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Janos Haits

Storie - 0 views

    Introducing the Storie Web Clipper Make the web your personal scrapbook. The Storie Web Clipper is a simple web browser plug-in that lets you right-click on any picture you find on the web and add it directly to your stories. 
Janos Haits

Make stories - - 0 views

    Create stories using social media. Turn what people post on social media into compelling stories. You collect the best photos, video, tweets and more to publish them as simple, beautiful stories that can be embedded anywhere.
Janos Haits - "Diorama" - 0 views

    Diorama project now makes this possible. Instead of viewing a story playback, we let you experience your story at your own pace. You will be presented with many little play icons to click on. A treat is hidden under each of those icons waiting to be discovered. Be told about a local museum, a slideshow of a monument, see spectacular camera passes and hear a rich tapestry of 3D sounds. It is all there for you to explore in the story being told. Google Earth never felt more alive.
Janos Haits

Graph Story | Tell Yours - 0 views

    "Your data tells a story. Tell it simply with Graph Story"
Janos Haits

Itizen - Home - 0 views

    Itizen believes that the best things in life are the ones with the best stories behind them, and we've created a new way for you to share those stories. Sign up for a free account, and start telling the story of your stuff today.
Janos Haits

Broadcastr Beta - 0 views

    Broadcastr is a Social Media platform for location-based stories. It enables the recording, indexing, listening, and sharing of audio content. Just like in human memory, every story is bound to a place.Whether dishing last night's details to friends, uncovering local lore, perusing restaurant reviews, listening to travel guides, tuning in to citizen journalism, contemplating oral histories, or sharing hilarious anecdotes, Broadcastr amplifies all our voices. Users can take a GPS-enabled walk as stories about their surroundings stream into their headphones, like a museum tour of the entire world. Users can record their own content, create playlists, follow their friends, and share on Facebook.
Janos Haits

Story Wars - 0 views

    "Create stories. Together. Choose which path the story takes"
Janos Haits

Kred Story - 0 views

    Kred Story is a visual history of your Social Media Influence. Explore the posts, pictures and links that make you influential. See your full influence story and zoom in on meaningful moments.
Janos Haits | The fastest way to discover breaking news and trending stories from aro... - 0 views

    "TOP NEWS, AS IT HAPPENS Newsprompt is the fastest way to discover breaking news and trending stories from around the web."
Janos Haits

Scoopinion: Stories we read. - 0 views

    Stories we read. Scoopinion is a crowd-curated, personalized magazine.
Janos Haits

Trove: The best stories picked by people who share your interests - 0 views

    "The best news stories picked by people who share your interests."
Janos Haits - 0 views

    Users select the topics that interest them to create a personalized feed of stories based on their interests. But unlike other news apps, the feed doesn't simply display the stories. Each headline appears with a 300-character "update" specially written by one of Inside's curators.
Janos Haits

Share trending stories and viral videos that matter to you - 0 views

    "Trending Stories that Rise to the Top"
Janos Haits

StoryMap for Gigapixel Images - StoryMap JS - Telling stories with maps. - 0 views

    "You can use StoryMap to tell stories about photography or art, or to show a journey on a historic map."
Janos Haits

Stories of Tomorrow | - 0 views

    Brikut is a new way of posting local, regional and international stories that are yet to happen, and sharing them with the rest of the world.
Janos Haits

Memory Reel - 0 views

    So, here's what happened... " Get the whole story. In one place.The simplest way for you and your friends to bring together all your photos, status updates, tweets and foursquare check-ins. Now you can tell one consolidated story from that great party, concert, game, vacation, wedding or any other event you attended together.
Janos Haits

Make stories - - 0 views

    a next-generation storytelling platform that lets you build stories from social media.
Janos Haits

Twittamentary - 0 views

    Twittamentary explores how lives meet and affect one another on the fast growing micro-blogging phenomena that is Twitter. Twitter users have contributed stories on a single theme: How Twitter has affected your life and the lives of those around you. What's your Twitter story? The documentary is directed by Singaporean filmmaker and Tweeter, Tan Siok Siok
Janos Haits

NewsWhip | What's trending, right now - 1 views

    Spotting the fastest breaking stories. We score news stories based on how fast they spread on Facebook and Twitter, and how close they are to you.
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