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Janos Haits

Eclipse.TV ~ Transform your Browser into the Ultimate Internet TV Hub - 0 views

    Eclipse.TV is a cloud based application and set of extensions that deliver a new kind of television experience. We believe the future of television is one of the web, where video on demand networks and applications are the primary source for content rather than your traditional cable or satellite channel.

How to Make an Effective Television Ad? | MYVIGOUR - 1 views

    This article includes information on TV channel broadcasting. Read more to know about the few amazing steps to make amazing effective television ad.
Janos Haits

i.TV - Home - 0 views

shared by Janos Haits on 06 Apr 12 - Cached
    .TV is the second screen platform for television. With the most-downloaded TV app in the history of Apple's App Store, i.TV has revolutionized how millions of TV fans discover, watch and interact with their favorite shows. With innovative apps such as i.TV for iOS and Android, partnerships with companies such as Entertainment Weekly and AOL, and product integrations with Netflix, Comcast, TiVo and Hulu, i.TV will power the future of engaged television.
Janos Haits

Television Fanatic - 0 views

    "Television Fanatic Makes Finding TV Shows Online Easy"
Janos Haits

StreamIT - The innovative TV platform / La piattaforma TV innovativa - Documen... - 0 views

    The switch of TV rewwwolution NewDeal Production aims to promote a new perception of the media, exploiting the great improvement of the Internet technologies and the continuous development of the broadband penetration. Internet is overtaking the traditional television
Janos Haits

Stevie TV - Creating super cool TV from your social media feeds - 0 views

    Stevie turns your Facebook and Twitter into a beautiful television experience!
Janos Haits - 0 views

    VievMix Television Network
Janos Haits - 0 views

    Trendrr Social Television Charts rank shows in a daily and weekly view by their activity across various social networks, tracking 70+ US Networks and their shows.
Janos Haits

Watch TV Online on ChooseAndWatch for FREE - Online TV, Internet TV - 1 views

  • is a completely free alternative to cable or satellite television and lets you watch TV online in your browser. Online TV channels are indexed in 2 menus: TV BY CATEGORY where there are 325 selected online TV channels indexed into 14 categories and TV BY COUNTRY where there are 2939 online TV channels from 147 countries. To watch TV online simply click on desired genre in menu and click on desired online TV channel. Enjoy the Internet TV revolution!
Janos Haits

zeebox - the new way to watch television - 1 views

    zeebox is the new way to watch television. It's social, connecting you to your TV-watching friends, so you can chat, share and tweet about whatever's on. And it's clever - helping you find out more about anything you're watching with links (zeetags) popping up instantly as you watch. Amazing.
Janos Haits - 1 views

    The switch of TV rewwwolution NewDeal Production aims to promote a new perception of the media, exploiting the great improvement of the Internet technologies and the continuous development of the broadband penetration. Internet is overtaking the traditional television
Janos Haits

Rockify.TV - 1 views

    Rockify.TV is an online music video channel! It's like Pandora for music videos (only better). Rockify makes it easy and fun to discover new music and share that music with your friends! Old-school music television is back! Best of all…it's free! Rockify your world and login now!

Know More about TV Channel Broadcasting - 0 views

    Broadcast media is well-defined as the media which is conveyed by the help of audio or visual content over electromagnetic waves. This media contains radio, television, films and similar other forms
Janos Haits

Stevie TV - Creating super cool TV from your social media feeds - 0 views

    "Stevie turns your Facebook and Twitter into a beautiful television experience!"
Janos Haits - 0 views

    "hoopla is an innovative new service that partners with your local public library to bring you thousands of movies, television, music, and audiobook titles for free. There are no costs or hassles. All you need is a library card and a web browser, phone, or tablet."
Janos Haits

Google TV - 0 views

    TV meets web. Web meets TV. Get more information Sign-up for updates about Google TV Watch : Google TV is coming to a living room near you. Google TV is a new experience made for television that combines the TV you know and love with the freedom and power of the Internet. Watch an overview video below, sign up for updates, and learn more about how to develop for Google TV.
Janos Haits (since 2005) - 0 views

    We're the next generation television network We've been leveling the playing field for independent shows since May 11, 2005. Independent show creators are great at making content. We're great at technology, business development, distribution and advertising sales. It's a match made in heaven.
Janos Haits

visited - television reloaded - 0 views

    Have trouble finding quality videos to watch online? We understand. Most video services allow you to find a stream of videos that match exacty what you're looking for, whether it's to laugh, scream, or cry. visited solves that problem by categorizing videos based on the single word you would use to describe it, whether it's "cool!" or "gross!". However, we're also a community generated website, meaning your participation in submitting and voting on videos helps us organize the awesome content we have here!
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