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Jennifer Garcia

CC Search - 2 views

    " Please note that is not a search engine, but rather offers convenient access to search services provided by other independent organizations. CC has no control over the results that are returned. Do not assume that the results displayed in this search portal are under a CC license. You should always verify that the work is actually under a CC license by following the link. Since there is no registration to use a CC license, CC has no way to determine what has and hasn't been placed under the terms of a CC license. If you are in doubt you should contact the copyright holder directly, or try to contact the site where you found the content."
Jennifer Garcia

5 Tools for Helping Students Find Creative Commons Images - 0 views

    A collection of 5 free CC licensed images for students
Jennifer Garcia

A flickr CC search toy - 1 views

    adds the attribution automatically to the images you choose. Brilliant-just choose stamp!
Jennifer Garcia

Behold | Search High Quality Flickr Images - 0 views

    " Searching 1,040,000 high quality images from Flickr"
Jennifer Garcia

Step 7: Images, copyright, and Creative Commons | Edublogs Teacher Challenges - 0 views

    A great guide which explains how to use and attribute  i,ages from a variety of cc sources.
Jennifer Garcia

Fotopedia - 1 views

    Martin Burrett 19 Feb 12 02:22:35 Search a vast collection of photos for every occasion, including photos for commercial use.
Jennifer Garcia

oSkope visual search :: Your intuitive search assistant - 0 views

    oSkope is a visual search assistant that lets you browse images and products from popular sites like Amazon, eBay, YouTube and Flickr in a highly intuitive way. You can skim thumbnails related to your search keywords and save search results from different services to a visual bookmark bar at the bottom of your browser screen. Flash required so ipad unfriendly
Jennifer Garcia

Fotos de Dominio Publico - Stock de fotos libre de regalías - 1 views

    "Bienvenido a imágenes de dominio público es un repositorio de imágenes libres de dominio público. Puede descargar fotos de alta calidad, subir tus propias fotos, ganar dinero a la caridad, obtener popularidad de la exposición y la ganancia y mejorar sus habilidades fotográficas y gráficas. Si vas a usar una foto de nuestro sitio para uso comercial, por favor ten la precaución de que no se ha liberado el diseño y los productos asociados a las imágenes o su propiedad deberá ser usada con cuidado. Las imágenes son de uso gratuito y podrás sentirte bien acerca de la posibilidad de hacerlo. Si disfrutas de tu visita, por favor, cuéntale a tus amigos sobre Public Domain "
Jennifer Garcia

Google Images - 0 views

    " New! Now you can use an image to start your Google search. Learn more or try it now by dragging one of these images into the search box above."
Jennifer Garcia

Flickr: Smithsonian Institution's Photostream - 3 views

    " Smithsonian Institution's photostream "
Jennifer Garcia

Wikimedia Commons - 1 views

    "Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, a database of 11,146,958 freely usable media files to which anyone can contribute."
Jennifer Garcia

FlickrStorm. Search on Flickr with some Magic - 1 views

    " It works by looking for more than what you enter to find related and more relevant images... Be suprised! ... and check back here for more magic in the future."
Jennifer Garcia

Compfight / A Flickr Search Tool - 1 views

    "About this site Compfight is an image search engine tailored to efficiently locate images for blogs, comps, inspiration, and research. We make good use of the flickr™ API, but aren't affiliated with flickr."
Jennifer Garcia - 0 views

    Check image licenses easily.
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