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Doug Peterson - Real-time log monitoring in your browser - 0 views

    Your infrastructure has hundreds of log files spread across dozens of machines. For monitoring deployments and troubleshooting, you need to instantly see composite streams of log messages in a single user interface.
Peter McAsh

Android phones keep location cache, too, but it's harder to access - 0 views

    Following the revelation that iPhones log location data even if you don't use location-based services, a software developer has demonstrated that Android devices perform the same type of logging. Though there are some differences and the on-device data isn't accessible in the same way, Google does collect this data in a way that could be tied to an individual user.
tech vedic

How to secure files from other users on external disks? - 0 views

    External hard-disk or USB drive attached to a system running on OSX is vulnerable, as it could be accessed through other user-profiles easily. Apart from that, if the network file sharing feature is enabled, the external storage device could be accessed by anyone having the authority to get logged into the network. Thus, no matter you encrypted the drive or particular files or not, any unauthorized user can access your data, steal records and make changes into that. What to do? Techvedic, being a leader in tech support, offers you practical and effective solution.
Doug Peterson

Web Security: Why You Should Always Use HTTPS - 0 views

    The next time you visit a cafe to sip coffee and surf on some free Wi-Fi, try an experiment: Log in to some of your usual sites. Then, with a smile, hand the keyboard over to a stranger. Now walk away for 20 minutes. Remember to pick up your laptop before you leave.
Peter Beens

How to Set Up a File-Syncing Dropbox Clone You Control - 0 views

    File syncing is a godsend when you work on multiple computers or devices and want to make sure you have the most up-to-date files wherever you log in. While online services like Dropbox may be the most convenient options, there are plenty of reasons you may want to "roll your own cloud" and sync your files to your own web server or just on your local network. 
Peter McAsh

Geo Data Logger: Arduino+GPS+SD+Accelerometer to log, time-stamp, and geo-tag sensor data - 2 views

    Interesting combination of Computer Technology and GIS.
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