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Doug Peterson

Vjeux » Image Layout Algorithm - Google Plus - 0 views

    Google Plus has a really nice image gallery. They somehow managed to display all the photos without cropping, without reordering and without any holes. We are going to see how they did it in this blog post.
Peter Beens

Education Week: Educators, Innovators Call for Earlier Introduction to Computer Science - 0 views

  • By Bobby Kerlik, The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, (MCT) Printer-Friendly Email Article Reprints Comments Tweet Like Liked Producing computer scientists and engineers to fill the demand from domestic companies should be a national priority, said Jeannette Wing, head of the computer science department at Carnegie Mellon University.
    Producing computer scientists and engineers to fill the demand from domestic companies should be a national priority, said Jeannette Wing, head of the computer science department at Carnegie Mellon University.
Doug Peterson - 999346 - Dynamic Node-Link Tree (D3) - 0 views

    This is an example of building a tree layout using the Reingold-Tilford "tidy" algorithm, as described in "Tidier Drawings of Trees". As each new element is added to the graph, it animates in, starting at the previous position of the parent node. Thus, the existing nodes and the new node transition smoothly to their new positions. The animation stops when 500 nodes have been added to the tree.
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