Hi, I'm Annu! - 1 views
Annu Kangas on 16 Oct 12Hi! My name is Annu and I study in University of Helsinki to become a class teacher. This is my third year and right now I study my minor; art pedagogics. :)
Annu Kangas on 17 Oct 12Our instructions of what to do and discuss about here in diigo were rather different than yours but we have now been told to share a saying as well. :) So here goes: "Köyhän ei kannata ostaa halpaa" translated "Poor shouldn't by cheap." Mainly it suggests that cheap things are ofter of rather poor quality, so someone who doesn't have too much money (and who does?) shouldn't go for the cheapest option. A cheap product will more likely break before its time and make the person spend more money to get another product on its place. I remember my parents stating this many times in my childhood, usually right after my father had bought some gadget for his garage (for example a three euro sanding machine) that lasted like 20 minutes. ;) I would say this saying has a lot of thrut in it and I try to remember it when I buy something I really need. Last time I thought about it when we bought my fiancé a pair of shoes that costed a lot but will last many years of constat use. And it's also a ecological way of thinking! :)
Annu Kangas on 01 Nov 12Hi! We just got intructions to add a pciture that illustrates or otherwise reflects the saying. So here it comes (gosh it's a long link): http://www.google.fi/imgres?start=69&num=10&um=1&hl=fi&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:fi:official&biw=1280&bih=668&tbm=isch&tbnid=b_hIXr_IfPnllM:&imgrefurl=http://veerrasglamour.blogspot.com/2010/01/lanzarote-part-ii.html&docid=2P5W6eyf5LmHMM&imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_7c5IKjU2pdw/S0TSw37-LiI/AAAAAAAADLo/ghwmaRI4oyk/s400/IMG_5884.JPG&w=300&h=400&ei=86GSUI_2FoLk4QT_l4GwAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=528&sig=117896242144692104989&sqi=2&page=4&tbnh=138&tbnw=103&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,i:190&tx=63&ty=62 I think this illustrates very well what happens when you by a cheap pair of shoes (that were so pretty...) instead of a proper quality. :)