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isabella R

New Catholic Times :: News Articles :: Two from Daniel Maguire - 0 views

    Most Catholic Bishops are "Moral Heretics" and When Religion is a Refuge for Scoundrels: 'Ryan Budget' Edition In simple truth, most of the American "Catholic" bishops are in schism.They are moral heretics. Because of their undisguised embrace of the Republican cause and their opposition to President Obama's modest health care plan, they are not "good news for the poor" (Luke 4:18) as Jesus defined his mission, not "good news" especially for poor children, not "good news" for those whom God has made gay, not "good news" for the sick and the elderly, not "good news" for that trinity of persons that the Hebrew Bible (Jesus' Bible) had an obsessive concern for, "the orphans, widows, and immigrants," and not "good news" for the "peacemakers" whom Jesus called "God's children." (Matt. 5:9)
isabella R

Enlightened Catholicism: Fortnight For Freedom? How About A Fortnight For Truth - 0 views

    Cardinal Dolan, the President of the USCCB, needs to explain why his policy in Milwaukee was no money for victims, but somehow money to bribe their clerical abusers and dig up dirt on victims.
isabella R

Ugandan Bishops Push Notorious Anti-Gay Bill | Religion Dispatches - 0 views

    The Uganda Joint Christian Council, which includes Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox bishops, has called on parliament to move the notorious Anti-Homosexuality Bill forward. According to the Ugandan newspaper The Daily Monitor:
isabella R

Interview - Ken Roosa | The Silence | FRONTLINE | PBS - 0 views

    Roosa represents about 240 Alaska Natives who were molested as children by Catholic priests
isabella R

Interview - Bishop Donald Kettler | The Silence | FRONTLINE | PBS - 0 views

    Since 2002 he has served as bishop under the Catholic Diocese of Fairbanks. As part of the diocese's legal settlement with sexual abuse survivors, Kettler traveled to the villages of St. Michael and Stebbins in December 2010 to apologize on behalf of the church. This is the edited transcript of two interviews;
isabella R

Victims say bishop hinders prosecution - SNAP - 0 views

    Bishop turns in Priest for abuse but does everything to make him look falsely accused;RESULT -At earlier court hearings, dozens of Ojeda's supporters filled the courtroom, said they disbelieved the charges and released helium balloons to "celebrate" the admitted predator's release on bail. WHILE VICTIMS "LEARN" THE "LESSON"...A TOTALLY NEW STRATEGY---UNBELIEVABLE
isabella R

Bilgrimage: More End-of-Week News: Maciel and John Paul II, Bayard Rustin, and Crisis o... - 0 views

    In a paragraph I find chilling when I remember Maciel's serial abuse of seminarians for many years, his drug addiction, his fathering of children by several women whom he secretly supported through Legionary funds, Berry suggests why Vatican officials including John Paul II refused to listen to anyone trying to blow the whistle on Maciel: From 1998, when a group of ex-Legionaries filed a canonical process with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's tribunal, seeking Maciel's ouster for abusing them in seminary, until 2006, when Ratzinger-as-Benedict dismissed him from ministry, Maciel was a gilded force, raising millions of dollars, thanks to the support of John Paul and the video images of the pope and Maciel that the Legion gave to donors. By 2004 the Legion had a $650 million budget, and fewer than 650 priests.
isabella R

The Legion of Christ and the Vatican meltdown | National Catholic Reporter - 0 views

    Moreover, a priest who in 2009 met with Cardinal Franc Rodé, then the Vatican official in charge of religious orders, told NCR that Rodé discussed a videotape he had seen of Maciel with one of his children in 2004, yet made no move to punish the Legion founder. Rodé, who has since retired, championed the Legion and its lay wing, Regnum Christi, with glowing speeches to the groups for several years after Maciel was banished from active ministry.
isabella R

Why The Hierarchy Fears The Nuns - 0 views

    The Vatican has revealed itself in the current spectacle as more reactionary than conservative. Even the suggestion of discussing progressive takes on dogma is often denounced as heresy. Arguably, moderate and liberal Catholics live in a new reign of terror whose principal players are Bernard Law, disgraced former Boston Cardinal; Cardinal William Levada, Prefect for the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith; Cardinal Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura; and well-placed, movement conservative-friendly bishops and cardinals in cities such as Madison, Wisconsin, New York and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
isabella R

Sister Abhaya murder case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    The CBI informed the Kerala High Court in late November 2008 and early December 2008 that Sister Abhaya had accidentally intruded upon Sr. Sephy and the other two accused priests in a "compromising position". Sr Sephy panicked and, on the spur of the moment, Sephy hit Abhaya with an axe meant for chopping firewood. The three accused together dumped Abhaya's body into the well.

