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Janos Haits - Don't let email interrupt your entire day - 0 views

    Don't let email interrupt your entire day. Kukoo offers a temporary inbox for email you don't need to read immediately. We queue those messages and deliver them to your existing email address a few times a day.

Website Design - 0 views

    Fulfill your web-based requirements with goal-oriented services from a reputed website design company, India. Avail complete support and quick responses to queries and quality services at affordable rates.
Janos Haits

Snapshots - websnapr - Website Thumbnails For Your Website - 0 views

  • lets you capture screenshots of (almost) any web page. Allow your visitors to instantly visualize any web page before clicking. Increase site traffic, click-through rate and site stickiness.
Janos Haits - 0 views

    Koken is a new web site publishing system developed for photographers, designers, artists and creative DIYs. It provides creatives with tools to manage, edit and publish personal web sites of their work.
Janos Haits

Improve your user experience with continuous design feedback - 0 views

    Optimize customer happiness with visual feedback
Value Coders

HTML5 - Important Feature of Responsive Web Design - 1 views

    The demand for responsive websites has only increased in the recent past. With more and more smartphones, tablets and phablets getting launched every month, the demand for easy website navigation on the hand-held devices is increasing. It goes without saying that with the increasing demands of the customers, the mobile and hand-held device manufacturers are putting their bucks on responsive web designing.
Janos Haits

Build a Website - Squarespace - 0 views

    a better web starts with a better website
Janos Haits

AP Social Media Image Maker - 0 views

    Social Media Image Maker To resize and retouch your social media images
Janos Haits

Webflow - Responsive Web Design Tool - 0 views

    "Design responsive websites visually."
Janos Haits

Professional Website Design Software for Designers | Create a Website | Webydo - 1 views

    create and manage code-free business websites
Janos Haits

Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva - 2 views

    Canva enables anyone to become a designer"
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