With every innovation of e-commerce, consumers are exposed to new security risks. Talking about U.S. e-commerce sales, it is expected to grow about 12 percent in 2013. Thus, making transactions safe online is a quite difficult job now. In this tutorial, we are introducing five fundamental security tips which you should keep in mind for embracing this dynamic industry.
In this article I want to help kick start your own development on the App Store, and I hope it's encouraging for you that I myself went from having zero apps to having 20 approved and on sale in the space of just over a year and a half. I haven't made enough money from them to retire, but they do provide a regular income - and it's an income that's only going to grow as Apple sells more hardware.
Think your passwords are secure? Think again
If you want to ensure your password, and the data it protects, is as secure against hackers as possible then be sure to read The Ultimate Guide to Passwords in the upcoming issue of PC Pro, on sale next week.
For storing big projects, you need tons of storage space. If you are studying fields like filmmaking, animation or photography then you need to go for external storage. In this tutorial, we are giving you some tips for buying appropriate external hard drive.
Shopping is not an easy task. When it comes to buy a gadget for your work related needs, you need to be very specific and attentive. In this tutorial, we are highlighting business features among the different operating systems as well as the best specs for business which you should keep in mind while purchasing your smartphone.