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Hendy Irawan

Google Data Protocol - Google Code - 0 views

    "The Google Data Protocol is a REST-inspired technology for reading, writing, and modifying information on the web. Many services at Google provide external access to data and functionality through APIs that utilize the Google Data Protocol. The protocol currently supports two primary modes of access: AtomPub: Information is sent as a collection of Atom items, using the standard Atom syndication format to represent data and HTTP to handle communication. The Google Data Protocol extends AtomPub for processing queries, authentication, and batch requests. JSON: Information is sent as JSON objects that mirror the Atom representation."
Hendy Irawan

Protocol Reference - Google Data Protocol - Google Code - 0 views

    "This document describes the Google Data Protocol used by many Google APIs, including information about what a query looks like, what results look like, and so on. "
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