    CBI also informed the High Court about the remarkable degree of care the accused took to hide the crime. This allegedly included the bizarre claim of a hymen-restoration (hymenoplasty or hymenorrhaphy) procedure on Sr. Sephy which was discovered through gynecological tests conducted on her in late 2008. This was strongly refuted by the accused. The counsel for the accused dared CBI to prove that such an operation has ever been conducted in India. Further, the building where the crime was allegedly committed was extensively remodeled.
isabella R

The Pope's Reprehensible Comments About Child Porn And Pedophilia - 0 views

    The Pope`s comments in reference to child pornography and pedophilia are indefensible and reprehensible. It would be bad enough if a parish priest uttered such vile comments, but for the head of the Roman Catholic Church to subscribe to these evil delusions is frightening. Pedophilia and child pornography have always been considered absolutely evil in the United States. It is patently false that child pornography is increasingly considered normal by society. While it`s true that due to the advent of the Internet more perverts are viewing child porn, it`s also true that that in the last few years there has been a flood of legislation toughening the penalties for the possession and dissemination of child porn.
isabella R

Enlightened Catholicism: Vati-Leaks: The Titanic Has Hit The Ice Berg And The Crew Is I... - 0 views

    "Somehow this is even worse than the storm caused by the Church paedophilia scandal," said a priest who entered the great gate of Porta Angelica with brisk fearful steps.
isabella R

America Magazine Dear Pope Benedict - 0 views

    Dear Pope Benedict, I've just read your 1989 paper reprinted in Communio in the review's featured, "Retrieving the Tradition." In "Difficulties Confronting the Faith in Europe Today" you explain your future papacy's resistance to change on the "interlinked" issues of contraception, homosexuality, divorce and women's ordination.  At the end of your analysis you make a plea for more theological development of the doctrine of creation.????????
isabella R

Bilgrimage: When Communion Is Anything But: Vatican Rationale for Attack on American Nuns - 0 views

    what might be the primary pastoral obligation of the   men ruling the church in this situation of tension.  And whether the way in which the men ruling the church exercise pastoral leadership might be at the very center of the problem the Vatican and Archbishop Sartain claim they want to address with religious women.  The way the men ruling the church exercise pastoral leadership in contravention of the example of Jesus and the gospels, in the view of growing numbers of Catholics . . . . 
isabella R

