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La mitad de intereses internacionales en empresas españolas procede de la UE ... - 0 views

    • soniacalonso
  • SociedadRedes SocialesBlogs Viajes Virales ViralesJuegos y Tests Multimedia MultimediaÁlbumesVídeosEspaña is not SpainEl día en 24 fotos Vanitatis Servicios El ConfidencialCERRAR BuscarNewsletterInicia sesiónRegístrateACCEDER A LA COMUNIDADSALIR 685067 Facebook 546955 Twitter 3593 Google plus 4290 Youtube 1657 Instagram email contacto moderador elconfidencial <div cla
Anju Shukla

#Indian #Rupee opens lower at 65.23 per #Dollar - 21 Mar 2018 - 0 views

#Indian&nbsp;#Rupee&nbsp;opens lower at 65.23 per&nbsp;#Dollar&nbsp;- 21 Mar 2018&nbsp; Our Best Services&nbsp;#Commodity&nbsp;Tips:&nbsp; For More Inform...

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started by Anju Shukla on 21 Mar 18 no follow-up yet

mental illness | Services Mental Health - 0 views

  • memory loss short term memory loss Product No. 3 Memory Professor Let me prove to you that you have a great memory!&nbsp;&nbsp;Your Brain is smarter than you think!&nbsp; Memory, of course, is so much more than remembering&nbsp;names. &nbsp;Memory is the building&nbsp;block of all knowledge and skill... What if you could double your memory capacity in as little as&nbsp;14 days? Let me prove to you that you have a great memory!&nbsp;&nbsp;Your Brain is smarter than you think!&nbsp; What if you could remember with ease &amp; master: border: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #0b0909; hyphens: none !important; line-height: 1.5; list-style: none !important; marg
    • farhatasha
      mental health services for world wide patients
    Treatment and mental health support for services mental health to every mentally ill person in the world with top products.
Bakari Chavanu

Is Social Media Comparable To The Industrial Revolution? | Microgeist - 4 views

  • That would really have to depend on what you consider to be a revolution. In many industries, social media won’t leave much of a mark. For those folks, the phenomenon will be more of an idle curiosity. Think a bit more though and, in the U.S. at least social network functionality is everywhere.
  • The death of anonyminity. Without care, internet transactions and communications can be captured and preserved forever. The saving grace? That no one really cares what you had for lunch
  • Is Social Media Comparable To The Industrial Revolution?
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Is Social Media Comparable To The Industrial Revolution?
  • Is Social Media Comparable To The Industrial Revolution?
  • Biggest shift since industrial revolution. The author makes a case for this and does so with enough detail that giving the notion some consideration seems feasible. Is this claim true? That would really have to depend on what you consider to be a revolution. In many industries, social media won’t leave much of a mark. For those folks, the phenomenon will be more of an idle curiosity. Think a bit more though and, in the U.S. at least social network functionality is everywhere.
  • Biggest shift since industrial revolution. The author makes a case for this and does so with enough detail that giving the notion some consideration seems feasible. Is this claim true? That would really have to depend on what you consider to be a revolution. In many industries, social media won’t leave much of a mark. For those folks, the phenomenon will be more of an idle curiosity. Think a bit more though and, in the U.S. at least social network functionality is everywhere.
  • Biggest shift since industrial revolution. The author makes a case for this and does so with enough detail that giving the notion some consideration seems feasible. Is this claim true? That would really have to depend on what you consider to be a revolution. In many industries, social media won’t leave much of a mark. For those folks, the phenomenon will be more of an idle curiosity. Think a bit more though and, in the U.S. at least social network functionality is everywhere.
  • Biggest shift since industrial revolution. The author makes a case for this and does so with enough detail that giving the notion some consideration seems feasible. Is this claim true? That would really have to depend on what you consider to be a revolution. In many industries, social media won’t leave much of a mark. For those folks, the phenomenon will be more of an idle curiosity. Think a bit more though and, in the U.S. at least social network functionality is ever
  • Biggest shift since industrial revolution. The author makes a case for this and does so with enough detail that giving the notion some consideration seems feasible. Is this claim true? That would really have to depend on what you consider to be a revolution. In many industries, social media won’t leave much of a mark. For those folks, the phenomenon will be more of an idle curiosity. Think a bit more though and, in the U.S. at least social network functionality is everywhere.
  • Biggest shift since industrial revolution. The author makes a case for this and does so with enough detail that giving the notion some consideration seems feasible. Is this claim true? That would really have to depend on what you consider to be a revolution. In many industries, social media won’t leave much of a mark. For those folks, the phenomenon will be more of an idle curiosity. Think a bit more though and, in the U.S. at least social network functionality is everywhere.
  • Biggest shift since industrial revolution. The author makes a case for this and does so with enough detail that giving the notion some consideration seems feasible. Is this claim true? That would really have to depend on what you consider to be a revolution. In many industries, social media won’t leave much of a mark. For those folks, the phenomenon will be more of an idle curiosity. Think a bit more though and, in the U.S. at least social network functionality is everywhere.
  • Biggest shift since industrial revolution. The author makes a case for this and does so with enough detail that giving the notion some consideration seems feasible. Is this claim true? That would really have to depend on what you consider to be a revolution. In many industries, social media won’t leave much of a mark. For those folks, the phenomenon will be more of an idle curiosity. Think a bit more though and, in the U.S. at least social network functionality is everywhere.

