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kelu viorel

Cea mai mare casa pe roti din lume - Stiati ca.... - Forum Rulote - Page 1 - 0 views

    Cea mai mare casa pe roti din lume este de vanzare! O vinde chiar de la cel care a realizat aceasta bijuterie pe roti, germanul Manfred Esterbauer. Acest autobuz articulat, multifunctional, este capabil sa transporte pana la 144 de persoane. Vehiculul masoara nu mai putin de 18 metri lungime, 4 metri inaltime, 2,5 metri latime si cantareste 28 de tone. S-ar parea ca exista doar 12 astfel de exemplare construite. Acest vehicul este înregistrat in "Cartea Recordurilor".
Graham Perrin

Bookmarklet for Zemanta - 1 views

  • Zemanta Bookmarklet
  • on Safari, Chrome and other browsers
  • pages that are supported by Zemanta: Google Mail Compose Yahoo Mail Compose Authoring pages of Wordpress, Blogger, TypePad, MovableType and other blogging platforms that are supported by our browser extensions.
Graham Perrin

Faviki - Social bookmarking tool using smart semantic Wikipedia (DBpedia) tags - 0 views

    Left to right: * triangular switch to close (hide detail) or open   — green switch for other user's bookmarks   — amber switch for your own bookmarks * favicon of the bookmarked item * username of the most recent networker * title of the bookmarked item   — font size a little greater than the norm * date or time of networking   — font size a little less than the norm + save + spam?   — these options appear when you curse over the date/time. When the bookmark is open, detail comprises: * highlight from the page * personal note * tags   — Common Tag   — as you curse over each one, its definition * popularity   — the number of people who have networked the bookmarked item + overview   — this option appears subtly when you curse over the number. Example Faviki overviews and suggest that early adopters of Faviki may not make greatest use of highlights and notes, but that's a separate topic …
    Log in to Faviki to see recent bookmarks from all users at The UI is nice.
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