In defense of our women religious | National Catholic Reporter - 0 views

  • By comparison, this reflects badly on the hierarchy, fixated on retrieving their own image and power by dragging the Church backward in time. They fuss about obedience, dogma, retro-liturgical maneuvers, the charade about religious freedom, women’s reproductive behaviors, and who marries whom. American nuns find such issues to be counterproductive to the works of the Gospel, at worst; and mere distractions at best. Hence, they refrain from pursuing them. There is so much to do in helping “the neighbor” survive in human dignity that nuns have no time for what is surely not on the Holy Spirit’s agenda. And, therein lies the danger! Today these issues are foremost on the hierarchical agenda.
  • Exhibit A, entered by the defense: The Gospels.
  • Exhibit B, entered by the defense: Teaching from Vatican Council II
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Exhibit C entered by the defense: Statements from the Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • Exhibit #D entered by the defense: Papal statements quoted in opening paragraph, above.
  • It seems very disingenuous for Pope Benedict XVI and his predecessor, John Paul II, to “appeal” for a greater participation of women in the formal leadership and missions of the Church. It is in the Pope’s power to accord equality to women, and he can bring it about whenever he chooses to do so.
  • It is reasonable to think that this accusation of doctrinal unfaithfulness would not have been directed to the LCWR if women provided balance in the Vatican tribunals and bureaucracies. Women, with their “superiority” and “genius” would surely help the males prioritize issues according to appropriate judgment concerning their importance for the common good and the mission of the Church.
  • Exhibit #5E entered by the defense: Warnings and indictments addressed by Jesus to those in power.
  • : Jesus detested hypocrisy. In the light of recent public exposure of deplorable behavior and practices by the hierarchy, for which they have yet to assume public responsibility, I submit that these words of Jesus should be entered into the court documents as reflecting on a lack of integrity in the prosecution. The Defense Rests
  • Catholic theologian Regina Schulte is one of the reasons our church is in trouble today. Years ago she went off and got educated. For a while she served the church as a Catholic sister. Eventually she left the religious life and married. For years she and her late husband, Jim, earned their livings as Catholic theologians. Jim died eleven years ago. Regina continues reflecting on life, church, and the human condition while living in partial retirement.
  • Pope Benedict XVI expressed an appeal for women to have a more visible role within the Church. In two earlier instances, the Pope also spoke of the need to expand roles of women. “Women’s spiritual power will know how to make their own space. And we will have to try and listen,” he said on one occasion. On the other: “[Women], and we with them, must look for their right place, so to speak….I believe that women themselves, with their superiority…will know how to make their own space. We’ll try not to stand in their way.”
  • Condescending though they be, these remarks seemed to have handed a blank check to women. But, in the case of U.S. women’s religious congregations, the Vatican is now placing a “hold” on that check. Not only has their “space” been closed, but bishops (as in “men”) have been given control of what nuns have created in that space. The Vatican’s actions speak louder than their words (as in “false prophecy”) It isn’t that nuns were awaiting permission to pursue their modern apostolates; the above-quoted words of Benedict merely endorse what they have been doing in their own inspired way since Vatican Council II. But, perhaps they became too successful “in their space.”
    • isabella R
      Pope Benedict XVI expressed an appeal for women to have a more visible role within the Church. In two earlier instances, the Pope also spoke of the need to expand roles of women. "Women's spiritual power will know how to make their own space. And we will have to try and listen," he said on one occasion. On the other: "[Women], and we with them, must look for their right place, so to speak….I believe that women themselves, with their superiority…will know how to make their own space. We'll try not to stand in their way." Condescending though they be, these remarks seemed to have handed a blank check to women. But, in the case of U.S. women's religious congregations, the Vatican is now placing a "hold" on that check. Not only has their "space" been closed, but bishops (as in "men") have been given control of what nuns have created in that space. The Vatican's actions speak louder than their words (as in "false prophecy") It isn't that nuns were awaiting permission to pursue their modern apostolates; the above-quoted words of Benedict merely endorse what they have been doing in their own inspired way since Vatican Council II. But, perhaps they became too successful "in their space."
    They [the hierarchy] fuss about obedience, dogma, retro-liturgical maneuvers, the charade about religious freedom, women's reproductive behaviors, and who marries whom. American nuns find such issues to be counterproductive to the works of the Gospel, at worst; and mere distractions at best.
isabella R

Dissecting Dolan's Apologists - The Worthy Adversary - 0 views

    "Gee, maybe I killed one person, but look at Hitler. He killed millions."
isabella R

Bilgrimage: About Those "Non-Partisan" Stand Up Rallies Yesterday: One Reporter's Analysis - 0 views

    It was a political event. A Republican politician was a featured speaker. Republican political operatives were on hand and sent out photos, such as the one above. Republicans called the roll on which Republicans were in attendance and Democrats who were not. Obamacare and abortion were much on the minds of the attendees. Catholic Bishop Anthony Taylor got a noticeably cool response when he mentioned the government's ill treatment of immigrants. Taylor, whose advocacy for immigrants was once a foundational interest, has become more engaged in sexual politics of late, and not just the all-out fight against contraception. He also recently punished a vital Latino assistance group because of its tangential relationship to an out-of-state organization that believed help to immigrant families should include those headed by same-sex parents.  In short: Friday's rally was primarily about people who want to defeat President Obama's health care policies and defeat Obama in the fall. A non-existent attack on religion was the bloody shirt.
isabella R

Bilgrimage: From the Blogs: Bishops' "Religious Liberty" War, Attack on Nuns, and More - 0 views

    The bishops claim liberty for themselves, and for the large institutions they control, while also fighting to restrict the liberty of others with respect to abortion, emergency contraception, and same-sex relationships.
isabella R

Catholic bishops -- religious liberty, religion's shame | - 0 views

    Instead of being viewed as weak, they're flexing their ecclesiastical muscles politically in hopes of being seen as strong. Don't buy it. This summer, when bishops are claiming to be victims of a political system that has trampled on their religious rights, take a moment to remember that they had to be publicly humiliated 10 years ago into taking action to protect children from predaory clergy.
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