Created a random slogan with your word - Slogan Generator - 0 views

  • The real taste of sportsbook, betting, livebet, sportsbetting offers for you - please visit site ... - Read NOTES before placing your bet, if you want to win .
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David Corking

Twitter / spam's Favorites - 0 views

  • spamGiving out your username and password to a 3rd party site promising you more followers: not a good idea! Please be safe!6:22 AM Jun 7th from web &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;spamGeneral tip: don't retweet a spammer's message. You might get suspended accidentally, and that's no good.
    Useful tips that apply to any social networking service

Cyclette Con Schienale » Smart Opinioni - 0 views

  • Cyclette con Schienale
  • Le 5 migliori cyclette con schienaleLe cyclette sono una risorsa ideale per tenersi in forma da casa e risparmiare così tempo e denaro. Questo attrezzo per il fitness casalingo ti permette di fare esercizio fisico anche se non hai tempo o voglia di andare in palestra: puoi praticare la quantità minima di esercizio quotidiano comodamente da casa tua, a tuo piacimento.&nbsp;Oltre ad essere utili per mantenere una buona forma fisica, le cyclette&nbsp;aiutano&nbsp;anche&nbsp;a migliorare e mantenere la salute: nello specifico, una cyclette è pensata per chi cerca il comfort durante l’attività fisica. Tuttavia, ci sono un gran numero di modelli e può essere che la scelta sia complicata: pertanto, ti forniamo una breve guida all’acquisto per trovare la cyclette con schienale giusta per te.&nbsp;
    "Cyclette con Schienale"
    Le 5 migliori cyclette con schienale

horse racing results | horse racing - 0 views

  • horse racing horse racing
  • Horse racing has somewhat protracted and eminent account and has been experienced in societies across the world ever since earliest times. Archaeological registers point out that horse racing occurred in Primeval Greece, Babylon, Syria, and Egypt. It also share myth and fable, such as the match between the steeds of the god Odin and the giant Hrungnir in Norse mythology. Ireland has a rich history of horse racing; point to pointing originated there, and even today, jump racing is more popular than racing on the flat. As a result, every year Irish horse racing fans travel in huge numbers to the highlight event of the National Hunt calendar, the Cheltenham Festival
  • ​The Whale Won $30+ Million Betting On Sports! $500 Monthly Recurring! Updated For 2018! The Sports Betting Whale Is A Number And Pattern-recognition Genius Who Was The Largest Sports Bettor In The U.s. The Whale Turned $1,000 Into Over $30 Million Dollars. The Whale's Picks Premium Membership Picks from the "Whale" of sports betting. "The Whale" is a number and pattern-recognition genius who was the largest sports bettor in the U.S. "The Whale" successfully turned a starting $1,000 bankroll into tens of millions of dollars in winning profits. TODAY'S PAYMENT $19.00 Immediate access to this product or service is available once payment is approved. Future Payments Monthly Payment of $299.00 * Free instant access is waiting you, we guarantee our service to make you beneficial with constant revenue... Click link and open sale page for full information and order... please copy paste below link in your browser, if it is not clickable...
Gordon Herd

