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Tomáš Čejka

JavaScript: Measuring Performance, Games, and Distributed Testing (by John Resig) - 1 views

    John Resig touches three JavaScript issues: performance measuring - calling getTime() or using a browser extension like Firebug, plus performing complexity analysis -, creating games - should be multiplayer, hard to cheat, available on all devices, and addictive -, and performing distributed testing to evaluate how a program or game works in a real set.
Tomáš Čejka

Javascript closure - 1 views

    Best article about closure in javascript.
Tomáš Čejka

How JavaScript Timers Work - 1 views

    At a fundamental level it's important to understand how JavaScript timers work. Often times they behave unintuitively because of the single thread which they are in. Let's start by examining the three functions to which we have access that can construct and manipulate timers.
Tomáš Čejka

The this keyword - 1 views

    One of the most powerful JavaScript keywords is this. Unfortunately it is hard to use if you don't exactly know how it works.
Tomáš Čejka

JavaScript očima programátora - 1 views

    Najít na internetu článek nebo dokonce seriál, který by se systematicky zabýval JavaScriptem, není nic jednoduchého - převažují články, které ukáží, jak deklarovat proměnné, v lepším případě funkce, poví něco o datových typech a tím to většinou končí.
Tomáš Čejka

Objects as associative arrays - 0 views

    On this page I explain how JavaScript objects are also associative arrays (hashes). Using these you can associate a key string with a value string, which can be very useful sometimes.
Tomáš Čejka

Named function expressions demystified - 0 views

    Surprisingly, a topic of named function expressions doesn't seem to be covered well enough on the web. This is probably why there are so many misconceptions floating around. In this article, I'll try to summarize both - theoretical and practical aspects of these wonderful Javascript constructs; the good, bad and ugly parts of them. In a nutshell, named function expressions are useful for one thing only - descriptive function names in debuggers and profilers. Well, there is also a possibility of using function names for recursion, but you will soon see that this is often impractical nowadays. If you don't care about debugging experience, you have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, read on to see some of the cross-browser glitches you would have to deal with and tips on how work around them. I'll start with a general explanation of what function expressions are how modern debuggers handle them. Feel free to skip to a final solution, which explains how to use these constructs safely.
Tomáš Čejka

Understanding delete operator in javascript - 0 views

    About delete operator. And how global and local scope working in javascript runtime!
Tomáš Čejka

Google I/O 2008 - State of Ajax: The Universe Is Expanding - 0 views

    State of Ajax: The Universe is Expanding Dion Almaer (Google) and Ben Galbraith ( The Ajax revolution is complete: Sophisticated JavaScript user interfaces are nearly ubiquitous.
Tomáš Čejka

Gopal Venkatesan: "Writing Efficient JavaScript" - 0 views

    Gopal Venkatesan was the first frontend engineer hired by Yahoo! India, and he remains at the core of the f2e community in Yahoo!'s Bangalore office. In this talk, he discusses some useful conventions to employ in creating efficient scripts -- both from the perspective of the language and of the language's interaction with the browser.
Tomáš Čejka

Nicholas Zakas: "Maintainable JavaScript" - 0 views

    Nicholas Zakas is an engineer on the team that brings you My Yahoo!, one of the most popular personalized portals on the web. He is also the author of two books on frontend engineering, including "Professional JavaScript for Web.
Tomáš Čejka

Closure Tools (by Google Code) - 0 views

    Web applications have evolved from simple HTML pages into rich, interactive applications that provide a great user experience. Today's web apps pose a challenge for developers, however: how do you create and maintain efficient JavaScript code that downloads quickly and works across different browsers? The Closure tools help developers to build rich web applications with JavaScript that is both powerful and efficient. The Closure tools include:
Tomáš Čejka

Developing JavaScript Desktop Applications (by Jeff Haynie) - 0 views

    Appcelerator's Titanium allows to build and deploy desktop applications which run seamlessly on Windows, OSX and Linux desktops using Javascript and HTML. Jeff Haynie explains how Titanium works, how to build apps and how it compares to Adobe Air.
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