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Yuval Yeret

InfoQ: Ensuring Success for Self Organizing Teams - 0 views

  • Helicopter Managers – who step in too soon to rescue thereby depriving the team to think and solve problems together.
  • Absentee Managers – who would not step in at all irrespective of whether the team has all the necessary skills to tackle the problem.
  • If the team has sufficient skills to solve the problem then give them space else ask questions to help them get unstuck. This would help in building the skills eventually.
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  • When time is not of the essence give the team time to work the issue. This would improve the team feeling and collaboration.
  • If the solution space is limited in scope and impact, or the decision is reversible, give the team space to solve the problem, even it there's a good chance they'll get it wrong the first time.
  • Tolerate mistakes and allow time for learning – management should not jump in at the first problem. They should allow the team to learn from their mistakes and take corrective action on their own.
  • Clearly define the boundaries – Without this the team is lost on how much they can manage themselves and when should they invoke management help. Without the definition of boundaries, teams err on side of caution and do not take any decision without seeking permission.
  • Keep the team challenged, yet not frustrated- The manager should be aware of the team’s skill level and limitations. He should be able to provide the team with enough challenges to keep them in a state of learning and growth.
  • emphasis on the balanced involvement of management with the team
  • It is important for the managers to be aware of the skill level of the team to step in or stay back at the right moment and act as a catalyst for the team to reach a state of self organization
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