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AVR microcontroller programming in C for Atmel AVR microcontrollers - 0 views

    Multisoft Systems help learners develop their core understanding of microcontroller advance features & designing of embedded systems with classroom and online AVR training course.

New Wave of ARM Cortex Microcontrollers - 0 views

    More and more semiconductor providers have released new microcontrollers with ARM CORTEX-M3/M0 cores. It is time to review the new product lines and check out their advantages over most successful ARM7TDMI microcontroller.

Quick Selection for Freescale Microcontroller - 0 views

    It is quite difficult for a designer to select a suitable one from hundreds of microcontrollers for his project.

8051 Microcontroller Interview Questions 2019 - Online Interview Questions - 0 views

    Top 8051 Microcontroller Interview questions and answers asked in interviews

360 degree ARM microcontroller training from Multisoft Systems - 0 views

    ARM microcontroller training at Multisoft Systems is imparted by a team of expert and skilled trainers, providing advanced and effective skill development of students and working professionals in ARM µP.

UC3 Introduction Atmel 32bit mcu microcontroller - 0 views

    Topic of this second issue of AVR TV is ATMEL's launch of new 32-bit microcontroller, the UC3

Renesas M16C Microcontroller LCD Display - 0 views

    The RENESAS M16C LCD Display allows both to visualize on a display the data received from an other device and to send a sequence of data string, as a response to a specific request. A complete project of

Datasheet by EMCelettronica | Datasheet 2.0 - 0 views

    Datasheet on semiconductors, microcontrollers, discretes, passive and more electronics components parts. Datasheets about the most important brands and datasheet related to the obsolete parts.

DC Motor Servo control using FLEX with Scilab/Scicos - 0 views

    FLEX is born as a development board where to easily develop and test real-time applications for the Microchip microcontrollers (Datasheet 2.0). Scilab/Scicos is a code generator for the FLEX Board. Let's see how to control a DC Motor Servo using FLEX

Secure Design Using a Microcontroller (II) - 0 views

    The software trap is a programming feature used to capture an abnormal program running status. The general principle is to setup a trap for software, and redirect from the code out of control to a specified address, and get back to its normal running

STM32 connectivity line: the solution for real-time, audio, and networked applications - 0 views

    STMicroelectronics has extended the STM32 products family introducing a new series of microcontrollers: the STM32 connectivity line, which includes the new devices STM32F105 and STM32F107, both based on the 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 processor.

Getting Started with JM Bagde Board from Freescale - 0 views

    The Freescale JM Badge Board features a MCF51JM128 ColdFire V1 microcontroller (datasheet), a MPR083/4 proximity capacitive touch sensor, a MMA7260QT three‐axis accelerometer (datasheet), and a MC34673 Li‐Ion battery charger (datasheet).

Audio Reproduction on HCS12 Microcontrollers with Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Capability - 1 views

    .WAV files have a standard format that contains sample data and a header describing the format and contents of the file. It is important to check the format of the file to be downloaded to the HCS12 MCU, as reading a file of an unexpected format will result in corrupt sample data. Reading the value of a number of the parameters stored in the header and comparing these to the values expected authenticates the format of the file. This is the method used to check the validity of the .WAV file in the accompanying example source code.

Open Source GPS Tracker - 0 views

    You only need 3 things to build a gps tracker: gps module A1035D, mobile phone Motorola C168i, microcontroller ATTINY84-20PU... and just a bit of patience.

How to Configure MQX for ColdFire - 0 views

    Freescale offers complementary MQX RTOS suite for its ColdFire microcontroller with full source code. Although the software is deliveried in source code, it is highly recommended not touching source code in the component level. Freescale suggests designer using a user configuration file to configure the operation system in compile time.

Introduction to the USBMULTILINK - 0 views

    The first point when you need one, the USBMULTILINK in combination with the one chip Berg bug and debug interface on Freescale's microcontrollers provides all the functionalities associated with an in circuit emulator at a fraction of the cost.

How to Use Wireless Sensing Triple Axis ZSTAR from Freescale - 0 views

    The ZSTAR demo board was designed to demonstrate Freescale's latest innovations in wireless connectivity, sensors and embedded flash microcontrollers.

Flexis AC Demonstration Video - 0 views

    My name is Scott Pape and I'm here with Scott Brown, both of us are system and application engineers at Freescale Semiconductor. Thanks for joining us for a short demonstration of the demo AC kit, the development platform for the Flexis AC product line.

Freescale: Benefits of 8- and 32-bit MCU Compatibility - 0 views

    About 2 years ago, we announced our Flexis product families. These are products that offered the promise of software and hardware compatibility between 8 bit and 32 bit. And what we offer this compatibility between our SO8 products which are 8 bit and our ColdFire products on 32 bit.
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