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Jade Diaz

The Difference (And Relationship) Between Usability And User Experience - 5 views

    Interesting article that highlights how it takes the whole organization's commitment in order to go from good usability to good user experience.
    Good article. I also like the diagram.

Responsive Web Design - 6 views

Some good examples of RWD sites. The "non-grid-y" designs we reviewed: - - - ******************...

design examples css

started by matthewav on 08 May 12 no follow-up yet

SimplyNoise - Looping White Noise - 4 views

    Just thought I'd share. I think the site speaks enough for itself.
Jade Diaz

A Pinterest Contest for the 'New Librarian' - 3 views

    A few links about innovative new ways to do librarianship along with challenge to build a Pinterest collection that describes envisions what future libraries will be.

Website Emotionally Intelligent Interactions. - 4 views

    A good article on using the proper language and injecting some intelligent humanity into the text used on website content, forms and pop-up windows.

Interesting Maps in Web Design - 2 views

    Some nice takes on maps.

Academic and Higer Ed Websites - 2 views

    Some neato ones, some not-so-neato ones.
Aaron Choate

Simon Collison | Colly | The Celebrated Miscellany - 2 views

    Interesting example of resizing layout based on browser width.
Aaron Choate

QR Codes-Are people using them? Do I need one? | bizologie - 2 views

    QR Code usage stats (last half of 2010)
Aaron Choate

Multitasking Takes Toll on Memory, Study Finds - - 2 views

    Interesting article about issues re: multitasking
Aaron Choate

Got an iPhone or 3G iPad? Apple is recording your moves - O'Reilly Radar - 2 views

    Today at Where 2.0 Pete Warden and I will announce the discovery that your iPhone, and your 3G iPad, is regularly recording the position of your device into a hidden file. Ever since iOS 4 arrived, your device has been storing a long list of locations and time stamps. We're not sure why Apple is gathering this data, but it's clearly intentional, as the database is being restored across backups, and even device migrations.
    Wow - kinda cool and just a little bit creepy. not being transmitted to Apple, but ... what's it for?
Aaron Choate

Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names | Kalzumeus Software - 2 views

    This is from a while ago, but I heard this mentioned the other day. Interesting, brief list of some of the issues we have with dealing with names.
Jade Diaz

A National Digital Public Library Begins to Take Shape - 2 views

    They'll face some of the same challenges we will with building LALSDL as well as some even bigger ones
Jade Diaz

Slow Train to the Future - 2 views

    "Tablet computers do not yet pose a threat to displace laptops as the prevailing device among college students."
Jade Diaz

How To Create Outstanding Modern Infographics - 2 views

    Tutorial on creating infographics in Illustrator
Aaron Choate

Mann Library SmartMap - 2 views

    Takes the floorplan and provides more detail/context (custom code)

Scrolling Left to Right - 2 views

    In this blog post by a Microsoft developer, there are examples of scrolling on a single webpage by moving left to right (vs. scrolling up and down). Also, some main navigational buttons and menus are now on the RIGHT side of the layout instead of the long-used left side of the layout location for these elements. I believe this is an example of the influence of touch screens on tablets, phones, and computers affecting the long held paradigm of left side menu navigation. The gesture navigation of touch screens is making another mark on design and layouts.

"Kuler" Palettes - 2 views

    New in CS5, Adobe Kuler is present in Photoshop and Illustrator. It's a live palette item that features color palettes created by various designers from around the web (professional and non-professional). You can save favorite palettes, browse the live palette library and submit your own palettes for consideration. It's a great resource.
Aaron Choate

Documentation « Xibo Open Source Digital Signage - 2 views

    Interesting open source project for managing a local display screen network
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