человека. Революционная работа.
    вроде как могут прислать по e-mail. Заказал 15 февраля, жду
Danila Medvedev

Group Immortality's best bookmarks - 0 views

    Группа на дииго со ссылками про бессмертие. Тоже важно.
Danila Medvedev

Who wants to live forever? Three arguments against extending the human lifespan -- Pijn... - 0 views

  • Who wants to live forever? Three arguments against extending the human lifespan
    • Danila Medvedev
      В этику - три аргумента против продления жизни.
Danila Medvedev

Department of Health and Ageing - Welcome to the Department of Health and Ageing - 0 views

  • Welcome to the Department of Health and Ageing
    • Danila Medvedev
      Обратим внимание на то, что в Австралии минздрав называется минздравстарения!!! С лозунгом "лучшее здоровье и активное старение для всех австралийцев".
Danila Medvedev

Buck Institute - Timeline - 0 views

  • 1991 – In a major report “Extending Life, Enhancing Life, a National Research Agenda on Aging”, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) calls for the establishment of at least 10 Centers of Excellence to undertake the multi-disciplinary study of aging.
    • Danila Medvedev
      история, США, начало исследований
  • February 2006 - The Buck Institute launches the public phase of its first capital campaign to raise funds for a lab expansion project. Dr. Jan Vijg, internationally-renowned aging/cancer researcher joins the Institute as a faculty member.
    • Danila Medvedev
      Видж присоединился к институту
  • September 2007 - The Institute is awarded a $25 million "Roadmap" award from  the NIH to establish a new field of research called "Geroscience", which will focus on the intersection of aging and chronic disease. It is one of only nine "Roadmap" awards granted in the country and is designed to address critical health issues that have not responded to traditional research
    • Danila Medvedev
      грант, 25 млн. долл. На геронауку (связь старения и патологий). Один из 9 грантов.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • May 2008 - CIRM, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine awards the Buck $20.5 million in seed money to build a new facility for stem cell research. The new facility would be the 2nd research building to be constructed on the campus.
    • Danila Medvedev
      финансирование новой лаборатории
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