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tech vedic

Keep your laptop battery healthy - 0 views

    Here's one of those sad facts of life that you just can't avoid: Like cars, clothing, and people, batteries wear out. You can't stop this process, but with proper care you can slow it down. What wears down a battery? Charging and discharging. Obviously, you can't avoid either of those acts entirely (although if you could, you wouldn't have to worry about wearing out your battery). The trick, of course, is to do as little charging and discharging as possible. And one way to avoid charging and discharging is to remove the battery when you don't need it. Ideally, you would remove the battery (with the laptop shut down, of course) before plugging in the AC adapter and working at your desk. Then, before you take your PC on the road, you would shut it down, insert the battery, and let it charge for a few hours. In reality, that's not always practical. Shutting down and rebooting your PC every time you go from portable to deskbound quickly becomes a nuisance. Worse, you have to remember to recharge before leaving home. A more practical solution would be to shut down the laptop and remove the battery when you expect it will stay plugged in for a week or more. And don't intentionally discharge the battery before removing it. After all, the whole point is to charge and recharge as little as possible. Some of the charge will be lost while the battery sits unused, so it's still a good idea to recharge it before taking it on the road--even though that requires some planning ahead of time. By-The Xpert Crew @
tech vedic

Stop Windows Update from Hijacking the Sleep/Shutdown Button - 0 views

    It is really very irritating when Windows 7 or Vista changes the Sleep/Shutdown button into an "Install Updates and Shutdown" button. Here is a solution for this.
Doug Peterson - 999346 - Dynamic Node-Link Tree (D3) - 0 views

    This is an example of building a tree layout using the Reingold-Tilford "tidy" algorithm, as described in "Tidier Drawings of Trees". As each new element is added to the graph, it animates in, starting at the previous position of the parent node. Thus, the existing nodes and the new node transition smoothly to their new positions. The animation stops when 500 nodes have been added to the tree.
tech vedic

What To Do If Your Laptop Freezes? - 0 views

    It is really irritating when the laptop freezes and this hinders your work. Then what to do? Well, in this tutorial we are providing you some help regarding laptop freezing.
tech vedic

How to fix Web pages that print too small? - 0 views

    Most of the times you need to take the print out of the web pages. But, when the printed web pages come out too small then it is really irritating. This is generally due to "Shrink to Fit" option. According to this option, Internet Explorer squeezes all the elements of a web page by default onto a sheet of paper. Thus, go through this tutorial and fix it.
tech vedic

Prevent Windows Update from Forcibly Rebooting Your Computer - 0 views

    Most of the times you find the Windows Update dialog pop up which direct you to reboot your computer. But, this is a real hindrance when you are very busy.
tech vedic

How to family-proof your PC - 0 views

    It is important to safeguard your PC against malicious software. You need to resist dodgy downloads, suspicious pop-up and ads.
Doug Peterson

Iran's nuclear agency trying to stop computer worm - Arab News - 0 views

    Iran's nuclear agency is trying to combat a complex computer worm that has affected industrial sites throughout the country and is capable of taking over power plants, Iranian media reports said.
Doug Peterson

Launchlist - Your one stop website checklist! - 0 views

    Checklist for developing a website.
Peter McAsh

What happens when computers stop shrinking? - Computers - - 0 views

    A good history of personal computers followed by what will happen in the future.
Peter McAsh

Java Basics: GUI: Lesson 1 - Introduction - 0 views

  • Giving up control - Event-driven programming. The GUI programming style is referred to as event-driven programming. In this style of programming you set up the graphical user interface and initialize things. It appears that the program just stops and sits there doing nothing! There is no input loop; your program isn't trying to read from the user. You, the programmer, have to learn to give up control in two ways. Your program gives control to the GUI system, and you only get control back to when your listeners are called. At an even higher level, your program has given control to the user. It's the user who selects which of your methods to call by their choice of buttons to click on, menu items to select, etc. Listeners. When the user clicks a button (or uses another GUI component), an event is sent to listener method. Your job as a programmer is to write a listener method for each component. It's the user, not the programmer, who has control, indirectly choosing methods in your program to execute by interacting with graphical user interface components.
Peter Beens

Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google, condemns British education system | Technology | The ... - 0 views

  • "Over the past century, the UK has stopped nurturing its polymaths. You need to bring art and science back together."
  • "It was a time when the same people wrote poetry and built bridges," he said. "Lewis Carroll didn't just write one of the classic fairytales of all time. He was also a mathematics tutor at Oxford. James Clerk Maxwell was described by Einstein as among the best physicists since Newton – but was also a published poet."
  • Schmidt said the country that invented the computer was "throwing away your great computer heritage" by failing to teach programming in schools. "I was flabbergasted to learn that today computer science isn't even taught as standard in UK schools," he said. "Your IT curriculum focuses on teaching how to use software, but gives no insight into how it's made."
    Schmidt criticises division between science and arts and says UK 'should look back to glory days of Victorian era'
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