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Peter Beens

ICS2O - Understanding Your Computer - Google Docs - 0 views

    An activity created by Peter McAsh for the ICS2O class. Thanks Peter! 
Peter Beens

Tutorials \ - 0 views

    I'm really starting to like what I see in Processing. I think this language will be suitable for the full range of students, from the beginners in ICS2O or ICS3x, to the robotics programmers in TEJ4M (via Arduino). Note that it can create standalone applets or applications, which is appealing to the students. 
Peter McAsh

Touchdevelop - 1 views

    "Create apps everywhere! TouchDevelop is a programming environment that runs on iPad, iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Windows Phone."
    Web-based app development environment
Peter McAsh

google-blockly - A visual programming language - Google Project Hosting - 0 views

    Blockly is a web-based, graphical programming language. Users can drag blocks together to build an application. No typing required.
    Scratch / App Inventor like coding
Peter Beens

Ruby for kids - 0 views

    With Ruby, and the gosu gem you can do it. It is fairly easy to get going. And if you follow our screencasts, you can have a game going in minutes! Also, take a look at our recent Show and Tell to get some ideas of the games that can be built by beginners. Have fun!
Peter Beens

Turing for High School (Tutorial) - 1 views

    with questions adapted from Problem Solving in Pascal by John Carter
Peter Beens

Powers of Ten - 0 views

    A good overview of the basic terminology used in computer storage.
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