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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ton Koenraad

Ton Koenraad

ErasmusPlus courses offered for teachers of modern languages, CLIL and other subjects. - 13 views

iwb language eu grant tellconsult summercourse clil interaction dialogue telecollaboration
started by Ton Koenraad on 20 Dec 15 no follow-up yet
  • Ton Koenraad
    TELLConsult and partners offer a number of courses on CLIL methodology and the integration of educational technology in language education both for beginners and more experienced users. Topics include the use of tablets, interactive whiteboards, digital video and applications for specific objectives such as the development of speaking skills.
    Also for teachers of other subjects we are proud to offer a course with Sara Hennessy (Cambridge University) on promoting interaction and dialogue in the classroom with the help of the interactive whiteboard.
    For detailed information about the courses, (pre-) registration and the international team of expert animators see TELLConsult's current courses page here:
Ton Koenraad

Summercourse on tele-collaboration and modern language speaking skills - 19 views

erasmusplus summercourse 3D virtual worlds webconferencing
started by Ton Koenraad on 08 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
  • Ton Koenraad
    TELLConsult is coordinating summercourses for professionals in General and Vocational Education based on the results of a number of EU projects we participated in. The 2015 courses are on the use of electronic whiteboards to promote interaction in the classroom (all subjects and sectors) and technology to support the development of modern language oral interaction skills. They are offered in collaboration wth the related project partners including: the Universities of Antwerp (Belgium), Nice (France), OU Catalunya (Spain), Utrecht (Netherlands) and the Kildare and Wicklow Education & Training Board (Ireland). The initiative is facilitated by the University of Valencia (Spain) and the Berlage Lyceum (Netherlands) More details and (pre-)registration here:
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