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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Andreas Auwärter

Andreas Auwärter

Mediatoren | imb - Institut für Medien und Bildungstechnologie - 0 views

    Die studentische Mediationsstelle Augsburg Ansprechpartner für Streitschlichtung und Konfliktprävention Streitschlichtung, Konfliktmanagement und Prävention. Die studentische Mediationsstelle der Uni Augsburg hilft bei Konflikten oder Problemen in studentischen Lern- und Arbeitsgruppen sowie zwischen Studenten und Lehrenden. Um das Konfliktpotenzial von Beginn des Studiums an so gering wie möglich zu halten, bieten wir zudem jedes Wintersemester Workshops zum Training von Kommunikations- und Konfliktkompetenz an. Einen einführenden für Erstsemester, einen sehr praktischen und intensiveren für höhere Semester.
Andreas Auwärter

Blogging Innovation » What is the Difference Between Innovation and Creativity? - 0 views

    Discussions about innovation are often made difficult because people are unclear about the exact meanings of some key terms. In particular there is confusion about the difference between creativity, innovation and invention.
Andreas Auwärter

10 Chat Widgets to Consider - 0 views

    10 Chat Widgets to Consider Post on ReadWritenet about embeddable chat solutions
Andreas Auwärter

Ubercaster + NiceCast + ShoutCast Server - utilize your - 0 views

    ubercaster + nicecast + shoutcast server april 13, 2009 1:10 pm                 today i got around to dabbling with ubercaster and the ability to bring in skype callers for multi input/source live podcasting. after i got that bit working i then fired up my nicecast shoutcast 50 slot server from tidyhosts and set up some targets for it to capture the audio from. i then gave out my shoutcast url for people with itunes or winamp (pc) to tune into - it went really well and we found that in ubercaster playing music/samples played back to the skype users that were logged into the conversation.
Andreas Auwärter

Projekktor Zwei - HTML5 video player - 0 views

    What you´re dealing with here is a pure javascript driven HTML5 video experience. FlAsH is used only whenever there´s no native H.264 support available. In such cases a minimalistic SWF which mimics an HTML5 video element as good as necessary (read: as simple as possible) is used.
Andreas Auwärter

Fair Use & Copyright: Media Literacy -- Center for Social Media at American University - 0 views

    "Fair use is the right, in some circumstances, to quote copyrighted material without asking permission or paying for it. Fair use enables the creation of new culture, and keeps current copyright holders from being private censors. With the Washington College of Law, the Center for Social Media creates tools for creators, teachers, and researchers to better use their fair use rights. Explore your fair use rights by clicking on one of the tabs above. To listen to Center director Pat Aufderheide describe the issues around fair use, click here."
Andreas Auwärter

copyrightconfusion - home - 0 views

    Finally~Copyright Clarity has arrived Table of Contents What's New Conferences Materials Join this wiki and you can share your ideas, questions and activities in helping to reduce copyright
Andreas Auwärter

Welcome | Teaching Copyright - 0 views

    There's a lot of misinformation out there about legal rights and responsibilities in the digital era. This is especially disconcerting when it comes to information being shared with youth. Kids and teens are bombarded with messages from a myriad of sources that using new technology is high-risk behavior. Downloading music is compared to stealing a bicycle - even though many downloads are lawful. Making videos using short clips from other sources is treated as probably illegal - even though many such videos are also lawful. This misinformation is harmful, because it discourages kids and teens from following their natural inclination to be innovative and inquisitive. The innovators, artists and voters of tomorrow need to know that copyright law restricts many activities but also permits many others. And they need to know the positive steps they can take to protect themselves in the digital sphere. In short, youth don't need more intimidation - what they need is solid, accurate information.
Andreas Auwärter

Welcome! (Paul's E-Learning Resources) - 0 views

    Welcome to my E-learning resources website, my name is Paul Andrews and I am a Learning Technologist. On this site you will find my favourite links to free on-line services that allow you to provide your students with enhanced learning opportunities which you can then embed into, or link from, your school/college/university's website, course blog or VLE/MLE.
Andreas Auwärter

David Truss :: Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts » Blog Archive » Shifting Le... - 0 views

    An other awesoem answer about future of education, by da truss. So he told in his Blog: "… and it occurred to me that what I should be looking at when talking about 'Shifting Learning' is the direction we are shifting to in the future, more-so than now. I tried to do as George asked and represent this in something other than words. I spent a couple hours playing with a slide show of images and now I'm just going to salvage the title page to share with you as a frame for what I'll write about. This isn't a crystal ball look into the future, instead it is my perception of some key trends that will have a powerful impact on how learning will be shared in the future." Worth to read many times.
Andreas Auwärter

