If your wristwatch was as accurate as today’s atomic clocks, it would not gain or lose a second in 80 million years.
Atomic clock is smallest on the market - 2 views
Soon caesium in your watch !
very nice indeed ... how much more accurate are our galileo clocks?
This small clock is around 10^-12 @1d in stability (loose 1 second after 300000 years) and 50 ns in accuracy. For comparison Galileo and GPS clocks are around 10^-14 @1d in stability and 1 ns in accuracy. And ACES/PHARAO will be around 3*10^-16 @1d in stability and 0.3 ps accuracy.
Physics - Atoms in a lattice keep time - 0 views
The NIST group traps and cools neutral 171Yb atoms and loads them into a one-dimensional lattice, so that about 30,000 atoms fill several hundred lattice sites.
Lemke et al. compare their optical lattice clock with the current standard atomic fountain clock and find that the accuracy of the Yb lattice clock potentially challenges the current standard.
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