5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media - 0 views

  • 77Share digg_url = ''; digg_title = '5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media'; digg_bodytext = 'The 2010 Technology Entertainment Design conference will be kicking off tomorrow in Long Beach, California, bringing the leading minds of many fields together to talk shop about innovation, change, and what the future holds.\n\nAs social media has become a game changer for industries across the board, you can bet the experts at this year\'s TED conf'; email share var shared_object = SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media", url: "" }, {button:false,onmouseover:false}); shared_object.attachButton(document.getElementById('st_sharethis')); shared_object.attachChicklet('email', document.getElementById('st_email')); The 2010 Technology Entertainment Design conference will be kicking off tomorrow in Long Beach, California, bringing the leading minds of many fields together to talk shop about innovation, change, and what the future holds.As social media has become a game changer for industries across the board, you can bet the experts at this year’s TED conference will have their sights set on peeling back the hype and getting at the core of what social technology has in store for this year and beyond.Perhaps the best part of the TED conferences is that videos of the talks are archived and free to view right on the organization’s website. Given the wealth of insight we’re sure to see tomorrow, we thought we’d whet your appetite by highlighting a few recent and exceptional talks from TED’s past, with a focus on social media.
    5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media.

Cửa nhôm kính chất lượng cho khách hàng lựa chọn - 0 views


started by hungthinh1234 on 23 Nov 20 no follow-up yet

Cửa nhôm kính chất lượng cho khách hàng lựa chọn - 0 views


started by hungthinh1234 on 23 Nov 20 no follow-up yet

Cửa nhôm kính chất lượng cho khách hàng lựa chọn - 0 views


started by hungthinh1234 on 23 Nov 20 no follow-up yet

Cửa nhôm kính chất lượng cho khách hàng lựa chọn - 0 views


started by hungthinh1234 on 23 Nov 20 no follow-up yet

Cửa nhôm kính chất lượng cho khách hàng lựa chọn - 0 views


started by hungthinh1234 on 23 Nov 20 no follow-up yet

Cửa nhôm kính chất lượng cho khách hàng lựa chọn - 0 views


started by hungthinh1234 on 23 Nov 20 no follow-up yet

Cửa nhôm kính chất lượng cho khách hàng lựa chọn - 0 views


started by hungthinh1234 on 23 Nov 20 no follow-up yet

Cửa nhôm kính chất lượng cho khách hàng lựa chọn - 0 views


started by hungthinh1234 on 23 Nov 20 no follow-up yet

Situs Hugotogel Platform Togel Online Terpercaya dan Terlengkap - 0 views

Situs Hugotogel: Platform Togel Online Terpercaya dan Terlengkap Dalam era digital saat ini, permainan togel telah berkembang pesat dari yang semula hanya dapat dimainkan secara konvensional me...

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started by hugotogel on 27 Aug 24 no follow-up yet
izmir tabela reklamcılık

Turhan Aluminyum Logo Animasyon - YouTube - 0 views

  • Turhan Aluminyum Logo Animasyon İzmir Marka Reklam Ajansı Creative Advertising
    İzmir Marka Advertising Agency, Advertising and Communication Services, under the Brand Management Consulting , impressive and powerful brand identity that created the brand's target customers define the target customers of the quality and explores the decision process of buying and brand positioning according to these criteria and a brand story writer compatible with the positioning to consumers through effective and powerful media we call this the story of the message.
izmir tabela reklamcılık

İzmir Marka Reklam Ajansı Creative Advertising - YouTube - 0 views

  • Markareklam Furniture Photography İzmir Marka Reklam Ajansı Creative Advertising
  • Markareklam Furniture Photography
    we are making digital backgrounds for furniture photography
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