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Doug Peterson

2012 Scratch competition now open to budding programmers - Irish Innovation News - Sili... - 0 views

    The 2012 Scratch competition has launched, which encourages primary and secondary school students to get involved with computing and software development. Run by the Irish software engineering research centre Lero and supported by the Irish Computer Society, the competition helps students learn how software is built and how it works. It encourages them to be creative with the software and shows what opportunities are available in the technology sector.
Doug Peterson

Home page | Scratch - 0 views

    Since 2007 Lero - the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre has been running an Education and Outreach Program to encourage students to discover and learn about computing and software development. We have developed Scratch lesson plans, to teach software development to students. Scratch is a visual programming language that makes it easy to create interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art and share these creations on the web.
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