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Wisen Technologies

Java Training | J2EE, JEE, JSP, JSF, Spring, EJB Training in Chennai - 1 views

    Java Training Course Overview Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a powerful platform for building web applications. The J2EE platform offers all the advantages of developing in Java plus a comprehensive suite of server-side technologies. Our Java J2EE training curriculum is the industry's most in-depth hands-on exposure to the Java platform.
Wisen Technologies

.Net Training | C# .Net Training | ASP.NET Training in Chennai - Wisen - 0 views

    Net Training. Best .Net Training Institute. In-depth C#, ASP.NET Course Coverage. Experienced Trainers. Unmatched Lab Assistance & Course Materials. Proven Way to Job Success.
Wisen Technologies

IT Training Institute - 0 views

    IT Training. Best of Both: Career & Certification. Specialized Training. Exceptional Instructors. Superior Support. Student Services. In-depth Course Materials. Proven Way to Job Success.
Wisen Technologies

xHTML Training | CSS, XML, XSLT Javascript, JQuery Training in Chennai - 0 views

    HTML, CSS, Js, JQuery Training Course Overview HTML5 is the ubiquitous platform provides a rich set of features which can be used to develop the next generation of Web applications!
Wisen Technologies

PHP Training | Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Zend Training in Chennai - 0 views

    PHP Training Course Overview The PHP programming language and MySQL™ database provide a powerful, open, and free platform for developing database-driven Web sites to emerge during the past decade. MySQL is the open source community's most popular Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) offering, and is a key part of LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python.
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