Broschüre zur Einführung ins Urheberrecht für (medien)pädagogische Zusammenhä... - 0 views

    Einführung ins Urheberrecht Auch wenn der Trend klar zu CreativeCommons geht: Die Sensibilität für das Urheberrecht in Schulen, in der Medienpädagogik und in der Jugendarbeit wächst, die Zahl der Begleitmaterialien auch. Eine Broschüre von Schulen ans Netz ergänzt den Reigen der Publikation zum Thema und beantwortet grundlegende Fragen wie "Was sind urheberrechtlich geschützte Werke?" oder "Welche Werke sind frei nutzbar?" Hilfreich besonders für den Bildungsbereich sind Hinweise zum Zitieren und zur Veröffentlichung von SchülerInnenarbeiten.
Andreas Auwärter

Classroom 2.0 LIVE! - Home - 0 views

    Classroom 2.0 LIVE is an opportunity to gather with other members of the community in real-time events, complete with audio, chat, desktop sharing, and sometimes even video. You are invited to join us for our weekly Saturday show with co-hosts Peggy George, Kim Caise and Lorna Costantini!
Andreas Auwärter - Podcast Producer Community Site - 0 views

shared by Andreas Auwärter on 18 Mar 10 - Cached
    All behind Podcast Producer
Andreas Auwärter

Opencast | Community | Projects - 0 views

    Alpha version is released! "Matterhorn is an open source project working within the Opencast Community to develop an end-to-end, open source platform that supports the scheduling, capture, managing, encoding and delivery of educational audio and video content."
Andreas Auwärter

Webdesign Tutorial - 0 views

    "Das Webdesign Tutorial ... ist eine Anleitung, die sowohl Anfängern als auch fortgeschrittenen Nutzern die Kunst des Webdesigns näher bringen soll. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei das Verständnis für die grundlegenden Techniken, die Tricks der Webdesigner und vor allem das Wissen über die Zusammenhänge, die zwischen den einzelnen Techniken bestehen." - Whow, das kommt aus unserer Uni!
Andreas Auwärter

Television Animation - 0 views

    If you are interested in TV- Animation take a look at from Jon Hooper and Steve Kellener. "Television Animation Some helpful information when dealing with television animation production. "
Andreas Auwärter

Effective Storytelling - a basic manual - 0 views

  • Once you finish the story - stop! Don't ramble on.
    "Effective storytelling is a fine and beautiful art. A well-developed and presented story can cut across age barriers and will hold the interest and reach its listeners. Stories will be remembered long after other orations. Knowing and applying the basics of storytelling will strengthen your stories." by Barry McWilliams - Introduction to Storytelling! You are most welcome to copy and use this document! It is about 6 printed pages long. You might read some of the good books available on how to tell stories as well.
Andreas Auwärter

Microphone Round-up! (Visual Lounge) - 1 views

    I struggle with audio especially when I'm out of a controlled environment. I often like to make videos on the road at events - usually in a noisy conference hall with high ceilings. This is a less than ideal recording situation. So, I thought I'd round up a bunch of different microphones at work and compare them for you. Matt Pierce, the Training Manager, and I headed to our soundbooth and tested 6 different microphones. We used Audacity to record the audio at 44,100Hz. We tried to have as much consistency as possible, but we had to adjust the audio levels on each microphone. You will see in the screencast what level we recorded at. Also, I made the links a hotspot in the video, so you can click them if you'd like more info about the microphone. The screencast is short - running 1:30.
Andreas Auwärter

Making the Switch from Coda to Espresso - 0 views

    During the last of our IM discussions related to the theme upgrade, I told Preshit that I worked my bit of the upgrade entirely using MacRabbit's Espresso. He was surprised, to say the least. Everyone knows me as a Coda fanboy, so did I ditch it just like that? I've always seen Espresso as sort of the underpowered in comparison with Coda. Coda is feature rich, has a splendid user interface, so why switch to something sub-standard? Lately though Coda has been showing its age, especially improvements in the world of HTML and CSS, and its user interface felt a little too heavy, given the current trend towards minimalism. Moreover, with Espresso's 1.1 update, things were looking good for this new kid on the block. So I gave it a serious run-through by doing the theme upgrade entirely in Espresso.
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